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Locked Ninja Log 09/19/2024


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  • Moved the skybox information bubble onto the hotspot node itself;
  • Added a warning message when using a lower level Mattock than the node itself;


  • Added 'Tanya Hyde' NPC to a few more popular Cow spots. She can tan any hides;
  • Added 'Burthorpe Caves' as a possible Monster teleport location to our global teleportation menu;
  • Corporal Boothe now has a dialogue attached to him;
  • The Loom near the Cow pen can now be used to Weave items;


  • Added a skybox information bubble onto the Wisp you're currently harvesting, displaying its life left in percentage;
  • The harvesting animation will now try to 'restart' with a low priority on each harvest cycle, this'll help in scenarios where you quickly do a different animation in between and then simply stand still afterwards;


  • Stamina will no longer get used when the Player's Mining level is below 15;
  • Moved the skybox information bubble onto the rock itself;
  • Mining progress will now get saved until your next log-out. This change aids Players miss-clicking when Mining a high tier node that takes more time;
  • When dealing the last required damage to a Rock, any additional damage dealt over the Rock's hit-points will now transfer over to the next cycle;


  • Added level-up jingles for all skills. They're also dependent on the level;
  • Added Grand Exchange offer updating/finishing jingles;
  • Added jingles to most mini-game endings depending on the game result;
  • Added a jingle when finishing a Treasure Trail (obtaining the Casket);
  • Added jingles to winning uncommon/rare items on the Squeal of Fortune;
  • Added a jingle when a new Player-owned Farm Animal child gets adopted/is given birth to;
  • Added a jingle when opening the Barrows loot chest;
  • Added jingles to the Quest Cape emote, as well as when buying it from the Trivia Point store;
  • Added a jingle upon death;
  • Added ~30 Music tracks that'll auto-unlock on your next login;
  • Managed to pack in an additional ~6,000 sound effects from a 753 cache;
  • A lot of client work went into making additional animation sound effects play, these range from animation overrides to Entity idling. Do note that due to Jagex changing the sound bytes sometime between revisions 753 and 759 I'm unable to add more at the moment without spending weeks trying to refactor an old Jagex's deob to implement the changes on ours;


  • Added A LOT of missing object examine texts;
  • Started working on server message translations to support our new 'Language' plugins selector. This'll be a slow and manual process. If you want to help translate hit me up on Discord!
  • Doubled the rate at which you collect Tears in the Tears of Guthix D&D, and made the EXP adding formula a 'lamp-type';
  • Increased the Item Disassembly action speed by 50%;
  • Added 'Herby Werby' to our global Teleportation menu under the Minigames section;
  • Added a few new 'Replica' Cosmetic sets to the Solomon's Store;
  • Ported over all Leather Crafting to our new Skilling GUI. Also added a few missing items, fixed incorrect level requirements and EXP earned;
  • Ported over the Loom Weaving action to our new Skilling GUI;
  • Ported over Leather Tanning to our new Skilling GUI;
  • You can now pick-up the Treasure Trail Collection Log item from the boxes located just behind Zaida, and made the item function-able;
  • Added the Slayer Collection Log item to all Slayer Master reward shops and made the item function-able;
  • Made the Collection Logs GUI visually display which Tab you currently have selected;
  • Opening Giant Oyster rewards will now be tracked on the 'Recent Trails' Treasure Trail Information board;
  • The Dragon Battleaxe now has its 'Rampage' effect when activating its special attack. It boosts damage dealt by 20% and reduces accuracy by 10% lasting 60 seconds;


  • Fixed a few interface menu selectors not registering mouse clicks;
  • Updated the God Wars Dungeon 1 item protection list;
  • High-level Herblore that requires Magic Runes will no longer trigger the Thaumaturgist game perk for non-rune items;
  • Evil Tree's 'Fire objects' will now correctly visually disappear, you'll be able to light those sides on fire again to deal additional damage to the Tree;
  • Fixed an issue with new Essence of Finality amulets not properly storing the special attack attributes;
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