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  1. Marketplace (Player-owned Shops (FSW only)); Added a brand new custom interface for our new Marketplace system. The GUI can be opened from any Grand Exchange Clerk; Players can open up their own shop and list up to 90 items in it with custom price tags (excluding ironmen); Active shops may be featured in any of the 9 featured slots which display when opening the GUI, this will cost a small amount of Velheim coins (yes, it also increases your total contribution $); Whenever another player purchases an item from your shop the coins will go into your shop's 'Coffer', from which you can then withdraw whenever you open it up next; All sales have a 5% tax that gets deducted from the seller's coffer; Any transaction done in the Marketplace will get stored, and item prices from successful transactions will change depending on them (same as G.E. price fluctuation); Initial item prices for the Marketplace have been taken from our current World 2 G.E. prices; The GUI also features 'Recent Shops' which will display the last 10 recently updated shops and 'Recent Offers' which displays the last 10 item purchases; Your shop can also be renamed which will show up as 'Description' wherever your shop is mentioned; Whenever an item has finished selling fully the seller will get a notification similar of that of the Grand Exchange; The 'GE Guide Price' message has been changed to 'Marketprice Guide Value' whenever examining an item. This only applies to the Fresh Start World; Ironmen players can view other player shops, and purchase Bonds/Cosmetic Tokens (same as on the Grand Exchange); Game Perks (FSW Specific) 'Paramedic' heal amount multiplier has been reduced from 15% to 7.5%; 'Pyromancy' health boost from stoking bonfires fixed to be +50% as intended on World 2 (the 75HP cap is still there though), and reduced to 25% on the Fresh Start World; (FSW Specific) 'Prayer Party' prayer drain reduction reduced from 50% to 25%; (FSW Specific) 'Herbivore' potion timers will now increase by 50% instead of 100%; Miscellaneous The 'Grand Exchange Item Searcher' GUI input will no longer close when selecting an item in it; Added a chat-box message whenever an item that tries to go to your inventory is dropped on the floor due to insufficient inventory space; Elite Dungeon NPC's will now reset their current target if the target is further than 64 tiles away, if no target is found then they will reset their attributes and walk 'home'; Using your Ore Box on a Deposit Box will now only deposit all of the Ores into your bank, while using the Ore Box on an actual Bank will deposit everything; You will now always get 1 Resonant Anima of Bik when doing any of the skilling activities in the Croesus Front; Since the Christmas Event is going away on the 7th of January, I've slightly increased the rare item drop chance from the Christmas Cracker boxes; Added the full Gecko Companion pet dialogue; Fixes Added the few missing Boss NPC's to Inquisitor's Staff and Hexhunter's Bow weakness lists; The featured War's Retreat boss portal will now show as Raksha instead of Kerapac; To'Kash the Bloodchiller will no longer execute his delayed special attacks if he himself is dead; Creating a new Gatestone in Dungeoneering will now always delete the previous one; Arch-Glacor rewards will now correctly check your bank if it has an item of the same ID in it already instead of simply checking if it has space for a new one; The Howl's Floating Workshop Mystery will now get uncovered after you research the 'Back to the Drawing Board' Special Research, and complete itself when you interact with the Drafting Bench again. For players who've already completed the Special Research, this Mystery will auto start and complete when Investigating the Drafting Bench. Also transfered the Gizmo Blueprint creation interface to our new custom Skilling one; You can now catch all Implings outside of Impetious Impulses mini-game without a jar and a net; You will no longer get stuck when talking to John Strum at the Player-owned Ports for the very first time; The Well of Good Will global message will now correctly display the Fresh Start World time added; Removed the initial additional 3-tick delay when Mining a new rock.
