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Sandstorm last won the day on July 5

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About Sandstorm

  • Birthday 12/15/1995

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Rank of the Chromatic (22/22)

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Community Answers

  1. Top Voters: @Jeremytzk - with 435 votes, @Lightalinea - with 434 votes, Bobo 4 Ever - with 413 votes, Callmescoob - with 388 votes, @exalted - with 376 votes. With a total of: 19,210 votes! Each of them will receive a Christmas Cracker in-game, congratulations and thank you! Top Donors: Cloud Strife @G13 @Hymn Floki01 @Crxs We will keep repeating this every month - we are forever grateful to everyone who has supported Velheim this month, and for the months to come whether it be monitary, by voting, or just by being here and supporting what my Staff Team and I do. Without you, the players, we wouldn't be where we are today, we wouldn't be have gotten this far. It's thanks to you that I can invest into advertisements, pay off the servers' expenses, and put those contributions straight back into the server. So again, a HUGE thank you - to everyone. Sincerely, ~The Staff Team.
  2. Archaeology Volcanic Ash can now be screened at the Archaeology Campus; Increased the Screening action speed by 1 tick; The Soil Box can now hold ALL types of ash, and will auto-adjust itself if I ever add a new one; Added a dedicated Material Storage interface; The Material storage can now hold up to 48 items (previously 40 at Guildmaster rank), and can now be 'configured' for left-click ease of access; Added all the new Orthen Materials and Artefacts to the Tetracompass and Supply Cache reward tables; The Beach Event The Beach is back! A dedicated event thread has been made here: The Beach Event Raksha, the Shadow Colossus Both Dark and Light animica stone spirits will now be dropped on the same roll; Increased drop quantities for: Adrenaline crystals, Sirenic scales and Soul runes; Magic Corrected the 'Lassar Teleport' spell tool-tip to display the 4 water rune requirement instead of 2 fire runes; Leaving the Wilderness by any means will now also remove the Teleport Block cast on you; Magic will now eat up your runes as intended; Miscellaneous You can now enter the Desert Mining Camp's cave to grab yourself some Quest Slave robes; Added the Light Creature pouch along with all interaction options and the 'Enlightenment' scroll effect; Fixes All Prayers/Curses will now correctly visually 'de-light' when you run out of Prayer Points; Corrected Ectoplasmator Prayer EXP values given and sorted some incorrect mechanics; The Zaros Godsword special attack will now properly deal damage to other players in PvP scenarios; Corrected Aviansie NPC item drop quantities; Player-owned Farm animals will now properly process their Food trough's only once an hour; Opening the Crystal Chest with a full inventory will now drop the extra item on the ground under you; Super Anti-poison potions will now last for 6 minutes instead of 5; Corrected an issue with Prayer bonus effect when calculating the final drain amount; Added item hover descriptions for Tagga's corehammer and Sana's Fyrtorch, also made it so that the arrow tips are given alongside regular resources; Zaida can once again exchange your Clue Scroll's for easier versions; You no longer have to do a flawless TzKal-Zuk challenge to receive the Igneous Stone, you'll now receive the stone after defeating Zuk without leaving the instance.
