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Everything posted by Thechief

  1. Edited : First of all, I want to start with that i like the server, it is really unique with the combat being like OS but still rs3 stuff. Shout out to Sand for this!!! And I know how hard it is to get everyone happy (you can’t). But this can also be a thing which people don’t like ofc, since it harder then rs3 for some people (example: pray flicking etc.) So, this also makes it harder to get people I guess And I know how hard it is to get everyone happy (you can’t). Getting new players is one but keeping them is a second. We could try a lot of things to get new people, but we currently are also losing a lot of people. I think there needs to be a balance between that, there are a lot of things that could be changed so that people stay, and no need to add something new. There are a few (I believe) "small" things that can be changed to get people to stay. OFC new things are also nice, but I don’t know what other game mode would be a thing, so I am not exited for that. And necro is going to have a huge impact and hell of a lot of work for sand I am afraid. Personally, I don’t think it makes sense to add it here. A bigger thing: I just think we might need a better balance between combat styles, ofc when aoe is needed melee and mage make sense, but in High level pvm that’s not needed, and range is just so op. This would also make prices a bit better for things, ranged items are much more expensive than the others, this will also mean that other bosses will be done more. Since it all can make money. Edit: And ofc we also need new players, and a good way will be advertisement, and a good high position on the server list. Thats how I found this server, seen an ad, but ad first I ignored that wanted a bussier and higher position server then many that advertised at that moment, so when i saw it high in list I checked it out
  2. It would be nice indeed to get a bloodwood there, escpescially for the ultimate ironmans, since they always have items with them.. ( or gets expensive to get rit of all items) Could even make it like how i know it atleast was in rs3, a max of items per tree. So it will be part of the daily run. (maybe not so good for ultimates, but still the need can be there to go into wild for other accounts)
  3. Yeah idealy pages need to drop and escpesially for jas give more charges (or it needs to use less) DUmb other idea, destroy a book into pages, since there probably is an overvlow of books. Also can keep the prices of books a bit higher this way.
  4. It is really hard to see.. When i look into Legiones I never see which pet I have so i have to check seperatly in followers. Same goes for DK's. Maybe just put an outline to the received once
  5. Since for example Croesos doesnt drop any pages and JAS charges go really quick, I had 3 idea's. 1: Maybe make these pages available true Treasure Trail in low quantity and /or higher rarity. 2: Make other scripture pages be useable on other books. 3: Make godbook pages (bandos armadyl etc..) be useable on them with a conversion like 1/2, 1/3, 1/4 or something like that What do you guys think? Or do you have another suggestion?
  6. That would be great for ironman modes! Would love it on my GIM
  7. Yes that whould be very nice
  8. Oo thats nice. Lets see if I can max in that time (guess not :D)
  9. RSC was released January 4, 2001. - RSC was originally created by Andrew and Paul Gower and Constant Tedder, and run off a single server in the attic of the Gowers' parental home. - Tutorial Island was released on September 24, 2002. - Dueling was added on March 25, 2004. - In RSC, girls used to be able to have beards and other types of facial hair! This was later removed. - When a player logs into free to play world from a members' location, there is completely blue screen, and the player can't move. - When a player performs actions such as fishing, cooking, and mining, their character just stands there and does nothing. However, there is a bubble over their head which shows a picture of the item they are using, whether it be a harpoon, net, or pick. - At one point in RSC there was only one pick axe. There weren’t different ones made from different metals. - Platebody armor looks very muscular. - Halloween Masks look different than they do is RS2: players can see the back of their head and the string that holds the mask on. - Herblore was called, "Herblaw." - Before Herblaw was released is RSC, players had to use the Apothecary in Varrock to make strength potions. - At one time, there were only regular "bones" to train prayer with. - Players are able to shoot arrows through the windows in the Barbarian Village tavern. These windows never existed in RS2. - When shooting arrows from a bow using the "Ranged" skill, the arrows are portayed as green stars as they fly towards their target. - Player's must have logged on to RSC during a six month period (starting August 2008, ending February 2009), or else they lost the ability to play RSC. - There are only four types of bones: Normal bones, bat bones, dragon bones, and big bones. - Black Knights (at level 46) were originally the strongest monsters. - When an archer or mage is melee attacked in RSC, they are forced into melee combat themselves! - Instead of a rope to enter Elvarg's lair on Crandor Island, there is a stair case. - When chopping wood, if you don't get any logs you get this message, "You slip and fail to hit the tree..." - Ice Warriors wield Mithril Maces and have a mithril square shield. (Alas, they never did drop any mith.) - All giants look the same, they're just different colors. They have staves, torn cloths, and beards. - A hatchet looks like a battle axe when wielded. - Characters and walls are 2D while beds, tables, and props like giant candelabras are 3D. - In dungeons, one side of the wall has a flickering candle effect, while the other side is black. - Players have 30 inventory spots. Equipped items are shaded red and kept in the inventory, still taking up space. - Both kiteshields and square shields look like square shields when wielded. - If you drop your cat, you get a message saying it got scared and ran away. It is just an item in your inventory. - While training agility, you walk and click on an item (like a rope swing) and are just simply teleported. - The Prayer and Magic interfaces are a list of the names of the spells/prayers instead of icons. You just click the name. - Objects such as trees, signposts, flowers, and doors are represented by a blue dot. - Miles certs bars, Niles certs fish, and Giles certs ore. - Unicorns are level 21 in RSC. - There is an option to talk to monsters. - When you choose the option, "Talk to......." on a