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Following this managed to kill telos multiple times, as a person who really sucks at pvm this guide helped a ton. Much simpler than others and right to the point
Cooking is an artisan skill that is used to cook raw food for a number of reasons, including restoring life points and the temporary boosting of skill levels. There are many different types of food in Velheim, each healing a certain amount of life points. However, as with all skills, players must reach certain levels to cook various types of foods. Equipment/Items Cooking 1-99 99+ (200m) Congratulations on achieving level 99 cooking! You are now one step closer to maxing your account! How about getting 120 and achieve the Master cape?
Agility is a support skill which gives access to various shortcuts around the map. More shortcuts become accessible as the player's Agility level increases. A higher Agility level also causes the player's energy to recharge quicker naturally, when resting, and when listening to a musician. The main way to gain experience in Agility is for the player to complete an agility course. Agility courses are loops of simple obstacles. The themes and levels required to use a training course are highly varied. Equipment/Items 1-99 Courses 99+ (200m) Congratulations on achieving level 99 Agility! You are now one step closer to maxing your account! How about getting 120 and achieve the master cape?
Welcome to the Player Owned Ports Guide. In this guide I will show you briefly how to start out on Player Owned Ports, for those who are curious about the mini-game, and how to be able to get your hands on PoP Armour. Also note that you can see players inside the Ports itself, unlike RS3. REQUIREMENTS TO START You need atleast level 90 or higher in five of these skills: Agility, Construction, Cooking, Divination, Dungeoneering, Fishing, Herblore, Hunter, Prayer, Runecrafting, Slayer or Thieving. HOW TO GET THERE Start off by doing CTRL+T, Portal at home or clicking on your Home teleportation (found at your minimap, also see pictures below, click the button inside the purple square). After you will get up the Velheim Teleportation Menu, you want to click on the map as in the little purple square, and then proceed by clicking on the Player-Owned Ports teleport shown on the left side in the first purple rectangle shown in the picture below. Then for the the last teleport click on the Teleport now option, which is found in the second purple rectangle, which is also shown down in the same picture below. After you will be teleported next to the Port portal, located in Port Sarim. Proceed by clicking Enter on the Port portal. Then you will arrive inside the Player Owned Ports. Which will look like shown in the picture below, with having your screen zoomed out, you will see abit more than in the picture itself. But this is just ment to show an idea how it looks like when you come inside. THE PARTNER To start off Player Owned Ports you want to speak to The Partner, which will give you up to five options. This is your ships, you start out with one, which you can send out, to get more ships requires chimes. I recommend doing ED1 trash runs for chimes, which is where I have gotten most of mine personally. Also when sending our your ships, you have five options to choose from, which is shown below. Longer time, less success you have. But you do have alot more chance of getting better and more rewards, from choosing a longer time option. THE NOTICEBOARD By clicking The Noticeboard you will get the option like shown below, which says what you have. Plate which is for the Tetsu Armour and Weapons (katana and wakizashi), Lacquer which is for the Death Lotus Armour and Weapon (dart), Chi Globe which is used for the Seasingers Armour and Weapons (kiba and makigai). Last is Chimes which is used to buy more ships (up to five in total and since you already have one unlocked, you can buy four ships), the Reefwalker's cape and the Leviathan ring. Also for the Ports Score, you will get more from sending out ships in general. THE TRADER From The Trader, there is three options. The first one is to check your Loyalty titles, which you will get from sending out ships. The second options gives you an option to trade your Plates, Lacquer or Chi Globes for more chimes, which I do not recommend unless you have alot of them. However I do recommend doing ED1 trash runs for Chimes. For the third and last option, is where you can buy all the Player Owned Ports gear and weapons, for Chimes, Plates, Lacquer or Chi Globes. There is also upgrade kits used for Tetsu and Seasinger versions, which you can get from doing ED1 trash runs, as I have mentioned. They are called Seasinger weapon upgrade kit, normally these would only work for the Seasinger weapons, but these also works for the Tetsu weapon upgrades on Velheim. For the Superior version of a Player Owned Ports armour piece, you can upgrade their Head slot, Body slot or Leg slot with using the item on The Trader, Head pieces cost 1,000 Chimes, Body pieces cost 2,100 Chimes and Leg pieces costs 1,600 Chimes per. Gloves and Boots is already in their Superior versions when bought. LAST TOUCH For the last touch, I do recommend having the VOC Voyager game perk, which costs 400 Velheim Coins, however this isn't needed. The perk gives ships a 20% increased return chance and also 15% increased rewards chance. To find this game perk go to "Quest Journals -> Game Perks -> VOC Voyager". Click the little square shown at the bottom of the picture (with the three blue persons and the white question mark, which you can find next to the other tabs), then proceed by clicking on game perks, then scroll all the way down and the VOC Voyager will be the fifth last game perk, shown in the pictures below. I hope that this guide for Player Owned Ports has helped you out.I WILL BE UPDATING THIS GUIDE TIME TO TIME, IF NEEDED.