  3. The Beach From June 26th to July 31st, you’ll be in for some summer fun down at the Lumbridge Crater. Activities There’s all sorts of seasonal activities to take part in, including beach ball rolling, sandcastle building, a coconut shy and a big ol’ BBQ! A little seagull has told us that everyone’s favourite dank chasm, the Dungeoneering hole, will also be making an appearance. Every 15 minutes, a different activity will be spotlighted. If you join in during the spotlight, you’ll get an extra 10% XP! You’ll also find portals to all the most exciting Distractions and Diversions, alongside two new ones for Anachronia and the Archaeology dig sites. Temperature Remember to keep an eye on your temperature gauge while you’re splashing about! Once you’ve gained a certain amount of experience from the activities, you’ll start to suffer from heat exhaustion. You’ll need to eat an ice cream and cool off before you can start playing again. At the weekend, the temperature will skyrocket, causing a heatwave that’ll last from noon on Friday all the way until noon on Monday. During a heatwave, you’ll be able to keep skilling even when your temperature gauge is full! Look out for Happy Hour, too, when you’ll get more XP, no temperature increases and a better chance to get those coveted drops for an entire in-game hour! Rewards Here comes the best part: while you’re having fun in the sun, you’ll also be earning some exclusive rewards! This year you can get crabby with a bodacious, crustaceous costume. Or if that’s not your style, we’ve reeled in a hefty catch of weapon overrides, including the classic Leveler wand and Bucket orb, the classy Caller of the Sea trident, and the downright threatening Shark Bait spear. What would a trip to The Beach be without a bit of sandsurfing? This year, there are three new board designs for you to collect. Here’s one for all you budding BBQ’ers: three somewhat amusing aprons, perfect for entertaining your friends while you gather about the grill. Buying from Flo's Velheim Coin shop will also contribute towards your next donator rank! Skilling Drops After you’ve done a bit of skilling, you might get lucky enough to receive one of the many skilling rewards The Beach has to offer – including a refreshing range of cocktails! You might also stumble across a few oddments while you're training your skills. One man's flotsam is another man's jetsam, right? Right? All right. Sunnies at the ready? Flip flops a floppin’? Then what are you waiting for? Let’s head to The Beach! Source taken from: https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/this-week-in-runescapeninja-strike-24---combat-bonanza--the-beach?allcat=false#game_news and https://velheim.com/community/index.php?/topic/3938-the-beach-event-2021/ Media
  4. 'summer2024' 🙂

    1. Ahoy



  5. /Topic automatically locked to prevent grave-digging due to 3 month inactivity. If you're the author of this thread and would like it to be unlocked - message any of the current staff members.
  6. Cosmetics Keepsaked items that you no longer have the requirements to wear for can no longer be equipped; Added cosmetic preset slots. You'll be able to save and load up to 3 presets from the right hand-side of the interface; I haven't had any time to add anything to Solomon's, but next update new gazes, wings, and sets ; Magic The Disassemble Invention spell will now properly sort and hide along with other spells (in all 3 spell-books); Updated existing Ancient Magic spell descriptions; Added 5 new teleport spells to all Magic spell-books: Max Guild, War's Retreat, Kandarin Monastery, Skeletal Horror, and Manor Farm; Teleporting to the War's Retreat via any spell-book or the CTRL+W keybind will now require you to have at least 10 boss kills. This requirement does not apply to the custom Teleportation Menu though, nor will it restrict players from entering War's Retreat from various other locations; Added 17 new Ancient Magic spells, 9 combat-type Seren spells, 4 skill-type Seren spells, and 4 combat-type Senntisten spells. The spells are as follows: Opal Aurora, Seren spell, level 75: A simple air spell. On hit will find all prisms within a 3 square radius of the player and increase their duration by a small amount; Prism of Restoration, Seren spell, level 76: A prism which will periodically heal your familiar, recharge your familiars' special attack by 1 per cycle and restore summoning points by up to 10 per cycle, based on the distance from the prism. While within range you will also have a chance at saving a scroll when used. Players must be within 7 tiles to gain the effect; Intercept, Seren spell, level 77: Place a ward on an ally for 10 seconds, you will take all damage they would receive with a 5% reduction in damage; Sapphire Aurora, Seren spell, level 77: A simple water spell. On hit has a chance to find all prisms within a 3 square radius of the player and give a small buff to their ability when they next activate; Emerald Aurora, Seren spell, level 79: A simple earth spell. On hit will give the caster a small