monster it says, "The ....... doesn't appear interested in talking." - When you want to close a door you have to right click the door and select, "Close doorframe." - There is an option to block duel requests. - Dark wizards always wear black pants with a black shirt and have black hair. They don't wear a hood like they do in RS2. - Doors always remain open, unless closed by a player. - Where the fountain by the east bank in Falador is, there are six empty one room houses in two rows, that have nothing in them. - There is an option to set the camera angle to auto. (I think that would be cool to have now!) - Cannons are mounted on wooden wheels and have eight barrels, thus giving it the name, "multicannon." - Dwarves are level 18. - Characters have a mouth and fingers. - If you still have an existing RSC account, if you edit your friends' list in RS2, the same change will be made to your RSC list, and vice versa. - Characters are not able to walk through NPC's. - When you die in you receive a message that says, "You have been granted another life. Be more carefull this time! You retain your skills. Your objects land where you died." - You are able to attack Hans around Lumbridge Castle. He is level 3. - There is no run option. - Early in RSC, another player’s combat level could only be seen in the wilderness. - There are no weapon speeds, so the R2H is the most popular weapon. - Rune 2 Handers used to cost one million coins. Considering the ways to make cash back then were by selling items to general stores and coin drops, that's like paying for a Dragonfire Shield today! - There was a dead skill called, “Carpentry.” Construction is suspiciously similar to that skill. - Way back, only bread and meat could be cooked. - Pies were added in March, 2001. - Tailoring used to be a nearly useless and hard to raise skill. It was later removed and put in as an add on to crafting. - Full helms were once called large helms. - When RSC was first released it only had: Iron, Steel, Mithril, and Adament classes. - In early 2001, there was both “Good Magic” and “Evil Magic” skills. - Spells are represented as blue stars flying across the screen. - Autocasting doesn't exsist. - In early 2001, a steel plate required a whopping level 96 smithing to make! - Way back, only normal trees could be cut. - For a few months in RSC, one could choose from different classes such as "magician" or "adventurer" when creating an account. Depending on what class was chosen, free xp was given to the player. - Female platebodies used to exist, and players used to be able to convert between the two, as well as between platelegs and plateskirts by talking to a smith in Varrock or Ardougne. - Many items look the same when being wielded. For example, there is no way to discern longswords, shortswords or two-handed swords wielded by another player. - Only one player can talk to an NPC at a time. - Melee combat is two-way only, but rangers and mages can attack a monster or player engaged in melee combat with someone else. - Various NPC's sometimes appear in random places. They do not move, and cannot be attacked or interacted with. Notable examples include a level 47 Monk of Zamorak in Lumbridge and gnomeballers in farm areas and near Ice Mountain. - The "Rune" in "RuneScape" does not refer to the metal, but to the magical runes. The Rune metal was not available when RuneScape was first released. - PKing is a very different skill than it is in RS2. Players are required to endure three hits before running from a fight. The goal of PKers is to "three-hit" their opponents, ensuring victory before they can escape. - The plumes (feathers in the top) of full helmets are red, instead of blue like they are in RS2. - Runecrafting was released with the current version of Runescape (RS2). In RSC, you can't make your own runes to train magic. You have to buy them from shops or acquire them as monster drops. - Black knights occasionally drop heaps of flour. The only way to pick up this flour was to is a pot handy. This is the only time flour was seen in its true form, outside of the windmill. - To help limit autoing in there is a "Fatigue" status. When players become too "fatigued" they are still able to do skills, but they get a warning message stating that they are not getting any experience for them. In order to start gaining xp from skills again, players have to sleep. Beds can be slept on, or a sleeping bag can be purchased to sleep in. Upon awakening, players have to type in a random word to resume play. - There is no option to "Offer X" or "Offer All" when trading. To put up a large amount of a stackable item, one has to click and hold down their mouse on top of an item, and the stock of the said item in the trade screen will increase. Thus, to make expensive purchases, it can take a long time to finally reach the desired number of coins. - All quest items used to be tradeable in the early days of RSC. The most commonly traded items included the blurite for the "Knights Sword" quest, the map piece from killing Wormbrain during "Dragon Slayer," and the Silverlight sword. This was changed because the staff at Jagex felt it was unfair for players to gain these items so easily instead of having the levels or ability to gain them themselves. - In the early day of RSC, players found using bots were occasionally given stat resets instead of bans. Now all characters found using bots are banned permanently. - There is no bank note system like the one used in RS2. There are certificates instead. Players spend hours and hours certing their items, 5, 10, 15 or 25 at a time to able to trade their items easier. - Players are able to mine, woodcut, or fish as many ores, logs, or fish as they want without having to constantly drop them to provide room for more supplies. When the players inventory becomes full, any further logs, ores, or fish obtained will just drop onto the ground.
  10. Yeah that whould be really nice for presige
  11. I am new here and playing for almost a week. I am still in the FC since sometimes I get some useful information or I can help someone, but I also see a lot of different thinks are talked about in the chat. Nothing wrong with that but sometimes it is annoying if you/someone else asks for help but you don't see the answer since there is a lot of other chats going on. I have seen that happen a couple of times. Of course it is different everywhere but it didn't take long for me to think, why isn't someone moderating this, since I see a lot of things happening in the help FC which shouldn't be happening there. It is called help for some reason, else it should just be called Velheim or something, just to have a chat with each other.
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