The King Black Dragon, is an enormous, three-headed black dragon. He was the second dragon ever, created by Kerapac's fellow dragonkin Phalaks, a failed project intended to replicate the powerful Queen Black Dragon some time in or before the First Age. One decade later, he was released into the Wilderness. Location Setup/Gear suggestions KBD Mechanics My strategy/Tips Drops
The Corporeal Beast is the physical incarnation of the Spirit Beast, and is a boss monster. The Corporeal Beast possesses a number of formidable abilities that distinguish it from similarly-levelled boss monsters. It has very high accuracy, damage and health for a boss of its level. It is also capable of eating summoning familiars. Though it has no weaknesses, its thick armour greatly reduces the damage of all non-spear weapons and can also summon dark energy cores to attack players and siphon their health as its own. Location Setup/suggestion Corporeal Beast Mechanics My strategy/tips Drops
Smithing is an artisan skill through which players may create a wide variety of items from ore and metal bars. It is the companion skill of Mining, which generates raw material that are used in Smithing. Ores acquired from Mining are smelted into metal bars at furnaces and then hammered into items at anvils. Smithing Rework Info Equipment/Items Bars Masterwork Armour Smithing 1-99 99+ (200M) Video Guide Congratulations on achieving level 99 Smithing! You are now one step closer to maxing your account! How about getting 120 and achieve the Master cape?
Arcadiez! With all the guides way to go bud!
Fishing is a gathering skill which involves catching fish. Higher Fishing levels allow for the utilisation of different mechanisms of Fishing as well as the ability to catch a larger selection of fish. Caught fish may be cooked through the Cooking skill to create food which may be used to regain health during combat. Equipment/items Fishing Guild Fishing 1-99 99+ (200M) Congratulations on achieving level 99 Fishing! You are now one step closer to maxing your account! How about getting 120 and achieve the Master cape?
Woodcutting (often abbreviated as WC or WCing) is a gathering skill that involves chopping down different types of trees and vegetation. For each type of tree, a minimum Woodcutting level and a hatchet are required to cut it. With each increase in level, a player will be able to cut trees faster. Woodcutting speed also increases for every improvement in hatchet used, from bronze to crystal. Trees are easy to find, as they are located all throughout map (the exceptions to this are Morytania and the Wilderness, where many of the trees cannot be chopped down, only examined). An uncommon, high level tree, such as a yew tree, will have its position indicated on the mini-map and world map with a special tree icon. To cut a tree, players have to find one and then left-click on it. When the player is done cutting, they can then set the logs on fire with a tinderbox to obtain Firemaking experience, fletch them, or sell them to other players. Players also have the choice of dropping the logs. Equipment/Items Hatchet Woodcutting Trees 1-99 99+ (200m) Congratulations on achieving level 99 Woodcutting! You are now one step closer to maxing your account! How about getting 120 and achieve the Master cape?
Nex (coming from the Infernal word for "murder" or "death") is a powerful Zarosian general. She is a Zaryte from the Freneskae plane and one of Zaros' most powerful followers. She is located in the Ancient Prison, sealed away in the back of the God Wars Dungeon. Location Setup/suggestion Nex Mechanics/phases Full video Drops Special thanks to XXrandom/Kimjongun for helping with the Guide. MVP
Foreword Hi guys, it's Ster once gain with another comprehensive guide on every Elite Dungeon in Velheim. This is it, the final and easily most anticipated one yet, and easily my favorite of all the 3. ED3- or The Shadow Reef. Easily the hardest one to solo, and one of the most rewarding to solo. At the time of making this guide, I have 698 full clears of this dungeon. Out of all of them, over 250+ have been solo. I get asked often how to properly complete this dungeon by yourself, and this guide will hopefully show you exactly how to do it, but will also show you how to run it with friends as well. Why should you solo? The final boss encounter of the dungeon, being The Ambassador, drops the parts to make the Eldritch Crossbow- a 2h Ranged weapon with perhaps the strongest special attack in the game. The Ambassador's drop rate for these pieces is significantly increased when less players are in the instance. Even for a 200x account, the pieces are roughly the same base drop rate as any Nex equipment drop. Solo is difficult, and takes time to master. When you figure it out, though, you will reap the rewards in abundance! So, let's just dive right into it, and make some crossbows! Presets and Equipment Floor I: The Shadow Reef Entrance Floor II: The Temple Entrance Floor III: The Abyssal Depths Conclusion And that's it. The final Elite Dungeon guide is finished! This one felt like a HUGE info dump, but I'm happy about it and the new subsections I tried with this one. ED3 is definitely my favorite one to run, with the highest reward of them all. You will see below just how many crossbows I've made in all my full clears- although I only got about 2 of the 3 pieces constantly for a good while there. I hope you guys learned a lot from this three part series, and I expect to see more full clear milestone broadcasts in game because of it. I'd like to give thanks to everyone that's ran this dungeon with me. Being able to share our strategies together is what made this possible, and why I even became the Elite Dungeon Master in the first place. Thank you! @foxx @shiny shinx @Fulltimewife @asgardian @NubonmyPC @Esker @Eila If I didn't include you it's because I couldn't @ you, or just simply didn't remember to. Sorry if that's the case! If you guys want me to make any more guides in the future, let me know in game or over Discord. I'll definitely consider making more of this sort of thing! Until then, good luck and have fun. - ster Final Collection Log & Pet Showcase (This is the picture taken as I completed log. Since I still do ED3, this doesn't match the live collection log. I will provide the current one further below.) Ambi
Invention, an elite skill, allows players to get new materials by disassembling items. Players can use the materials to manufacture discoverable devices, and augment some high-level armour, weapons and tools with perks. Players require level 80 Crafting, Divination and Smithing to access Invention. Invention works on a different experience table than the rest of the skills. Level 99 = 36,073,511xp Level 120 = 80,618,654xp Getting Started/How to Train: Equipment/Items Skilling outfits Skilling perks PvM Perks Perks to Avoid 1-99 Through Combat 1-99 Through Skilling 99-120+ Congratulations on achieving level 99/120 Invention! You are now one step closer to maxing your account!