Damage Reduction buff. By 1% per stack, up to 5 stacks; Prism of Salvation, Seren spell, level 80: A prism which when clicked will allow any player to teleport to it. Must be within 8 tiles to use; Ruby Aurora, Seren spell, level 81: A simple fire spell. On hit has a chance to increase damage output, by 1% per stack up to 3 stacks, to all other players within a 5 tile radius from the caster; Prism of Loyalty, Seren spell, level 82: A prism which allows players to store their lifepoints in. Any player that comes within 5 tiles of the prism, with less than 25% health will transfer the prism's health to the player, healing them up to the maximum lifepoints this prism is holding; Shield Dome, Seren spell, level 84: Create an energy shield for 15 seconds that will protect all players within it, reducing damage by up to 50%. Each different shield following this will have diminishing returns that reset after 2 minutes; Prism of Dowsing, Seren spell, level 86: A prism which will draw wisps to it. While harvesting from the wisps within 4 tiles of the prism the player will have a 10% better chance to obtain enriched memories; Crystallise, Seren spell, level 88: Target trees, mining locations and fishing spots will make them crystallised, meaning you get increased xp for gathering from it, but no resources. The effect lasts for 30 seconds; Rapid Growth, Seren spell, level 88: Target herb, tree or fruit tree farming patch to grow it by one step. Can only be used once per patch life cycle; Crystal Mask, Seren spell, level 90: Create a mask that will bolster your ability to avoid being spotted by your pickpocket targets and has a chance to protect you from being harmed by them. This effect will last for 5 minutes. It will also protect the wearer once from Croesus's fungus attacks; - currently disabled until the interface editor tool gets target masks updated! (sorry); Smoke Cloud, Senntisten spell, level 74: Disorient the target with a veil of smoke, leaving them vulnerable, increases the critical strike damage by 15%, 2m duration, 40% effective for non-magic attacks; Animate Dead, Senntisten spell, level 84: For each piece of magic tank equipment worn: Gain 10% of its armour value as flat damage reduction, 25% of your defence level as flat damage reduction, 12m duration; Exsanguinate, Senntisten spell, level 96: An extremely powerful fire spell. On each cast, gain a stack of Blood Tithe (max 12) for 20s, Each stack of Blood Tithe increases damage by ; Incite Fear, Senntisten spell, level 98: An extremely powerful water spell. On each cast, gain a stack of Glacial Embrace (max 5) for 20s. Each stack of Glacial Embrace reduces the next special attack cost by 5%. At 5 stacks, your casts trigger Frost Surge which deals up to 50% of your max hit to the primary target and up to 8 adjacent enemies in a 5x5 area around your main target; These spells have been removed from the regular spell-book: Saradomin strike, Claws of Guthix, Flames of Zamorak, Iban blast, Crumble undead, Charge; Prayer You may now create up to 10 Quick-Prayer presets by right-clicking the Prayer orb; Added a brand new custom interface for Quick Prayers. You may now have up to 10 preset slots, can choose which prayer book to use, highlight the quick prayer you'd like to have on left-click, move them up and down, rename them, and so on; Added 7 new Curses to the Curse book; Dark Form: Doubles the effect strength of Zaros aligned Ancient spells while in combat (ie. Ice spells freeze for longer, Blood spells heal for more); Light Form: Increases the effectiveness of all Seren aligned Ancient spells (ie. Opal Aurora extends prism timers for longer, Crystallise gives more EXP while skilling); Chronicle Attraction: Automatically captures chronicles while training Divination. Also auto-catches Manifested Knowledge's and Divine Carpet dust's; Soul Link: Shares half of all healing and damage with another player using this prayer within 5 squares of you; Teamwork Protection: Gives a 5% damage reduction and 1% damage reflect from all combat styles for every player around you using this prayer (up to 5 players); Superheat Form: Logs are burned for EXP while Woodcutting, Smelting and Smithing is 0.6 seconds faster; Fortitude: Boosts Defence by 15%, increases DMG reduction by 3%, increases lifepoints by +1 per Constitution level, and doubles base hitpoint regen speed; The Prayer Orb's right-click menu will now display the first 3 usable Prayer presets along with the custom names you've assigned to them; Miscellaneous Your current action will no longer automatically stop when getting hit in combat when not auto-retaliating, or not being able to auto-retaliate; Catching Butterfly-type Hunter NPC's on Anachronia will now have the chance of rewarding a Dragon Mattock or one of the respective Totem pieces; Added the missing Impatient Invention perk effect of restoring Special attack on each outgoing hit; Fixes I accidentally made all NPC's use the smart pathfinder in the last update, I've now reverted that change and most entities are once again dumb as