    7 points
  2. First off.. I'd like to apologise for the long wait for an update! All the festivities during December got me a little lazy , but all of that is now in the past and you can expect slightly more frequent updates from now on! I'll do the 7th Anniversary server stats sometime this upcoming week, need to do some more preparation work for it since we moved from a single world to a lobby (separate login server) system. Velheim's 7th Anniversary! Anniversary Events will start on 20th of January, 12pm server time (tomorrow mid-day!) and last until January 28th, 12:00 AM server time; The events running during this time consist of: - (World 2) A 10% chance to double non-chest NPC drops; - Double Slayer points on task completions; - Double Reaper points on task completions; - Double daily Reaper tasks (the limit will be increased on the next day, the 21st of January); - Boss Instance creation is free of charge; - No Death penalties (your Rings of Death and/or item charges will not degrade); - Double daily Squeal of Fortune spins; Party Pete will also be dropping ballons every hour 25 minutes passed the hour, at every major Lodestone. Popping these ballons will yield random rewards, including some Velheim coins, and Balloon animal pets; Archaeology The Collectors interface will now correctly display the last Collection entry associated with that NPC. Also added sound effects to interface clicks; When examining any Archaeology Mattock it will now display its Precision and Focus, similarly to how pickaxe examining works; The Flow State relic will now stop soil from being added to your inventory while excavating on Material Cache hotspots; The Bait and Switch relic will now transport cooked fish to your bank if you have the Sign of the Porter effect active; Tetracompass caskets will now yield damaged Orthen artefacts rather than the repaired ones, also added the missing Senntisten artefacts to the drop table; The Abyssal Link relic will now visually 'light up' all spellbook teleport spells if you have the Magic level for them; Climbing through the wall opening behind Bandos's Throne in the Warforge! digsite will now auto-complete the 'You have chosen' mystery after you've completed the special research to start it; Regular Research Expeditions will now yield Archaeology EXP, was a mishap in the code always multiplying by 0; All new materials and artefacts *should* now give correct materials and components when disassembled via Invention; Fixed a few incorrect teleport indexes in the Master Archaeologist's Teleport menu; Auras Vis Wax can no longer be used to reset most auras, as stated on the RS Wiki only the Jack of Trades and Wisdom Auras can be reset this way; Trying to reset a non-combat Aura with Soul Reaper's Aura refreshers will now state that they can only be used on combat auras; Vis Wax Aura extension costs have been given flat values based on RS Wiki data, upgraded tiers will no longer be more expensive; Each aura can now only be reset once a day, resetting their limits along with other dailies at 00:00 server time; Each aura can now only be extended once a day, extension limits reset along with other dailies at 00:00 server time; Added a new aura set: Jack of Trades. Gain at least 1 XP in 10 different skills within 3 hours to receive an XP lamp (lamp size based on Aura tier). Once complete, speak to either Xuan, Dilwyn or Wafa to claim the reward; The Aura Management interface will now correctly show the duration and cooldown if the Overclocking perk is owned; Fixed a few incorrect Aura active times; Combat & related AoE attacks will now once again damage all NPC targets despite them having you as a target or not; Wyvern Spines can now be used with any Crossbow; NPC Combat attacks with previously no delay will now happen on the next game tick instead of instantly; Araxxor's reflect attack's will will now be delayed by 3 ticks after he starts his healing mechanic, this will give players a chance to react to it; Switching between weapons will no longer reset your selected Magic auto-cast spell since our combat system checks for player's weapon to determine which combat style to use; Drop Rates (FSW) Since the poll on Discord showed that players want the drop-rate boosts added back to ironnman mode players on the Fresh Start World - I did just that. However, they're slightly modified since EXP rates are unified between all but the classic modes. - Regular and Group Ironmen: +5%, - Hardcore Ironmen: +6%, - Ultimate