The Monastery of Ascension, or the Ascension dungeon, is a high-level Slayer dungeon in the Feldip Hills that contains a number of magic-based monsters, all of which are weak to Ranged. The monastery is home to the Order of Ascension, a former Guthixian group that has been kidnapping local villagers. The lowest level monsters in the monastery require 81 Slayer, while the bosses require 95 Slayer. Location Slayer Creatures Ascension Legion Bosses Setup/Gear suggestion Ascension Crossbow Drops
Farming is a gathering skill which involves the player planting seeds in Farming patches that are found throughout Velheim. The planted crops then grow in real time through differing numbers of growth stages (Half rs3 growth time). Once a plant has become fully grown the player may check its health and, for some types of crops, harvest items from it. Plants may become diseased over the course of their growth and will die if the disease is not treated. To prevent plants from dying players may wish to pay the gardeners, who are present at most Farming patches, to tend to them. Players can pay the farmers with noted items. This saves a great deal of inventory space when making farming runs. Info Equipment/Items Patch locations Farming 1-99 99+ (200m) Congratulations on achieving level 99 Farming! You are now one step closer to maxing your account! How about getting 120 and achieve the master cape?
CRAFTING GUIDE USEFUL ITEMS AND EQUIPMENT SPINNING WHEELS A spinning wheel is a piece of Crafting equipment used to spin fibres into strings. The following table shows what fibres can be spun into what strings using a spinning wheel: A convenient spinning wheel is on the 1st floor (first floor) of Lumbridge Castle with a bank directly above it on the next floor. Neitiznot houses a spinning wheel just south-east of the bank. That means at least level 46 Crafting is required for this spinning wheel (boosts cannot be used). There's a spinning wheel in Seer's Village just south-west of the bank, which is also close to a flax field. There are two spinning wheels located in Burthorpe south of the Gnome Banker, shopkeeper, and Mistress Fara. They can be found just outside of the cow pen. POTTERY OVEN AND POTTER'S WHEEL Both pottery ovens and wheels are used in the creation of urns and other clay products. Note that a portable crafter can function as both a wheel and an oven, which may save a lot of time as it can be placed immediately next to a bank. However among the full list, some notable fixed locations with both a potter's wheel and oven which are also close to banks include the following: In Burthorpe they can both be found south of the bank; this is near the smithing furnace and west of the druid circle. South-east of Varrock's East Bank inside the gated and fenced area. On the ground floor (first floor) of the Crafting Guild, which is itself close to a bank chest outside in the clan camp, entering the guild a player must have a level of atleast 40 Crafting to come inside. Very close to the bank chest in the Ithell district of Prifddinas. This is the fastest method. TANNING Tanneries can be used by players who wish to tan their own leather, which is needed when a player is Crafting Leather, Hard Leather or Dragon Leather. They can be found in a few locations: Portable Crafter (the cost is same as regular tanner). A tanner can be found just South of the Varrock West bank. One resides on the ground floor (first floor) of the Crafting Guild. Jack Oval can be found between North Taverley and South Burthorpe and will tan hides for the player. A tanner lives in a house just a stone's throw North of the Al Kharid bank. The closest tanner to a bank resides in the Ithell district of Prifddinas. FURNACE Furnaces are used in the production of jewellery. The most efficient way to create jewellery is to fill the metal bank with gold bars and have the inventory filled with the gems needed to create the jewellery. Several furnaces exist within a short range of a bank: Shilo Village has a furnace only 10 squares from a bank. Edgeville has a furnace 13 squares from a bank. A furnace exists on Neitiznot that is 15 squares from a bank. Artisans' Workshop has a furnace 15 squares from a bank. Note that the Burial Forges cannot be used for crafting. Port Phasmatys houses a furnace that is only 17 squares away from a bank. There is a furnace 17 squares away from the bank chest in the Lumbridge Market. Furnace south of Burthorpe 24 squares from bank. TRAINING CRAFTING At low levels, both crafting urns and making jewellery offer good experience rates. While jewellery and urns offers moderate experience. Low-level players who seek faster experience rates should consider cutting gems, which can be started from level 1. Starting at level 54, players often train Crafting with battlestaves. Players who seek faster experience rates can start making green dragonhide bodies at level 63. For any game-mode you are playing on I would highly recommend cutting gems, as it is fast to get rock gems by either buying from Grand exchange, other players or to mine them yourself. Can also making dragonhide bodies or dragonhide shields from dragonhide leather is another good option for experience. ADVICE FOR IRONMEN Ironmen should begin the first few levels of training with picking flax in Taverley and turning those into bow strings on the provided spinning wheel there for their use in Fletching later. After that try to focus on techniques such as crafting urns (especially after 40 when the Crafting guild becomes available; don't forget to use runes to stack urns to save time otherwise spent in banking trips) or perhaps tanning dragonhide or other leather-making techniques. Although a mining rework has been done that has increased gem outputs, to purely focus on experience gained from making jewellery may not be as practical as it is for