rocks; Fixed an issue with Net traps checking for the wrong objects essentially making all traps fail. Also corrected the success rate formula; All kick commands (from staff and from Discord) will now force the target player to get sent to the login screen. This ensures there are no re-connect limbos; Fixed an issue not being able to properly summon Dungeoneering Familiars; The Spring Cleaner will now correctly dismantle medium-sized Bronze salvage; Vorago will now properly release players in his instance after he has been defeated; Mining Sandstone rocks will now give you random sandstone sizes instead of just the 1KG one; The main Jadinko Lair entrance will no longer send the player to oblivion; Divination memory overflow has been reduced from 50 charge requirement to 15. Cursed wisps can now also trigger overflow, and spawn enriched springs; Archaeology Material caches at Kuradal's Dungeon now work. - Media -
  7. Triple XP LIVE will return from May the 17th up until May the 27th (excluded)! For those of you who're new to Triple XP LIVE, it's very simple: across the 10 days of the event, you'll have 48 hours of Triple XP time to spend. To get stuck in, simply log in at any time during the event. As soon as you're in-game, your XP timer will start ticking, and will stop the moment you log out. By giving you the flexibility to use your XP time as you wish, there's no need to worry about pulling an all-nighter or compromising any of your plans. Take your time, relax and enjoy those lovely skill gains! You will also be able to toggle your Triple EXP buff with a ';;toggletriple' command! It has an hour cool-down between switches, so use it wisely. Squeal of Fortune promotions will also be happening throughout the 10 days!
  8. This might not be as exciting for most but the changes had to be taken care of, and things took quite some time to complete! So I decided to push this as it's own separate update and move onto the next thing so you guys wouldn't have to wait for too long. I've also started working on RuneLite integration, it's currently at the state of 'it hooks into and loads properly'. This'll be a long-term project of mine since I'll have to move all the client settings to support the RuneLite's 'plugin format', and will be a separate client download until everything is mostly functional! Cosmetic Overrides Added a brand new custom interface for our Cosmetic Override system; All cosmetics and their data is now stored inside the Cache itself, and pulled via Jagex's script system. This means it'll be super responsive, unlike our old interface; You can now re-color your cosmetic outfit with 4 different pallettes instead of just 1. This does not mean every cosmetic is re-colorable though; Each equipment slot on the right side of the interface can be right-clicked for quick options; All cosmetics can now be cleared instantly with the eraser button, and all gear can be 'hidden' with the button below that; There's now also a button to display 'All Unlocked overrides', which essentially compiles every single cosmetic piece you own in a list; When not filtering for owned items the buttons will actually 'dim out' visually to represent that; Filtering by equipment slots will now actually display the selected filter, as well as visually represent that an override is currently active in a slot; Most filters and options will now save when re-opening the interface; Solomon's General Store & MTX related I haven't really done anything with MTX for years now, so let's spice it up a little! Overhauled the in-game store interface with a new look, new categories and new content; Items that are one-time buys/unlocks will now be hidden in the GUI; Legendary Pet buying has been moved to Solomon's Store; Cosmetic outfit override buying has been moved to Solomon's Store; All Purchase-able Loyalty titles have had their prices reduced from: 150 to 50 for orange basic ones, and, from 250 to 75 for purple/pink ones; Solomon himself (the NPC) has returned to the world of Gielinor once more; With all of the above changes, our Website Store now only has Velheim Coin packages available for purchase; Premier Artefact The Premier Artefact is available for everyone to unlock with Velheim Coins from the Solomon's Store; Added a brand new custom interface for the 4 main features it offers; Porter effect: 50% chance to act as a Sign of the Porter for an hour; XP Boost effect: +10% XP gain for an hour; Combat & Slayer effect: 20% increased hitchance against NPC's below 15% HP, and 10% chance to stop Slayer count decreasing; Aura reset: Any Aura on cool-down may be reset once per day; Voting Added a brand new custom interface for the ;;vote system; You'll be able to open each Voting page directly from in-game, as well as see if you can or cannot vote on them yet; The interface displays your vote statistics, server statistics, progress towards the next vote party, as well as list top 10 voters for last month, this month, and all time together; The Vote Shop can now also be accessed directly from the management