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Funkii Panda

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Everything posted by Funkii Panda

  1. I would assume it does as it's an "Ingame" method that can be used by anyone but worth waiting for a Mod / Staff to comment I guess.
  2. As a suggestion regarding this - Worth putting a time limit on it? So you have 48 hours (over the event period) to get as much as possible? Those that have other commitments then sweating out to this event won't even be close to competing for prizes.
  3. 1. Dark Souls 2. Runescape 3. Horizon Zero Dawn (Can't wait for the new one) 4. Minecraft 5. Age of Empires
  4. If not a new skill I would say a rework to woodcutting / fletching / fm (like they did with Mining / Smithing)
  5. IGN: Funkii Panda IS1: Guildmaster Tony's Mattock -------------- IS1: Guildmaster Tony's Mattock
  6. Can I apply for vet rank please? I'm a few days off the 3 year cape, have around 950 hours on my main with at least 50+ on "Alt" accounts (Made this account around 11 May 2018)
  7. IGN: Funkii Panda IS2: Earth and Song IM9: Max The Hardcore IM16: Hazelmere's signet ring D3: Verified Discord Account ----------------------- IS2: Earth and Song IM9: Max The Hardcore IM16: Hazelmere's signet ring D3: Verified Discord Account
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