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Wildywyrm ;;wwt event rework


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Just a quick thought, I feel like ;;wwt event is pretty dead and since Mr Sand reworked some events not long ago, I feel like I could suggest a little change on the drop table there.

Nothing crazy, but just an upgrade on the amount of gps that we could get as a drop there would be great.

We always receive between 1 and 2 millions gps there. My suggestion being that we upgrade that to between 10 and 25 millions gps.

This would bring more people to an event to make the community closer.

Could also make it receive spins instead like some other minigames, instead of the gps, or both could be great.

Let me know what you guys think in the comments ❤️ 

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  • Lub changed the title to Wildywyrm ;;wwt event rework



i think this is a great idea about the wwt...

since now it's pretty dead...


even a small upgrade can do miracles!


Thx Lub for this suggestion,

this could make it more worth to go there



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  • Server Support

i'd say some kind of buff for killing wwt would improve its activity alot more, lets say.... it works like ett.... 10-30mins of auto-looted ashes or bones and 2-4 spins depending on the perk u got :3

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19 hours ago, Lub said:

Anything to make it worthwhile, I'm up for it!

It is a buff vs the live wwt and not too OP to be abused with my suggestion.
Can always be tweaked if not enough people try it, but again it is up to @Sandstorm

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