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Wengs last won the day on June 24

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About Wengs


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Rank of the Black Knight

Rank of the Black Knight (3/22)

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  1. New dad who dis


  2. I do like the idea of the soups, would be nice
  3. +1 I desperately need this till i get the auto screener
  4. Personally I would love to see the introduction of Elite Dungeons 4. Though I would settle for just the boss
  5. I like the ability hiding behind some pretty long/hard achievements. +1
  6. IGN: Wengs IS2: Earth and Song IP7: Bounty IP9: You Really Zuk Awarded! -Tyrone
  7. I like this suggestion, for me anyway it gets pricey changing the portal 7-8 times a day for my reapers.
  8. Welcome! Hope to see you online sometime :)
  9. Hey guys my name is John, ign Wengs. I used to play rs3 and grew tired with the economy and wanted to start an ironman so this server gave me all that I wanted. I don't play a lot but am slowing working towards maxing, bis gear, and eventually a comp cape. Good luck to everyone gaming!
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