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Update Log #154 - Combat Improvements & Misc.


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  • Removed 'Hit Chance', you'll now always do at least some damage to your current target (there's a hard minimum damage value and accuracy chance);
  • Stat boosts will no longer impact your maximum hit rolls as much as they did before;
  • Your max hit roll will now be impacted by your accuracy against the target. If your current accuracy does not meet target's defences - you'll do less damage to them;
  • Increased the Damage Cap from 1600 to 3000;
  • Increased the base Critical Strike chance from 5% to 10%;
  • Critical Hits will no longer force a 100% max hit roll against your target, instead, there's now a critical damage multiplier that starts at 10%, increasing with levels up until 50% at level 90;
  • If a critical strike occurs, the current hit's damage will by multiplied by the critical damage multiplier;
  • The Biting Invention perk, Erethdor's Grimoire, Sliske's equipment, Rex Matriarch rings, Deathspore arrows, Diffusion boots, Fractured Staff of Armadyl, 'No Fear' Farm perk, etc. will now contribute towards your Critical Strike chance rather than having their own Critical Forcing chance rollers;
  • Ice Tempest special attack rework: using the Dark Ice Shard or Dark Shard of Leng weapons will build up Primordial Ice stacks (up to 10). For each stack increases the special attack damage and decrease special attack cost by 12% (at 3 and up stacks the special attack is free of charge). The special also now hits up to 9 targets around the player;
  • Increased Noxious weaponry Mirrorback spider health from 300 to 1,000 Hitpoints;
  • Equilibrium Aura: now increases all your damage by 12%, but prevents you from critically striking;
  • Equilibrium Invention perk: now simply increases all your damage by 0.5% per rank, no negatives;
  • The Korasi's Sword special attack will now correctly calculate its damage based off of your Strength bonus, and then apply that damage for up to 9 targets based as a Magic hit;
  • Aoe Melee attacks will now correctly calculate their hits for each individual target the hit registers on instead of using your main target's formulas;

Pocket Slot Books

  • Books that are toggle-able and use charges will now use 1 charge every 10 ticks it is activated for instead of using X amount of charges whenever it activates;
  • Added a buff-bar overlay for any book you might have equipped and active;
  • All book pages now add 450 charge per page instead of 250;
  • Charges are now soft-capped to 14,400 for all books;
  • Overhauled the charging part of all books; Add-X and Add-All options now function on all possible book pages, use-page-on-book has been removed;


  • Doubled the base point amount when depositing memories in the Guthixian Cache;
  • Extreme Attack/Strength/Defence/Ranged/Magic potions are now trade-able;
  • Added all the missing Grand Exchange item set boxes;
  • Added a time-out for the resting action, it'll now automatically stop after ~5 minutes IF you're run energy is full;
  • Changed Stormguard Citadel's 'Theoretical Blueprint' Archaeology level requirement to better match that what You get out of it;
  • Standing still under Vorago will now do damage every tick;
  • Added Ex-Ex-Parrot companion pet's dialogue;
  • Advanced Pulse core explosions now have a chance at boosting stats for the category you're currently training. It also has a chance to restore prayer points or heal life points;


  • Senntisten Resonant Anima drops will now 'convert' correctly if You've finished that factions upgrade on your Pontifex shadow ring;
  • Having the Snowman Legs Cosmetic Override equipped will now properly override the boots slot with a custom invisible item that also coincidentally adds snowy particles;
  • Added a 'Toggle group bosses' option on Death's dialogue;
  • Attuned boss portals to Nex will now teleport you to the minion room if you do not have the 'Most Expensive Doorstep' achievement or Game Perk unlocked;
  • Fixed the Research Management's 'Special Research' tab scroll-bar;
  • Corrected GWD1 Boss Hitpoints (they were way lower than on RS3);
  • Telos the Warden's Orb drops will now correctly check ALL possible storages to calculate the next Orb drop you will receive;
  • All Pontifex rings will now allow you to pass through the Pontifex Barrier in Kharid-et's Digsite.
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