interface, and, can access the management interface from the vote shop (back and forth buttons); The 'Another X books have been claimed' world feed will now accumulate for players that have been saving up votes, and will not spam the chat-box message; Same for the Parties themselves, each party will now 'animate' and distribute rewards every 5 seconds each, so, for players that have been saving up hundreds of votes, this will now 'queue up their parties'; All buttons and data are dynamic and grabbed from our site, in theory I shouldn't have to touch any in-game code/data ever again, unless there's an issue with something (which you guys probably will find.. :c); Miscellaneous Added Max to the home area. He'll be skilling away near a Bank Chest outside the main building; Fixes Updated all teleport interfaces that were using the old interface style (Camouflage head, Dungeoneering cape, etc.); All Overlay timers will now once again visually update themselves; Fixed objects around the Wilderness Energy Rift counting as the Energy Rift itself; Added drops to the Mummies in Chaos Tunnels. You'll now be able to collect Ancient Staves from them, as well as Slay them for 'Zombies', or, 'Undead' Slayer tasks; A few fixes for the newest Raksha boss addition. - Media -
  9. Some of the fixes/smaller misc. changes were applied in the last ninja log, but as always I'll include them here! Divination changes Enriched Wisps will no longer spawn randomly after a regular Wisp has disappeared; You can now empower any of the available Energy Rifts around the world with Chronicle Fragments collected while harvesting Wisps; When a rift has reached 100% charge it'll burst out an energy wave that'll grant all nearby players 10 minutes of the new Memory Overflow effect, as well as spawn an Enriched Wisp somewhere close to the rift itself; Rift charges will be saved throughout server restarts, and the maximum amount of charge required is halved from the actual RS value; Memory Overflow: +10% crit chance when siphoning springs; +5% XP and +1% energy when depositing memories; Protean Memories: You will now have to take the memories to any of the available Energy Rifts in-game to start using them, the EXP will scale off of the Rift's nearby Wisp levels. EXP also increases with unlocked Boon effect (+10% EXP); Boons will now properly increase your EXP and energy amount given when converting memories at a rift; A Chronicle Fragment will become Enhanced if you catch it within 6 seconds of it spawning (automatically becomes enriched when using Spirit Attraction potions); Corrected the Hunter EXP given from capturing a Chronicle Fragment (from yourLevel*2 to yourLevel*10 (as stated on the Wiki)); If the Chronicle Fragment is not caught within 15 seconds, it will be up for grabs for all other players in the area for an additional 15 seconds; Having the full Elder Divination outfit equipped will yield a 7% chance to spawn 2x Chronicle Fragments and automatically capture them (which is basically 2x enhanced chronicles); Added all the missing right-click options on Divine Energy outfits (except re-colours); Raksha, the Shadow Colossus You can now enter the Orthen Oubliette, where Raksha resides. Added all objects, Music track, NPC's and dialogues related to the area; Added the full Raksha fight itself, with all of cool voice-overs, dialogues, animations, drops, etc.; Raksha can be fought solo, or with a friend. His HP and mechanics will scale/change depending on the amount of players in the fight; Added Raksha to the Reaper Task pool as well as the Final Boss title requirements, new Collection log section, new War's Retreat Hiscores entry, new portal destinations from Prifddinas Combat portal and War's Retreat portals (as well as the featured boss portal); Raksha's main drops are the Tier 80 power boots: Laceration, Blast Diffusion and Fleeting (each for their own combat style); There's also another rare drop obtainable - the Shadow Spike, which is used to upgrade all 3 of the previously mentioned boots from Tier 80 to Tier 90, which also increases their passive effect strengths; Laceration boots (Melee): Grants a 5% (10% enhanced) chance to bleed your current target for 25% (30% enhanced) of your maximum hit as damage over-time; Blast Diffusion boots (Magic): Grants a +5% (10% enhanced) critical strike chance while using Magic; Fleeting boots (Ranged): Increases ranged accuracy by 5% (10% enhanced); New Boss pet: Raklette. Unlockable by obtaining a Broken Shackle as an item drop; New Title: 'the Shackled', obtainable by completing Raksha's Boss Collection log; Combat - bleeds Added a new 'bleed' type effect; Having the Champion's ring equipped will increase your Melee Critical Strike chance by 10% on your target if they're currently under the bleed effect; Added an additional passive effect to the (Enhanced) Gloves of Passage that increases the Bleed Effect's damage by 20% (25% for enhanced); The Masterwork Spear of Annihilation will extend any bleed effect's over-time effect by 50%; The Ek-ZekKil's Igneous Cleave special attacks