regular players, due to the absence of the ability to trade on the Grand Exchange. However, mining from uncommon gem rocks is viable with high Mining levels and a gem bag. Jewellery may be crafted for enchanting, high alching, sign of the porter, or Invention after it's unlocked. MOLTEN GLASS, 1-46+ Beer Glass: 1 Crafting Candle Lantern (empty): 4 Crafting Oil Lamp (empty): 12 Crafting Vial: 33 Crafting Fishbowl: 42 Crafting Unpowered Orb: 46 Crafting Lantern Lens: 49 Crafting Empty Light Orb: 87 Crafting Molten glass can be made in a furnace using a bucket of sand and soda ash (obtained by cooking seaweed on a range or in a fire). Molten glass can then be made into several useful items with a glassblowing pipe (tool belt will work). Training this way is a good strategy for going from level 1-30 as glasswork offers decent experience rates. POTTERY AND JEWELLERY, 1-77+ Bowstring: 1 Crafting. Items Needed: Cracked mining urn (nr): 2 Crafting. Items Needed: Gold Ring: 5 Crafting. Items Needed: Gold necklace: 6 Crafting. Items Needed: Gold Bracelet: 7 Crafting. Items Needed: Gold amulet (unstrung): 8 Crafting. Items Needed: Fragile cooking urn (nr): 12 Crafting. Items Needed: Fragile fishing urn (nr): 15 Crafting. Items Needed: Sapphire ring: 20 Crafting. Items Needed: Sapphire necklace: 22 Crafting. Items Needed: Sapphire bracelet: 23 Crafting. Items Needed: Sapphire amulet (unstrung): 24 Crafting. Items Needed: Emerald necklace: 29 Crafting. Items Needed: Emerald bracelet: 30 Crafting. Items Needed: Plain cooking urn (nr): 36 Crafting. Items Needed: Ruby necklace: 40 Crafting. Items Needed: Ruby bracelet: 42 Crafting. Items Needed: Dragonstone ring: 55 Crafting. Items Needed: Dragonstone necklace: 72 Crafting. Items Needed: Dragonstone bracelet: 74+ Crafting. Items Needed: Decorated fishing urn (nr): 76 Crafting. Items Needed: Decorated runecrafting urn (nr): 77+ Crafting. Items Needed: Dragonstone amulet (unstrung): 80+ Crafting. Items Needed: Players can make their own soft clay by using clay on a water source, or buy from Grand Exchange or other players. Players can also mine their own clay. New players can also make bowstrings from flax as these offer a bit of money as well as slow Crafting experience. CUTTING GEMS, 1-79+ Lapis Lazuli: 1 Crafting Opal: 1 Crafting Jade: 13 Crafting Red Topaz: 16 Crafting Sapphire: 20 Crafting Emerald: 27 Crafting Ruby: 34 Crafting Diamond: 43 Crafting Dragonstone: 55 Crafting Onyx: 72 Crafting Hydrix: 79 Crafting For getting gem rocks a player can use the Grand Exchange or trade other players. For Ironman I recommending reading below to find where the specific gem rocks can be obtained. Also if you aren't on Ironman mode, feel free to check it out aswell. Common Gem Rock: Requires 1 Mining to mine from, which is located in the Al Kharid Mine. Uncut Gems Obtainable: Uncut Lapis Lazuli, Uncut Opal, Uncut Jade and Uncut Red Topaz. Uncommon Gem Rock: Requires 20 Mining to mine from, which is located in the Al Kharid Mine. Uncut Gems Obtainable: Uncut Sapphire, Uncut Emerald and Uncut Ruby. Rare Gem Rock: Requires 23 Mining to mine from, which is located in the Kal'Gerion Resource Dungeon (90 Dungeoneering is needed) or in the Lunar Isle Mine. Uncut Gems Obtainable: Uncut Emerald, Uncut Ruby, Uncut Diamond and Uncut Dragonstone. Precious Gem Rock: Requires 25 Mining to mine from, which is located in the Al Kharid Resource Dungeon (75 Dungeoneering is needed) or in the Shilo Village Mine. Uncut Gems Obtainble: Uncut Emerald, Uncut Ruby and Uncut Diamond. Prifddinas Gem Rock: Requires 75 Mining to mine from, which is located in the Trahaearn Gem Mine. Uncut Gems Obtainable: Uncut Sapphire, Uncut Emerald, Uncut Ruby, Uncut Diamond and Uncut Dragonstone. STRINGING AMULETS, 24-80+ Sapphire amulet (unstrung): 24 Crafting Opal amulet (unstrung): 27 Crafting Emerald amulet (unstrung): 31 Crafting Jade amulet (unstrung): 34 Crafting Topaz amulet (unstrung): 45 Crafting Ruby amulet (unstrung): 50 Crafting Diamond amulet (unstrung): 70 Crafting Dragonstone amulet (unstrung): 80 Crafting A ball of wool can be bought on the Grand Exchange or crafted on a spinning wheel out of wool (check the spinning wheel section). It can be used on an unstrung amulet to string it. At level 80 Magic, players can cast String Jewellery to automatically string all amulets in their inventory. With a mud or elemental battlestaff. BATTLESTAVES, 54-66+ Water Battlestaff: 54 Crafting Earth Battlestaff: 58 Crafting Fire Battlestaff: 62 Crafting Air Battlestaff: 66 Crafting Collecting the Battlestaves, Water, Earth, Fire and Air Orbs by using Grand Exchange or from trading other players. For Ironman I recommend checking for shops that sell, or use the "Item Drop Searcher" from Quest Journals to find what monster drops the specific items needed. Obviously if you are not playing on Ironman mode, feel free to do the same. DRAGONHIDE ARMOUR, 63-93+ Green Dragonhide Body: 63 Crafting Green Dragonhide Shield: 64 Crafting Blue Dragonhide Body: 71 Crafting Blue Dragonhide Shield: 72 Crafting Red Dragonhide Body: 77 Crafting Red Dragonhide Shield: 78 Crafting Black Dragonhide Body: 84 Crafting Black Dragonhide Shield: 85 Crafting Royal Dragonhide Body: 93 Crafting Dragonhide armour is crafted from dragon leather, requiring a needle (tool belt will work), and thread. For Ironman I recommend checking for shops that sell, or use the "Item Drop Searcher" from Quest Journals to find what monster drops the specific items needed. Obviously if you are not playing on Ironman mode, feel free to do the same. When using a Pack Yak and a Bank Preset, you are able to make alot more Bodies or Shields per hour. For players with 55 or higher Magic can use the High Alch spell, or disassemble them for Invention Components. Another option is to use the Invention Machines for High Alching or Disassembling.
