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Everything posted by Broy00

  1. Here's to 6 more! What a fun journey it has been. Thanks Sand for all that you have done, do, and will continue to do!
  2. Not sure if I like this.
  3. Support, I would grind these
  4. Amazing updates as always! Two worlds is absolutely a game changer.
  5. Can you give a suggestion? Do you run your mobile browser in desktop mode? That's what I do , and its flawless.
  6. Great observation and suggestion. You've got my support.
  7. I think this might be a case by case issue. I don't have issues, nor have I ever had issues voting from a mobile device. I would love to hear other's experiences when voting on a mobile device.
  8. Awesome update, looking forward to the mini game!
  9. Agreed, I did puro puro the other day. I was simply catching nature imps and it was a struggle.
  10. Awesome as always. Thank you!
  11. Wouldn't hurt. I probably would be more prone to catch some implimgs if this was implemented.
  12. Broy00

    Nour's intro

    Loved reading that short excerpt about your life. Welcome to the server!
  13. Oh these are lovely. Thanks sand!
  14. Glad to have you apart of the community. I enjoy you spying on me when you see me lol.
  15. Hello! Welcome to velheim!
  16. Welcome to the forums! Glad you have been enjoying the game and the community.
  17. Welcome to the forums. I actually love forums man.siaxord can get a bit messy, and easy to miss stuff.
  18. Super adren and adren renewals are huge! Thanks for the update.
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