bleed damage will now get affected by the Masterwork Spear of Annihilation and the Gloves of Passage; Miscellaneous You can now enter the Main Hall of Guthix's ruins to grab yourself the Shard of Blade for the Abyssal Relic unlock; Added sound effects to the War's Retreat Boss Hiscores interface, and made it so that the search bars properly close; Added a confirmation screen when releasing more than 1 animal item that have the 'release all' option on them; Players on game-modes that CAN trade can no longer extend portables placed down by players on game-modes that CANNOT trade; Made a simple custom interface to hold all War's Retreat/Prifddinas Combat/Prifddinas Skill - Portals. The interface should now have enough 'slots' for all of the teleports we currently have. Also added GUI interaction sound effects; You can now properly navigate the Chamber's of Guthix via dialogue options (same as on RS); Added the 'Convert' option on: Protean Protean and Protean essence; Added Protean Shakes to Squeal of Fortune. These proteans can be used to train Herblore similarly to how other Protean items work; The Nurse at home will now restore all of your stats (if their below their original levels); Added 2 more possible rows for the effect overlay interface while on resize-able screen mode; Fixes Fixed an issue with the Kiln mini-game not letting players properly finish the NPC's dialogue; Bonfire's warmth effect will no longer stack time on itself, it'll now simply refresh the active timer if one exists; Sorted an issue with not being able to do Cooking while in Dungeoneering; Fixed an issue with the Teleportation Devices on Anachronia not being able to be unlocked on some ocasions; Fixed an issue with the Inventors Workbench not allowing some items to be made due to a small oversight on my part; A statue in Anachronia now has its correct dialogue message attached; Animal Paddocks in your Player-owned Farm's will now once again function as intended; Fixed an issue when claiming vote rewards and the player 'disappears'; Fixed an issue where ammunition would not properly drop on the ground when one's not wearing an Ava's type device; Added a fail-safe to the World Task system to cancel itself when there's an error. It'll log the error for me and stop the action properly for the player; Added the missing Spring Cleaner to the Inventor's workbench device creation; Added some missing Archaeology Chronote rewards for completing full collections; Fixed an issue with not being able to spawn another Mogre after defeating one already spawned by you; The Giant Mimic instance is now a safe death for Hardcore Ironman; You can now travel the Agility shortcuts from/to Muspah's from/to Elder Wisp colony; The World Map should no longer add a tile marker when closing the World Map for the second time, the marker should only appear when double-clicking on a single pixel; Fixed an issue with Ezreal's shop preventing players from buying the Archaeologist's outfit; Corrected the Spirit Attraction potions timer from 6 minutes to 15 minutes (30 minutes with the Herbivore perk) as stated on the Wiki. Store I've re-worked our store page to now use PayPal's v2 REST API; With this change I've purged all of the database entries for top contributors; After a successful payment you'll get redirected to our 'success' page, which will show the relevant payment information, as well as the payment processing being real-time (refreshing current 'status' every few seconds). The store sale of 25% off will last for a few more days! Being ' a little short' this month would be an understatement, we'd really appreciate any support - Media-
  10. Decided to push a little hot-fix for all the found issues post update #142 before I commit myself to completing Raksha (which I have started, and as of now you can enter the dungeon but not start the fight ) Misc. fixes Fixed an issue with the Kiln mini-game not letting players properly finish the NPC's dialogue; Bonfire's warmth effect will no longer stack time on itself, it'll now simply refresh the active timer if one exists; Sorted an issue with not being able to do Cooking while in Dungeoneering; Fixed an issue with the Teleportation Devices on Anachronia not being able to be unlocked on some ocasions; Fixed an issue with the Inventors Workbench not allowing some items to be made due to a small oversight on my part; A statue in Anachronia now has its correct dialogue message attached; Animal Paddocks in your Player-owned Farm's will now once again function as intended; Fixed an issue when claiming vote rewards and the player 'disappears'; You can now enter the Main Hall of Guthix's ruins to grab yourself the Shard of Blade for the Abyssal Relic unlock; Fixed an issue where ammunition would not properly drop on the ground when one's not wearing an Ava's type device; Added a fail-safe to the World Task system to cancel itself when there's an error. It'll log the error for me and stop the action properly for the player; Added the missing Spring Cleaner to the Inventor's workbench device creation.