Firemaking is an artisan skill that is used to burn logs to create a fire, often to cook raw food on the spot. Training Firemaking also allows players to use light sources when exploring dark environments. Firemaking is the companion skill of Woodcutting in the sense that logs obtained from Woodcutting can also be burned to train Firemaking. As players level up, they gain the ability to burn better logs and use more efficient light sources. Equipment/Items Fire spirits Firemaking 1-99 99+ (200M) Congratulations on achieving level 99 Firemaking! You are now one step closer to maxing your account! How about getting 120 and achieve the Master cape?
Foreword Hi guys, it's Ster. If you guys didn't know I recently achieved the first completion of all Elite Dungeon collection logs, and with that, I wanted to show everybody how awesome this content can be, and show you how to do it just like I do, all the techniques and routing included. The plan is to make this guide as accessible to as many players as possible, but will be mostly coming from the solo perspective. This doesn't mean you shouldn't use this in teams, though! Without further adieu, let's get to the gear setup. Presets and Equipment Floor I: Temple Entrance Floor II: The Sanctum Floor III: Between The Sanctum and Throne Room Floor IV: Throne Room Floor V: The Azure Prison Conclusion Wow, that was a lot of info, wasn't it? It's a lot easier than it looks, though. I recommend running this dungeon with a group of 3 due to Seiryu's scale drop not scaling to additional members, and for faster clears. Understand that I do not expect everyone to have my gear setup- just bring your best and do your best. I hope this guide helped you understand the dungeon more, and that you'll get your Elite Sirenic sets quickly cause of it! Next guide is the Dragonkin Laboratory (soontm)- until then, good luck and have fun! - ster Final Collection Log & Pet Showcase (198 Sanctum Guardians, and 159 Masutas) Kuroryu
Foreword Hi guys, it's Ster again with another comprehensive guide on every Elite Dungeon in Velheim. This time, we take on what I think is the easiest amongst the 3 dungeons to do, ED2- or the Dragonkin Laboratory. It's also one of the shortest ones, with an average solo for me being 14-15 minutes only. Despite its shortcomings, it is still fun to do, speedrun or not. Besides, how else are you going to upgrade your Tectonic? I'd like to leave off this foreword with a shoutout to @Fulltimewife for showing me basically everything I know about this dungeon. Thank you! Let's get into it. Presets and Equipment Area I: Dungeon Entrance Area II: 'Kalist Kirah' Area III: 'Kalist Kiket Fia' Conclusion That's the end of that, hope you guys liked it! I tried to give all special attacks their own little subsections and subtitles in this one, and I think it went well. ED2 is an enjoyable dungeon to run, but quite a grind with the amount of Draconic Energy you can get (minimum of 1 only!) Regardless, it's faster than all the other elite dungeons, with some OK additional resource rewards (Remember ECB Parts from ED2 Bosses?) The next and final dungeon to cover is ED3, The Shadow Reef! Definitely my favorite one of them all, with the most combined runs of all of the 3. I'll try to get the next guide out soon as I can. Until then, good luck and have fun! - ster Final Collection Log & Pet Showcase Bisdi
The Magister, is a necromancer from the human home world of Teragard and a solo Slayer boss. He may be found in the First Gate of the Grim Underworld, accessible from the Sophanem Slayer Dungeon. Unlike the other inhabitants of the dungeon, a feather of Ma'at is not required to kill him. To fight the Magister, level 115 Slayer and a key to the Crossing is required. Location Setup/Gear suggestions Magister Mechanics Video Guide Creating Khopesh(T92) Drops Special thanks to @Noobs Own and @Sprout for helping
ANCIENT INVENTION Ancient Invention is an expansion for the Invention skill, connecting with the Archaeology skill. It introduces ancient gizmos, ancient tools and ancient devices. To unlock ancient invention, players must either obtain the blueprints from players or the Grand Exchange, or unlock them manually by training Archaeology and crafting the blueprints. It is not required to visit Howl's Floating Workshop to learn Ancient Invention, simply reading the blueprint allows the player to unlock them. BLUEPRINTS When training Archaeology at Stormguard Citadel Dig Site, players will receive torn blueprint fragments which can then be used to craft ancient gizmo blueprints at Howl's invention bench in the upper level of Stormguard Citadel (torn blueprint fragments are also awarded by completing Armadylean collection logs). In order to access Howl's Floating Workshop, players must have level 95 Archaeology. ANCIENT COMMPONENTS Players can acquire 4 types of Ancient components from Archaeology by disassembling restored artefacts. Broken artefacts cannot be disassembled. These components are used in the making of ancient gizmos, devices, and perks. They can also be traded amongst players by exchanging component crates. In order to prepare these components, players must have the respective Invention level to discover them at an inventor's workbench, varying with each one. They may then be used for gizmo shells. ANCIENT PERKS Three new perks are introduced with Ancient Invention. As these perks require the use of ancient components, they can only be created in ancient gizmo shells. NOTE: Ancient perks are currently not added in the game. ANCIENT DEVICES Ancient Invention also allows the player to further enhance existing Invention tools so that they act as level 80 tools rather than level 70 tools. The XP capacitor is an Invention device and acts like bonus experience for Invention items. Players can fill the XP capacitor while training with augmented items, with some of the item experience that would have gone to the player's augmented items being