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Locked New Update Nex: Angel of Death Guide ( Magic Guide )


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This is a straightforward and quick guide to get you started on doing one of the most highly profitable boss in the game! 

You will need to unlock Nex itself which requires frozen keys 
Frozen keys are attainable from monsters in GWD, the monsters in the middle will do, you do not need to go into boss area, 
Reference: Frozen key - The RuneScape Wiki
Frozen Keys are limited to 10 uses, and fixable by bob at Ctrl H (home) 

Alternatively you could permanently unlock Nex door with Frozen key + Ancient Ceremonial Set (dropped by normal nex mages) + 50m 
This can be done by having everything in your inventory and talking to Ashuelot Reis
(highly recommend if you are planning to grind AOD out) 
Reference:  Ashuelot Reis - The RuneScape Wiki ( just 50m instead of 10m ) 

Recommended to have at least Level 96 Mage ( boostable by overloads ) to cast Exsanguinate L96 Ancient spell 

Gear Recommendation

Low Budget Level
Armour: Ganodermic armour - The RuneScape Wiki
Mainhand: Abyssal wand - The RuneScape Wiki
Offhand: Blighted rebounder - The RuneScape Wiki
Glove: Kerapac's wrist wraps - The RuneScape Wiki
Boots: Blast diffusion boots - The RuneScape Wiki
Cape: Defence cape - The RuneScape Wiki
Ammo: Large rune pouch - The RuneScape Wiki
Book: God book - The RuneScape Wiki
Necklace: Amulet of souls - The RuneScape Wiki
Ring: Luck of the Dwarves - The RuneScape Wiki
Inventory: Enough runes for Animated Dead, Ice barrage, Exsanguinate, Prayer potions 2, Overload, prayer renewal, Food, Anti poison ( optional ), Enhanced luck potion
( Steel Titan with scrolls put into titan) This would greatly help with DPS especially for this budget build as abyssal has lower accuracy 

Mid Budget Level
Armour: Seasinger's equipment - The RuneScape Wiki
Mainhand: Seismic wand - The RuneScape Wiki
Offhand: Ancient lantern - The RuneScape Wiki
Glove: Enhanced Kerapac's wrist wraps - The RuneScape Wiki
Boots: Blast diffusion boots - The RuneScape Wiki
Cape: Igneous Kal-Mej - The RuneScape Wiki / Max cape - The RuneScape Wiki
Ammo: Large rune pouch - The RuneScape Wiki
Book: Erethdor's grimoire - The RuneScape Wiki
Necklace: Essence of Finality amulet - The RuneScape Wiki ( Best if you can have Fractured Staff of Armadyl - The RuneScape Wiki  )
Ring: Channeller's ring - The RuneScape Wiki / Asylum surgeon's ring - The RuneScape Wiki ( LOTD should be in relic Luck of the Dwarves (relic power) - The RuneScape Wiki)
Inventory: Enough runes for Animated Dead, Ice barrage, Exsanguinate, Prayer potions 2, Overload, prayer renewal, Food, Anti poison ( optional ), Enhanced luck potion

High Budget Level
Armour: Cryptbloom armour - The RuneScape Wiki
Mainhand:  Wand of the praesul - The RuneScape Wiki
Offhand: Kalphite rebounder - The RuneScape Wiki
Glove: Enhanced Kerapac's wrist wraps - The RuneScape Wiki
Boots: Enhanced blast diffusion boots - The RuneScape Wiki
Cape: Igneous Kal-Mej - The RuneScape Wiki
Ammo: Large rune pouch - The RuneScape Wiki
Book: Erethdor's grimoire - The RuneScape Wiki
Necklace: Essence of Finality amulet - The RuneScape Wiki ( FSOA + Guthix staff Switch) 
Ring: Channeller's ring - The RuneScape Wiki + (kill drop switch) Hazelmere's signet ring - The RuneScape Wiki (Luck of the Dwarves (relic power) - The RuneScape Wiki)
Inventory: enough slots to loot more stuff $$$$$ you barely eat any food here, 

Additional Critical rate 
Corbicula rex (player-owned farm) - The RuneScape Wiki  4 X corbicula rex in POF with totems 

Soul Split + Torment/Affliction

As it is mostly a team fight, we have multiple roles that could be played within AOD fights
Debuffer - Debuffer is important as it helps to ensure your main dpser are dealing the maximum amount of damage as the possibly can,
Some good debuffs are
Guthix staff - The RuneScape Wiki (mage bank)
Smoke Cloud - The RuneScape Wiki ( ancient spell ) 
Ruby Aurora - The RuneScape Wiki  ( ancient spell ) 
Usually i like have a stopwatch by the side to track both gstaff timer (1 min) and Smoke Cloud (2 mins) i would cycle gstaff spec to be on track with Fsoa Spec. 

