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Posts posted by Kiwi

  1. I definitely support this, without a doubt. Winter is a good boi, and I have been struggling with personal things so I have not at all been active :c. Sure winter might dissapear here and there(which is understandable because life! :)) but every time i've been on, Winters been there pretty much every time. And he has been trying to keep the peace a lot in the fc, like when the other staff members are not around.


    Winter, you're a good person and I am really happy you made this app, and I really hope you will be accepted into the happy lil staff family <3

    • Like 1
  2. Thank you for even considering reading through all this <3



    Name: Kiwi, as everyone calls me that either way ;)


    IGN: Kiwi


    DoB: 26-08-97 (22 as of writing this~)


    Country: The greatly horrible but amazing country of The Netherlands, +1 GMT


    About me: (i'll keep this short as there's more in my introduction post that you guys can read instead <3)I'm just a regular ol' Kiwi. Easy going, someone who tries to be everyone's friend, and tries to be as helpful as I can toward anyone, as I love to help people. Love being indoors and just chilling with music and games. Also very very lazy, but in a good way, I suppose ;)


    How active are you?: I usually play for ATLEAST 2 - 3 hours a day. And there are days where I end up logging up to 5 to 6 hours. I do leave my character logged in most of the time, even when sleeping, so I am not counting those hours.


    Why should you be part of the team?: Well, you seem to be lacking staff, and the community is pretty close with one another. The people that are currently active in the friends chat all have seen my name, and have spoken to me. I also have previous experiences with administration duties from previous games i've played. I also want to give this a chance as I am really enjoying the server and the community. :)


    Any past history being staff?: Several TTT servers on Garry's Mod over a span of 8 years, and a DarkRP(regrets) server for about 8 months. Also have been a Game Master on a WoWPrivate server for about a year.


    How long have you been in the Rs/Ps scene: This is basically the first actual RSPS server i've joined so.. uhh.. When did I join here again? ;)


    If accepted, I would be helping out the players online with their troubles, and keep everything monitored, to make sure things don't go out of hand. (like a couple of days ago with a certain topic...) And ofcourse, interact with the players on a friendly note, instead of only as a peacekeeper to show fun IS allowed and welcome in this server, as long as its fun for everyone~ (I am also trying to get the forums more active, as I like the forums. More organized than discord.)


    At the time of typing this I have 620+ hours in-game.


    Thank you for your time reading through this :)



    • Like 1
  3. Hey guys! I'm Kiwi!


    Maybe you've seen me in-game already, or maybe its your first time visiting the forums. I know I am a bit late to introduce myself with 500 game hours.. But I really enjoy it here, so I decided to stay :)(Also I am very generous to new people, I have gotten atleast 3 people to Sapphire donator rank for no reason at all, just because I enjoy this server <3)


    I'm 22 years old(forever a child at heart), born and raised in the land of the Nethers! I am a very playful person, who loves to mess around, not taking things too seriously, unless I have to. I try to be very friendly and helpful, I love helping people either way, so its a win-win for me :)



    If you're new to the forums, welcome! Join us! Talk in the friendschat, ask questions! we won't bite! (not all of us atleast ;))


    Sometimes, I show affection to people by teasing them a bit, so please do not be discouraged by this! I'm the person to slap you on the shoulder and put on a tough act, (which I suck at) even though I am a big, lazy softie who loves to play games, and I am always available to chat, even if people want to rant and/or vent :) Feel free to talk to me in-game via the friendschat when I am online! Do not feel bad if I do not reply instantly or at all, however, because I do tempt to go AFK from time to time and do not see the chat. When this happens, feel free to ping me on the discord server and I will get back to your questions C; (If you really feel the need to, you can also DM me on discord!)


    And well, that is that, I suppose. I suck at introductions, if you want to know more, just ask ^^

    if I am uncomfortable answering something, I would let you know


    (also I suck at making things look appealing, like this topic ahhhhh, just be glad I didn't use comic sans for all of this <3)

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  4. Forum and In-game rank are not directly connected. I have upgraded you to Rubies, thanks for your contribution.


    You can find further info on the link below.



    It was supposed to be a joke c; but thank you for upgrading my rank. twice <3

    Also, seeing as you are apparentally awaiting a bby (grats!)


    What are you two going to name it?

    Do you know if its a boy or a girl?

    ...Have you considered naming it Darude?(even if its a girl)

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