stored in the capacitor instead. A filled XP capacitor is tradeable; and grants a player using it double item experience until the capacitor is empty. ARMADYLEAN COLLECTIONS MUSEUM: ARMADYLEAN COLLECTIONS I only recommend doing the Museum: Armadylean collection logs only one time each for the different qualifications. Since you only get the Chronotes for completing them, so completing the normal Armadylean collectiong logs is more beneficial. Museum: Armadylean I; 5,688 Chronotes (for handing in all of the artefacts in the first log) + 7,110 Chronotes (for completing the first log). Museum: Armadylean II; 6,068 Chronotes (for handing in all of the artefacts in the second log) + 7,585 Chronotes (for completing the second log). Museum: Armadylean III; 10,468 Chronotes (for handing in all of the artefacts in the third and last log) + 13,085 Chronotes (for completing the third and final log). I hope that this guide for Ancient Invention.I WILL BE UPDATING THIS GUIDE TIME TO TIME, IF NEEDED.
In this guide I will be covering Raptor Key, Raptor Chest, Wyvern, Ripper Demon, Camel Warrior and Archeron mammoth. For the Raptor Monsters, I will also show you how to get to each of them. Some information about each Raptor Monsters and their mechanics, and a few useful items. Mainly cover notable items, such as the Raptor key parts, and a few other items that I think personally is worth getting, from each of the Raptor Monsters. There is also a few items more worth getting for ironman, than people who are able to trade, since they can just buy the things they need usually. There is a few herbs, runes and other items worth picking up in general for ironman. RAPTOR KEY The raptor key is an item used to unlock the Raptor's chest of slaying in War's Retreat or at home. Each of the monsters that drop the key pieces require level 96 Slayer to kill, in addition to being on the respective Slayer task in order for them to drop. Each part has a 1/256 chance of being dropped. The key is made of four parts: Raptor key part 1, dropped by Wyverns and elite Wyverns Raptor key part 2, dropped by Ripper Demons and Slasher Demons Raptor key part 3, dropped by Camel Warriors Raptor key part 4, dropped by Acheron mammoths Once all four key parts are obtained, simply use one of the pieces on another. This will create the key, with a dialogue message stating "You combine the four key parts into a reward key for the Raptor's chest of slaying." Players can then open the Raptor's chest of slaying for various rewards. RAPTOR CHEST The Raptor's chest of slaying is a chest that can be opened for numerous rewards. Players can open the chest with a completed Raptor's key, which they must first assemble from the Raptor key part 1, 2, 3, and 4. After doing so, they may open the chest in War's Retreat or at home. WYVERN Wyverns (sometimes referred to as living wyverns to distinguish them from their skeletal counterparts) are dragon-like monsters in the Asgarnian Ice Dungeon. They require level 96 Slayer to be killed. Wyverns reside in an icy cavern beneath the area in which skeletal wyverns reside. When killing Wyverns, an elite version may spawn (guaranteed while on a Slayer assignment). Unlike their skeletal counterpart, Dragon Slayer bonuses do not work against living wyverns. Mechanics: Upon entry, the player is somewhat cold and the base poison damage from wyverns is 300. This means the player is experiencing the "Cold" (around 20-25%) mechanic and should light one of the static fires nearby. As the player gets colder, an icy overlay becomes more visible on their screen. Several mechanics will take place depending on the chill from the cavern: Warm: Wyvern poison damage increased up to 900 per 4-5 ticks. Cold (25%): Wyvern attack damage greatly increases to around 2,500. Coldest (90%): Player will be constantly stunned at 8–10 seconds per stun; it is highly advised to use Freedom and get out of the cavern if this happens. Notable Drops: Raptor key part 1 Wyvern crossbow Draconic visage RIPPER DEMON Ripper Demons are Slayer monsters that can be found in a cave under the Abbey of St. Elspeth Citharede. They require level 96 Slayer to be killed. They are Chthonian demons and are affected by Silverlight and Darklight, as well as the Demon Slayer perk. When killing Ripper Demons, an elite version called Slasher Demon may spawn. Mechanics: Ripper demons are only limited to melee attacks; however, they are also immune to stuns. Though they walk around while idle, once attacked, they will remain on the spot they were in unless walked under or their target moves away from melee distance. Ripper demons are normally tolerant of the player, but if they sense that the player's health is less than 35% of their maximum health, they will become aggressive. There's generally a short delay once the player reaches this threshold before nearby demons become aggressive, and it's recommended to quickly heal up to prevent them from attacking. Ripper demons attack in a manner similar to Nail beasts, with their attacks being capable of dealing up to 3 instant hits. For this reason, fighting them while having Armour spikes equipped would be very advantageous, as the multiple hits could activate the spikes for a lot of damage in return. If the target is not within melee distance of the demon, then the demon will dash into the shadows and will appear next to the player while applying Slaughter on them. Once the Ripper demon's adrenaline bar is filled, it will jump into the air and the player will lose track of the demon; shortly after jumping, a shadow will appear west of the player's position (or directly under them if there is no space for the demon to land). If the player is next to or directly on the shadow, they will kill them in a single hit. As hard typeless damage, there are a few ways to reduce or block it. However, it's simply best to move away, since the affected area is very small. When the demon reaches 0 life points, it