DPSer - DPSer are usually reserved for the ones who has close to max crit rate + FSOA spec, as you can deal as much damage as you possibly can, DPSer will focus on AOD and watch out for certain thresholds example Phase 2 damaging below 180k hp to prevent AOD from spawning more reavers

Crystal Hitters - Usually this are reserved for lower dps player, where they can help to hit Elemental amalgamation while DPSer focuses on AOD 

Tank - Tank is the most important role there is!  basically you would have to have one or ROTS / Chaotic shields wiith provoke option. to lure AOD to constantly hit you, just gotta be alittle more careful, and if you have rangers on your team, you got to lure AOD to final tower while the rest hit! but if its a full mage team, just go for it! 
Your goal is to focus on AOD and hit em throughout! 

Team Size Recommendation

Usually for AOD Ideally you would want to go in a team of 4 to be comfortable 
1 tank + 3 person guarding reavers, 

You could go down to 3 people or even lesser but you got to know the mechanics like the back of your hands! 
For 3 people 
1 tank that take imitative to freeze reavers too, + 2 dpser. 

Anything above 4 people will have reduce drop rates so people will usually go 4 people or 7 people max! 
anything after 7 the 8th person will not get any drops. 

usually for 7 people the core 4 person teams are experienced players, while the 3 additional players are newer player or weaker plays. where they can shadow/learn the mechanics. 

Average kill count if it helps 
4people - 4-5mins 
7 people 3-3:30mins 

The Fight

Phase 1 
First mechanics to take note of is Nex will shout The elements, they call to me, Nex will face 1 side of the quadrant and summon 3 blood reavers, cast ice barrage on your respective reaver and kill it, after blood reaver is dead refocus back on AOD. 

After this, AOD potentially could say, something about darude, this will drop 3 shadow orbs on you MOVE!!! the goal is to keep the orbs tight and close together, 
AOD could potential do the reaver mechanics one more time if not enough dps is done. 

Phase 2 ( Triggered on 210,000 HP)
AOD will now summon his 4 elements in form of 4 crystals You have to destroy them for 4 nex mage spawn to be in half health, 
But focus on nex till her health is below 180,000. once you hit that. focus on hitting your crystals. 
Kill mage in this order Umbra > Glacis > Cruor > Fumus, 
Or Start from SE go anti clockwise 

This will help during Phase 4

Phase 3
This phase you just got to hit AOD down to 60,000hp

At this point Nex will have 3 other mechanics 
- Ice Bomb triggered when AOD say "You Stay.."  " Down" 
You Stay is a warning, Down is when its casted, 
How to counter this, is to Stand at least 2 tiles apart from your teammate
If you do not stand apart its does so much damage to you it is as good as instant kill even with cryptbloom 

(Warning if Aod doesn't cast it in this phase AOD reserve the right to cast it any point of time after this )

- Smoke line 
its basically a damage over time smoke line, move away from line, if you are target remember to shout out,
Example: Nex Begin to draw smoke from the north of you, 
Player shout: N
and move out of the way

Example: Nex Begin to draw smoke from the East of you, 
Player shout: E
and move out of the way

Position is determined when text is out, so you can move out of the way before smokes appear 

- Shadow bomb 
If AOD throws a visable shadow bomb on the ground, if you are the closest enter the purple fog to diffuse it. simple click. 
If you don't defuse its just large damage to the entire team
TLDR closest person defuse it 

Phase 4 (triggered at 60,000hp) 
Tower phase is easy but deadly, kill the 4 towers surrounding the arena, in the same order as how you killed mages which should be 
Umbra > Glacis > Cruor > Fumus
Shadow> Ice > blood> smoke 

At any point of time nex will hit any one of you with a two phased instant kill mechanic, 
Pay attention to any text that says " Nex has marked you to take the full force of the elements "  
- First Bar - Instant kill mechanics, run to the middle of the arena within the blue circles and stay there
- Second bar- Bomb mechanics, run anywhere away from your teammate usually i would run to the tower that is currently fighting, and run all the way to the tower melee distance. 
but its your own method so bomb wisely! nothing too deadly just annoying! 

Finally after 4th tower is down its just normal DPS to Nex AOD till its death! 

Good luck and have fun! 


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  • Server Support

Very well done, couldn’t have made a better guide myself, good thing you made a new one, the last one was definitely out of date. I noticed you didn’t talk about the number of player in a team, about the recommended number.

19 minutes ago, Jahx said:

Amazing guide! I would suggest adding Titan to the budget setup to help with the reavers, otherwise theres a chance they make it.


Reading Jahx comment made me think about it so, consider bringing Unicorn Stallion for kills with 2 players, trust me it’ll be veeerryyy useful.


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