Ironmen: +8%; (FSW) Global NPC drop rates have now been boosted up to World 2 rates; Ethereal outfits Any full set will now work to travel between islands in Runespan free of charge; 5% chance to double your runes when siphoning in the Runespan, giving twice as much experience (7% chance if infinity ethereal equipped); Any of the Ethereal Hoods will now function as a Wicked Hood (a full set has to be equipped for it to work); Full sets will also work as parts of the Wicked outfit, providing more essence for withdrawal and more teleports to altars; Any full set will now act as Morytania Legs if you have them unlocked for the Blood Rune yield increase when creating them at the Blood Altar; Any of the Ethereal Bodies can now store an additional 12 pure essence, which will get automatically used up when crafting runes (same as regular Runecrafting pouches (needs full set to function)). Loading a bank preset with the outfit equipped will also auto-fill the body with pure essence if your bank contains any; Globetrotter outfit All outfit pieces will now auto-scale their levels when equipped depending on your Defence level. Also made sure Diango will correctly store the new ID's, and all of them are functional interaction-wise; Up to 1,000 Teleport scrolls may now be stored in the Globetrotter arm guards. These can then be used to teleport to the location of the respective scroll without actually having the need of scrolls in your inventory; Godwars Dungeon 1 You can now attack Kree'Arra using Melee; Added Hard Mode to all 4 generals in the dungeon; Hard versions will have new mechanics, more hitpoints, higher damage outputs and higher stats; On death, they have an increased drop-rate and will roll their whole loot table x2 times; Hardmode versions of the Bosses have their own kill-counts, kill-times and leaderboard entries; Godwars Dungeon 2 Gregorovic: basic attacks now strike twice, and will corrode away his targets antipoison effect (if any); Vindicta: fire lines are now slightly delayed so the player has time to move away, and they can now also be spawned infinitely (previously it had a hard cap of 2 lines), though this doesn't actually change anything mechanic-wise; Added Hard Mode to all 4 generals in the dungeon; Hard versions will have new mechanics, more hitpoints, higher damage outputs and higher stats; On death, they have an increased drop-rate and will roll their whole loot table x2 times; Hardmode versions of the Bosses have their own kill-counts, kill-times and leaderboard entries; Monthly Top supporters Added a Monthly Top Voters box. This reward box will be given to the top 5 voters of the month, and will contain: coins, Velheim coinns, loyalty points and a 25% chance to receive either a Christmas Cracker or one of the Partyhats; Added a Monthly Top Donators box. This reward box will be given to the top 5 donators of the month, and will contain: Velheim coins, loyalty points, unlock the 'Top Supporter' Loyalty title and a chance at non-buyable cosmetic overrides, or the golden gnome companion pet; Both of these boxes are trade-able both in the regular trade screen and the Marketplace/Grand Exchange; Top Donators and Top Voters are now automatic. I've added a script for this purpose that runs every month, at exactly 06:00 (6am) website time which will store the top #5 of both lists. Players will then be able to claim their boxes from the NPC 'Miles' at the home area; Even though the process is now automated, I will still be posting the Top's every month (when I can, of course) in a forum thread as I've always done in the past; The rewards are subject to change, some can be removed, new can be added. We'll just see how it goes in production; December's top voters and donators can already talk to Miles to claim their boxes; Miscellaneous Slightly changed how the Leaderboards interface functions by separating normal and hard-mode kills via different buttons instead of adding new 'BOSS_NAME (hm)' entries as keys. Also made it recolor some button texts to make it more clear which one was selected; Added the full dialogue to: Xuan, Dilwyn and Wafa NPC's; Examining a Boss pet will now display the pet owners normal and hard-mode kills separately if the boss has a hard mode version; Sometimes I keep forgetting Velheim is a private server, so, here are some fun small random changes: - Runecrafting will now yield *5 runes per essence (this stacks with all other multipliers); - Most trees will now last much longer before 'depleting' for