Store usage, refund policy and terms of service

By using our webstore, you aggree with our Terms of Service and Refund Policy. Your contribution will go towards supporting Velheim and ensuring that development/hosting/advertisement
costs are all met! We greatly appreciate all contributions, and every little bit counts towards improving Velheim RSPS.


You must enter a username to purchase items from the store!
This can be done on the right hand-side of the page.


Obtain 1,000 Velheim coins in-game to use on: perks, cosmetic overrides, cosmetic animations, legendary pets or the Solomons shop.

1000 x Velheim Coins


Obtain 2,500 Velheim coins in-game to use on: perks, cosmetic overrides, cosmetic animations, legendary pets or the Solomons shop.

2500 x Velheim Coins

$23.49 $25.00

Obtain 10,000 Velheim coins in-game to use on: perks, cosmetic overrides, cosmetic animations, legendary pets or the Solomons shop.

10000 x Velheim Coins

$89.99 $100.00

Obtain 20,000 Velheim coins in-game to use on: perks, cosmetic overrides, cosmetic animations, legendary pets or the Solomons shop.

20000 x Velheim Coins

$174.99 $200.00

Obtain 125 spins on the Squeal of Fortune. You'll also receive an Umbral Chest which has a guaranteed chance to receive a Very Rare reward!

125 x Squeal of Fortune spins

$23.95 $24.95

Obtain 250 spins on the Squeal of Fortune. You'll also receive 3 x Umbral Chests which have a guaranteed chance to receive Very Rare rewards!

250 x Squeal of Fortune spins

$46.90 $49.90

Obtain 500 spins on the Squeal of Fortune. You'll also receive 7 x Umbral Chests which have a guaranteed chance to receive Very Rare rewards!

500 x Squeal of Fortune spins

$91.80 $99.80

Obtain 1,000 spins on the Squeal of Fortune. You'll also receive 15 x Umbral Chests which have a guaranteed chance to receive Very Rare rewards!

1,000 x Squeal of Fortune spins

$179.60 $199.60

x9 Bank Boosters, each increasing your maximum bank capacity by +50! Trade-able.

Bank Boosters (x9 pack)

$25.95 $27.00

x10 Keepsake Keys bundle, can be used on ANY wearable item to make it into a Cosmetic Override! Items can be withdrewn from the 'keepsake box'. Trade-able.

Keepsake Keys (x10 bundle)

$8.99 $10.00

5x in-game trade-able Bonds! Players can use these to gain Velheim Coins, Loyalty Points or Squeal of Fortune spins.

Bond (x5 pack)


25x in-game trade-able Bonds! Players can use these to gain Velheim Coins, Loyalty Points or Squeal of Fortune spins.

Bond (x25 pack)

$23.53 $28.75

100x in-game trade-able Bonds! Players can use these to gain Velheim Coins, Loyalty Points or Squeal of Fortune spins.

Bond (x100 pack)

$89.17 $115.00

You can use this to re-colour your in-game characters skin to a variety of different custom ones, ie. green, red, purple, etc.

Chameleon Extract


An item that has 4 effects: Sign of the Porter, Refresh Aura cool-down, +10% EXP gain, hit-chance increase against Slayer assignment NPC's.

Premier Artefact


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