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>Im rocking my new Kots pleb, decided to buy some feathers.

>Port Sarim closest tele to shop

>Absolutely hate waiting to tele via loadstone

>Find a tele though slayer to Asgarnian Ice Dungeon

>Fletched like 150 headless arrows before it hit me...

> How does an ice dungeon appear underground?

>...I'm complexed

>Messing around on google.


> How does this beach in the middle of Gielinor's equator become cooler underground? enough to make an ice dungeon?

> Fletched like 4k headless arrows before remembering there's a big ass desert at the bottom of "Gielinor's globe" 

>then it dawned on me... Gielinor is not on a sphere, It's on a flat plane!

> I knew this information already but it just somehow slipped my mind and now everything is making even more sense 

> Im going to bed

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