the Woodcutting skill (including regular ones); - Divination Wisps will now last much longer before disappearing; - You can now disassemble for up to 100 item actions before clicking again (upped from default 60); - Both Low and High level Alchemy spells are now automatic, and will cast themselves until you run out of the item to alch, runes, or 100 alch's have been done; - Blessing Sand at a Saradomin Altar will now do 5 sand per action, and up to 100 times per click; - Archaeology material caches will now last much longer before depleting; Fixes If a Vorago challenger cannot survive the initial blast, they will now get teleported out of the cave with a messaging saying so instead of an instant death; The Crystallise Ancient spellbook spell will now send a progress bar on the Fishing Spot itself AND the underlying NPC to make sure it does appear in all case scenarios; Fixed an issue with the Marketplace not displaying items properly if a slot other than the last was bought out fully; Having the Grace of the Elves equipped will now half the Prayer drain rate for: Light Form, Superheat Form and Chronicle Attraction Curses; Transfering MTX via Darude will no longer reset free Cosmetics players receive by default; The mainhand 'Suitcase' Clue Scroll reward can now be stored in your player-owned house; Purchasing the Chameleon's Extract from the Solomon's General Store will no longer add an additional 3$ towards your total contributed, it will only add the 3$ when the item is actually used; The Invention Guild's Machines will now work correctly while offline, as well as fixed an issue with items being 'processed' more than once in some scenarios; Fixed the incorrect Tree Stumps at the Incandescent Wisp colony; You should now be able to right-click 'Select-destination' on all Fairy Rings which have the option on them; The Fishing outfit can now be stored with Diango; Elder Trove's will now give noted Extreme Ranging potions (3); Butterfly catching with a net equipped will now ignore the Agility level requirement, but will require the actual net equipped and empty butterfly jars in inventory present; Any type of cat or kitten will now work for the Falador Achievement Diary entry: Kitty Litter; The Fountain in Nardah is now flowing with water, and the 'Fill' option on it will now work correctly to fill your empty water containers; All Tirannwn object and NPC options should now be functioning correctly; Attuning the Prifddinas combat portal to TzKal-Zuk will actually bring you to Zuk now; Dave's Spellbook will now correctly reflect the number of chipped tablets you've stored in it; Both Queen Sigrid versions in Miscellania will now work for the Treasure Trail step that requires you to talk to her, as well as buying the dialogue to buy a Balmung from her; New accounts will no longer receive the "Your Discord link has been revoked" and the lingering "Velheim pass new missions!" messages. Media
    3 points
  3. I want to chase for 10 HSR drop or more on FSW for funs What i've got on W2 so far - with quite a lot of LOTD and Blurb (I believe there is at least 1 or 2 more around 2021/2022? Not on discord tho ) And what i've got on FSW so far (+ lots of blurb) So yeah maybe will update when I get HSR on FSW (Sand plz dont nerf hsr rate anymore :DDD) #EDIT First Hazelmere in FSW
    3 points
  4. I'm not sure if this has been suggested in the past, but if it has, I'd like for it to be taken into consideration as it has been a hassle-and-a-half for ages.. When using bonds on players, more specifically ironman accounts, we have to manually use the bonds one at a time. Sure, this might not be a big deal for normal accounts as you can obviously just trade the bonds, but that's not the case when trying to gift/give bonds to ironmen accounts. When I'm transferring bonds to my ironman account it takes 4+ clicks for a single bond and that's pretty annoying, lol. My suggestion is to either add a Use-X option, or a Use-All option after using the bond on another player - Or maybe both? With that, you could just add a warning message (preferably toggleable) asking if you're sure you want to use X amount or All on someone else. Cheers
    2 points
  5. That would be a nice add indeed. Would make trades with irons wayyyyy easier
    1 point
  6. Auto alch, auto alch, auto alch..! Best way to celebrate 7 years of Velheim!
    1 point
  7. greaat fucking update sand, keep em up! Can't wait to see more ed4 progress! looking forward to all the shit you're cooking.
