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Everything posted by oprah

  1. If I relabeled it as "Feedback: it's hard to find a general server overview on the main website" would that be valid? Either way it doesn't make a difference to me at this point as an active player. Move, archive, do with the thread what you will. Just made this to share my experience as a new user trying to pick between RSPS servers.
  2. I've been trying out different RSPS and found it's surprisingly hard to find server overviews (exp multiplier/modes, population, content availaibility, etc.) on home pages. Check velheim, zaros, runewild, alora website - if there is a server description it's usually in the vote aggregators but not on the official site. Maybe because most new visitors come straight from the vote lists? But I think it'd be nice to have a section for more visibility on the actual webpage that talks about what the server is about.
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