will perform a last-ditch struggle attack. The demon will spin uncontrollably on the spot, dealing 950 melee damage per tick for a brief time before collapsing. The area of effect of this attack is somewhat unusual, although it is still fairly easy to avoid by standing at least three spaces away from the demon. Notable Drops: Raptor key part 2 Ripper claw main-hand Ripper claw off-hand CAMEL WARRIOR Camel Warriors (also known as Ugthanatos) are slayer creatures that require level 96 Slayer to kill. Their prize drop is the camel staff, a level 85 staff which provides unlimited fire runes. According to The Ugthanatos, Akthanakos created them to deal with his nemesis, Enakhra. He expressed gladness at the results, as they had the traits he desired while the arms and hands he gave them allowed them to be highly skilled in combat. Mechanics: It is recommended to kill the smoke mirage first and then the blood and the shadow mirages. So you don't get that huge prayer drain. This prevents the blood mirage from healing its fellow mirages and allows the smoke mirage to be killed quickly. Experienced players may also kill the blood mirage while standing under it. The camel will appear again at the location of the last mirage defeated. The sandstorm is indicated with the camel slamming its staff on the ground to generate a dust tornado. When used, the camel will launch three sandstorms, one every few ticks and at the player's current position at the time. Each sandstorm lasts for roughly 7-10 seconds. Notable Drops: Raptor key part 3 Camel staff ARCHERON MAMMOTH Acheron mammoths are monsters that require level 96 Slayer to kill. They drop mammoth tusks, which can be used to summon the pack mammoth at level 99 Summoning. Mechanics: Acheron mammoths possess a ranged stun attack which can freeze players, deal heavy damage, and disable the player's prayers/curses if attacked with Magic or Ranged. As such, mammoths should be killed with melee, primarily stab weapons as they are weakest against those types of weapons. Occasionally, the mammoths will stop attacking and have a charge-like animation. In addition, a blue bar will appear above the mammoth and fill up within 5 seconds. Once the bar fills, the mammoth will charge up to 3 times in a row. Notable Drops: Raptor key part 1 Mammoth tusk HOW TO GET TO EACH RAPTOR MONSTER - WYVERNS HOW TO GET TO EACH RAPTOR MONSTER - RIPPER DEMONS HOW TO GET TO EACH RAPTOR MONSTER - CAMEL WARRIORS HOW TO GET TO EACH RAPTOR MONSTER - ARCHERON MAMMOTHS I hope that this guide for Raptor Key, Chest and the different Raptor Monsters and how to get there has helped you out.I WILL BE UPDATING THIS GUIDE TIME TO TIME, IF NEEDED. (WIP).
THE LOST GROVE Hello there everyone, this is going to be mainly a guide for how to get to the three different Lost Grove Creatures, but I will be updating it later on when I see the need for it. Also for general teleports how to get there, part 1. Will be a secondary option to get to Solak (boss) aswell, when it is added to the game. Scroll down to how to get there, part 2. If you only struggle with how to get to the three different Lost Grove Creatures, as part 1 is also useable for Solak boss in the future. HOW TO GET THERE, PART 1 HOW TO GET THERE, PART 2 VINECRAWLERS Vinecrawlers are high-level Slayer monsters requiring level 104 Slayer to kill. They are found in the south-west part of the Lost Grove. They use highly damaging magic attacks against the player, so it is recommended to use Protect/Deflect Magic whilst fighting them, you can also choose the option to use Soul Split. After every 6 auto-attacks, Vinecrawlers perform a poisonous attack. BULBOUS CRAWLER Bulbous crawlers are high-level Slayer monsters requiring level 106 Slayer to kill. They are found in north part of the Lost Grove. These monsters use highly damaging ranged attacks, so it is recommended to use Protect/Deflect Missiles whilst fighting them, you can also choose the option to use Soul Split. After every 6 auto attacks they gather energy from the surrounding area which draws itself towards the creature. When it reaches the creature it will release a poison cloud in the nearby area and it will start to heal itself. MOSS GOLEM Moss golems are high-level Slayer monsters requiring level 108 Slayer to kill. They are found in the south-east part of the Lost Grove. You can also use Protect/Deflect Melee whilst fighting them, you can also choose the option to use Soul Split. Moss golems exclusively use melee attacks. A moss golem's melee attack has halberd-type range and, like the other inhabitants of the Lost Grove, they deal extremely high damage. To avoid this, it is best to either bind or run from the golem as it makes its way towards you. GENERAL DROPS They drop quite a few herbs and seeds which is very useful for Herblore and Farming, they also do drop coins and a few other items that are worth picking up, for other different uses. They also drop Cinderbane gloves and Ancient Elven Ritual Shard. Which is also to very rare to obtain as drops, and good items to have. They have different type of uses. Cinderbane Gloves Cinderbane gloves are hybrid power gloves that can be obtained as a drop from Lost Grove creatures and Solak. They provide tier 85 hybrid armour (i.e. tier 70 equivalent), with tier 70 damage bonus. They additionally have a passive effect that applies poison with a 1/6 chance per hit to targets Ancient Elven Ritual Shard The ancient elven ritual shard is a drop from Lost Grove creatures. It can be activated to restore 37.5% of the player's total Prayer points over 30 seconds with a 5-minute cooldown. Like the Enhanced Excalibur's effect, the shard's cooldown resets when players exit to the lobby or switch worlds; players may use the shard again approximately five seconds after logging back in. I hope that this guide for How to get to the different Lost Grove Creatures has helped you out.I WILL BE UPDATING THIS GUIDE TIME TO TIME, IF NEEDED.