    1 point
  8. Sometimes I keep forgetting Velheim is a private server, so, here are some fun small random changes: - Runecrafting will now yield *5 runes per essence (this stacks with all other multipliers); - Most trees will now last much longer before 'depleting' for the Woodcutting skill (including regular ones); - Divination Wisps will now last much longer before disappearing; - You can now disassemble for up to 100 item actions before clicking again (upped from default 60); - Both Low and High level Alchemy spells are now automatic, and will cast themselves until you run out of the item to alch, runes, or 100 alch's have been done; - Blessing Sand at a Saradomin Altar will now do 5 sand per action, and up to 100 times per click; - Archaeology material caches will now last much longer before depleting; Big pog! all those changes are SUCH a good QOL!
    1 point
  9. Sorry this took so long, I was preparing an update for the rewards! Top Voters: @Lub - with 330 votes, @Lightalinea - with 322 votes, @Idontknow - with 299 votes, @kryptdawg - with 294 votes, Moder - with 280 votes. With a total of: 19,470 votes! Each of them can now go and talk to 'Miles' NPC at Home to receive their Monthly Top Voter box! Top Donors: Iron Vndy Notpyth @yougotlittup @Faniar Class Vct Each of them can now go and talk to 'Miles' NPC at Home to receive their Monthly Top Donator box! We will keep repeating this every month - we are forever grateful to everyone who has supported Velheim this month, and for the months to come whether it be monitary, by voting, or just by being here and supporting what my Staff Team and I do. Without you, the players, we wouldn't be where we are today, we wouldn't be have gotten this far. It's thanks to you that I can invest into advertisements, pay off the servers' expenses, and put those contributions straight back into the server. So again, a HUGE thank you - to everyone. Sincerely, ~The Staff Team.
    1 point
  10. This time it's a W1 giveaway, enjoy ~Noobs Own
    1 point
  11. welcome to the awful rng of ultimatez i curse thee with my w2 rng
    1 point
  12. No more huge aggro pot.... All nice updates n fixes tho, time for me to go back to skeletons
    1 point
  13. Merry Christmas to all of you, dropping another banger progress video as a present ~Noobs Own
    1 point
  14. I've been wanting Inverted Capes on here ever since they were released on RS3, so this is going to be a nice addition to the game for sure. A fresh economy, in my opinion, will also bring forth a refreshing environment for old & new players alike. I look forward to seeing how this plays out in the long run!
    1 point
  15. Hi everyone, Thought id make a quick guide on you're first steps as a ironman on velheim on how to get into the mid game as easy as possible... First off, familiarize yourself with our commands, simply type in game ;;COMMANDS to learn more. Voting. Currently you can vote on 5 sites every 12 hours and a 6th every 24hrs... For every site that you vote on, will reward you; 1x Vote Point, 1x Velheim Coin, 1x Vote book. what should you spend your vote points on? You can find the vote shop at 2 locations, through the ';;vote' menu and by talking to the 'Wise Old Man' at home. Rune Pouch costs '25x Vote Points' and lets you store 4 sets of runes inside. Asylum Surgeon's Ring Costs '40x vote points'. This ring will help you with combat special attacks, by saving some... or all of your special attack, as well as offering some pretty nice combat stats. To get the surgeon ring you must buy the doctors version beforehand. Salve Amulet (e) Costs '30x vote points'. This amulet will make you a lot stronger when fighting the undead in all combat styles, you must first buy the normal salve amulet before you can upgrade to the enchanted version. Bonds Cost '28 Vote points'. Bonds are the servers version of $ and are used for many reasons like in-game perks, SOF spins, Loyalty points, and Velheim coins. Ancient effigy Costs '5x Vote Points' These need to be opened 4 times each requiring you to have the skill levels starting at 91, progressing to 93 -> 95 -> 97 each time you unlock it, once unlocked you receive a huge exp lamp for the skill of your choice. Well Of GoodWill The well of goodwill requires a small donation of 150k coins to gain buffs for the day, this includes 1% drop rate and double Exp in skills. On the weekend the well is active 24hours a day, but during Monday-Thursay the well requires 100million coins (from the community not just yourself 10 people can put in 10mill each) per 2 hours. Daily Distractions (D&d's) Throughout the day there will be Random daily distractions that will spawn, you can see what there is and when they will spawn inside your quest journal (press the Red Star!) you can also see them by the yellow text popping up in your chat box once they spawn. Completing these will award you with so many rewards, such as unique currencies (Like stardust) Huge bulks of Exp or customized buffs depending on the activity you have just participated in. Giant Oyster The giant oyster is a task that you can do once per day, and will reset every day! Right click the wizard nearby and 'Dive'. you cannot dive if you have weapons worn. start by fishing for kelp. then click the farm patch for seaweed and feed them to the oyster..... Now you are done, come back one the game resets at 00.00.00 server time. you can then claim your loot and repeat. The rewards that you can get is anything in game that you can get from clues, Coins / Fortunate items / seeds / potions / Bonus exp stars items to disassemble ... Even 3rd age and dyes! Travelling Merchant The Merchant will appear once every 4 hours, he will dock at the deep sea fishing area, to gain access to this you must have 68 fishing to access the fishing guild, in the middle of the guild is a character named 'Goomy', he will take you to the deep sea fishing area.... Simply run over to the merchants shop and buy his items. (This shop rotates every time he reappears it will not be the same again until the game resets so wait until its something you want ask in the friends chat "help" for a merch call out to see if you want it or not) Daily Challenges Every day you will be given 5 tasks to do to do with your skills, this is a must to do every single day the exp you get is great, alongside the exp you get SOF spins, and raffle tickets. you can find the daily challenges inside the quest journal. Squeal of fortune The squeal of fortune interface can be found using the squeal of fortune/Solomon-store tab at the bottom left of your inventory. This is a roulette type loot system, where the rewards are insane, and is too much to list. There are so many ways to obtain spins, such as; Daily log in claiming free spins, Daily Challenges, Using Bonds/Vote books, Some daily distractions will also reward spins upon completion like familiarization and evil tree. Even the velheim pass can award you spins! When you do a spin you will gain 'Oddments' depends on the tier of loot you roll and if you can choose to convert the reward into oddments. Oddment store Oddment store can be found by right-clicking your Money pouch which is located below the minimap and selecting 'Currency pouch' and selecting the oddment icon. The top 5 bought items are; Pulse/Cinder cores, Silverhawk feathers, Portable skilling pack, portable skilling box (mainly to help with runecrafting) and Bonus Exp stars/lamps. Protection Prayers (level 43) To get 43 Prayer you can teleport to the 'Chaos Altar' which can be found in the teleport menu (Ctrl+T -> Ctrl+S -> type Chaos Altar) yes it is wilderness but you are level 3 and shouldn't be attacked once here area loot bones with the command (ctrl+spacebar) Simply use the looting interface to pick up bones and use them on bones near by. A very nice way to level up prayer is the Wildywyrm World boss which spawns every 5 hours, killing him will give you 30-60 searing ashes amazing exp. Obtaining your Basic beginner setup First steps towards your Pvm setups On velheim, There is a shop which is run by May, she is located near the Ctrl+S teleport she will sell most quest items to you but require a fee of Gp+ a total level requirement. Next head south to the Charter Ship and head to Port Tyras! Once you are here Pray melee! because the Tyras warriors will attack you at a low level. Follow the path east into the camp and buy halberds from the Quartermaster (these have an 'aoe' effect). Now head to 'Lumbridge / Yaks' in the teleport menu and fight cows / goblins / yaks to get base 40 stats, this will be needed for the next step of the plan which will lead to alot of nice unlocks. Melee Head to the teleport "dragonkin laboratory" Click the big circle platform on the floor and create an instance. inside here you will receive a lot of useful items... Once inside there is a chest which has 2 effects.... 