BORK Bork is a big ork initially summoned by Surok Magis in The Hunt for Surok. Bork is controlled by a Dagon'hai Elite. Bork can be fought once per day in the Chaos Tunnels, depends on your Donator Rank. If you have a Donator Rank, you will be able to kill Bork from 4 to 127 times per day. (Sapphire = 4, Emerald = 6, Ruby = 8, Diamond = 10, Dragonstone = 12, Onyx and Hydrix = 127). GETTING THERE THE FIGHT The fight is basically dps Bork down, doesn't really matter what style you use, and do not really have to have any end game gear or perks. I do however recommend using the best weapon you got to kill Bork fastest as possible, for armour decide yourself if you want to use your degradeable gear if you have Invention unlocked or not, I personally use it myself. You can bring Prayer potions/Restore potions and/or food, if you need it. Otherwise I recommend doing Soul Split or any type of Protect from Melee prayers, I do not recommend using Vampyrism aura, but if you want to use it, you can. But it isn't needed at all, I would take a few potions or food over it, and use the aura for something else. Depends on how fast you are killing Bork, but you will get a short cutscene before killing him, where Bork spawns his minions, so you just have to wait after the cutscene is done, it wont take long before it is over. Then continue by killing Bork again. DROPS From killing Bork, you will receive mainly Charms, Uncut Gems, Coins and Big Bones, which Charms and Uncut Gems is mainy the reason why you would kill Bork. Might be for abit of the extra cash you receive aswell. Also depends on which Donator Rank you have, as I mentioned above for how many you can kill per day. You will obviously be able to get alot more Charms and Uncut Gems, which is nice for Summoning and Crafting, good way of getting for ironman. Also if you have the Charm Here is an example of what you get get from one kill, note that the X amount of Charms and Uncut Gems in the picture below isn't going to be the same for every kill. I hope that this guide for Bork, has helped you out. I WILL BE UPDATING THIS GUIDE TIME TO TIME, IF NEEDED.
The Giant Mimic is a larger, boss version of the Mimic pet. It is located in Alice's Treasure Chamber. A mimic kill token (or its untradable variant) is needed to fight the mimic. The token may be used to teleport to the chamber. THE FIGHT The Giant Mimic has four versions of difficulty: beginner, medium, hard and elite. Depending on the difficulty of the fight chosen by the player, the Giant Mimic's combat level, life points, and combat mechanics will vary accordingly (see below). You can get to the Giant Mimic, by having a mimic kill token, which will teleport you to the boss. Giving you a option of which version you want to kill the boss, either Beginner, Medium, Hard or Elite. The mimic always has a basic ranged attack where it spits out coins, and a melee attack where it licks the player with its tongue. It will use a random special attack after every three basic attacks. The Giant Mimic has three special attacks: Charge: the Giant Mimic charges the player, dealing high damage. Its target location is marked with green arrows similar to those from Detonate. It will also stun the player if they are caught in it. On non-elite difficulties this attack is notified with the text "The mimic prepares to charge!" Coin launch: The Giant Mimic opens its mouth and sends out three batches of coins (visually the same as its ranged basic attack, but slower and the coins do not hone in) at your location. On non-elite difficulties this attack is notified with the text "The mimic launches gold coins at you!" Leap: the Giant Mimic jumps and lands on the position you were standing when it jumped. Deals extremely high damage if you are caught by the Mimic. The Beginner version does not use this attack. On medium and hard difficulties this attack is notified with the text "The mimic leaps into the air." REWARDS Depending on the difficulty of the encounter selected by the player, the Giant Mimic drops a variant selection of rewards, contained within loot chests. Killing the mimic on any difficulty has a chance to unlock the Mimic pet. 100% drops Small loot chest - only dropped by Beginner version. Medium loot chest - only dropped by Medium version. Large loot chest - only dropped by Hard version. Huge loot chest - only dropped by Elite version. Main drops Mimic plushie is only dropped by Hard and Elite versions. Mimic tongue cape is only dropped by Hard and Elite versions. I hope that this guide for the Giant Mimic Boss has helped you out. I WILL BE UPDATING THIS GUIDE TIME TO TIME, IF NEEDED. Also thanks to @Nhs for helping out with some pointers.