1) Turn the chest autoloot on to not have to loot items... 2) Keep it off for a 20% chance to double your loot roll.... (WARNING: Once you have started the run, mobs will always be aggressive to you, even if you teleport out.... pray melee or get 1hit when you reenter. rip to the hc who died so i updated this bit) Once you have done this pray melee and have the slimes attack you but do not attack them yet! These are special they will perform a "bloop!" which will multiply them. Simply let them keep doing this until there are 72 entities you can tell when it is capped by hovering your mouse over the stack and in the top left corner of the client will say 72 options. when they stop this mechanic kill them with your halberd. once they are dead type (Ctrl+B) and rinse and repeat! make sure to wipe your instance before restarting. Here at dragonkin laboratory you will get, raw food, prayer potions, gems, relics+ a lot more loot to help progress you as well as a lot of combat / Dungeoneering XP. Magic First thing you will want to do is type ";;wiki rune shops" in your in game chat box to see the available shops with runes and go buy them. When you have been to the shops head to cows in Lumbridge and get your self 25 magic and start teleporting all over the game with your spell book. After you hit 40 magic head to 'Zaff's magic shop' in Varrock and buy the best wand and offhand you can., and then teleport to "chaos dwarves" they are aggressive so simply pray range and afk! keep an eye on the loot 'Muddy keys' are valuable net value = 1m/1.5m each. simply sit in the middle of room, and kill them and use area looting to loot the keys. Ranged. Head to Lowe in Varrock and buy the basic bows and ammo then head to cows and get 40 ranged. Then head back to chaos dwarves and start afking again. (TRAIN YOUR STATS UP TO ATLEAST 80! SO YOU WILL BE ABLE TO UPGRADE TO CHAOTIC WEAPONRY LATER ON) Starting Herblore At 10 Dungeoneering you will have access to a ranaar herb spawn underneath 'Edgeville Dungeon' (the wilderness area) head to where thugs are just before chaos druids and you will find a Dungeoneering entry, head inside and on the floor are 3 herbs you can start to area loot. I recommend just cleaning and dropping the marrentil herbs and harralander herbs and keeping the ranarr herbs. collect an inventory and head to the hobgoblin peninsula near the crafting guild (fastest teleport would be (Ctrl+t ->Ctrl+s -> Rimmington) head north west towards the snapegrass spawn! Invention To unlock invention you need 80 crafting 80 smithing 80 divination. i actually suggest you do not level up invention at all in the beginning as receiving junk becomes a lot rarer as you research more things on the work bench, Junk will be hard to get above level 70, you will want to gather at least 30k before progressing as they are used for some of the best rings and amulets for both skilling and pvming. check out ;;topic 3603 for a disassemble handbook! Divination The best way to start divination is ignoring it and competing in divination caches which appear every hour, when one spawns type ;;gct -> right click the divination hole and "enter cache".... once inside there are 2 jobs to do; - Collect vials along the edges of the arena and throw then into the middle. (dodge the cres npcs) - Transforming into a cresbot and attacking the npcs (this is better for points) you can find a minigame interface inside the quest journal to help assist you with powerups, like 2x points / become immune / subdue all cres. once you reach 100 points you can now leave and claim your rewards. (alot of exp) Dungeoneering head to daemonheim and speak to the tutorial tutor to begin Dungeoneering. once you are given a ring form a party and set it to Floor 1 Complex 1, until you hit floor 32 id highly recommend doing small Complex 1 runs the sooner you hit the mid stage of Dungeoneering the better it will become. First buys? Bonecrusher / Herbicide / Charming imp / All of the scrolls for skilling / Demonhorn necklaces / Chaotic splint (for t80 defender) / Amulets for all combats. Chaotic weapons are a good starter weapons to get you into bossing. (dont buy the swords as elder rune are better and cheaper)
    1 point
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