  11. Anachronia The Base Camp will now, by default, look upgraded to its maximum level across all sections of the camp; Added these missing shops: Gem Shop, Survival Shop, Weapon Shop, Irwinsson's Hunter Supplies, Armour Shop; Added the Spa and all of its effects, it'll have to be unlocked with 15M coins. You'll get an extra 10% Agility EXP on Anachronia, plus the 3 effects of bathing in each: Salt-water spring: unlimited run energy for 30 minutes; Thermal bath: poison immunity for 30 minutes AND boosts maximum hitpoints by 3% for 60 minutes; Mud bath: boosts Hunter level by 15%; Archaeology - Anachronia Added full dialogues to: Mr Mordaut, General Store Assistant, Giles, Sharrigan, Professor Alfredo (and his other variants after Mysteries), Associate Colette, Spa Owner and miscellaneous Archaeologist dialogue fillers; You can now enter the Nodon Hibernatorium Excavation site, located in the ruins just North-East'ish of Anachronia Campus. This site consists of 2 new excavation hotspots: Dragonkin Remains (level 70), and Orthen Rubble (level 90); You can now enter the Crypt of Varanus Excavation site, located in the ruins North-West'ish of Anachronia Campus. This site consists of 3 new excavation hotspots: Varanusaur Remains (level 90), Dragonkin Reliquary (level 96), and Dragonkin Coffin (level 99). This site also contains 2 material caches: Compass Rose (level 90) and Felt (level 90); You can now enter the Observation Outpost Excavation site, located in the ruins North-East'ish of Anachronia Campus. This site consists of 2 new excavation hotspots: Autopsy table (level 101), and Experiment workbench (level 102). This site also contains 2 material caches: Felt (level 90) and Dragon Metal (level 96); You can now enter the Moksha Ritual site (after completing the Observation Outposts mystery), located in the ruins South of Anachronia Campus. This site consists of 2 new excavation hotspots: Aughra remains (level 106), and Moksha device (level 108). This site also contains 2 material caches: Carbon black (level 99) and Orgone (level 99); You can now enter the Xolo City Excavation site, located in the ruins South-East of Anachronia Campus (near Laniakea's outpost). This site consists of 3 new excavation hotspots: Xolo mine (level 113), Xolo remains (level 119), and Saurthen debri (level 120). This site also contains 2 new material caches: Dragon metal (level 96) and Orgone (level 99); All excavation sites are now populated with NPC spawns and dialogues, most objects have been given a functionality, areas now have music tracks, and most mysteries are functional; Occasionally, while excavating on Anachronia, you'll find Rex Skeleton fragments. These can be added to the Rex Skeleton in the Base Camp to help reconstruct it, a total of 100 fragments (total from all players) are needed to fully build it. Once built, it activates for 65 minutes and grants everyone on Anachronia a drop-rate boost for various activities, as well as a +25% increased EXP on the island for these skills: Fletching, Firemaking, Mining, Fishing, Woodcutting, Slayer, Agility, Archaeology and Hunter; You can now unlock the Orthen teleportation devices located at each of the new sites on Anachronia for quick navigation around the island; Added an 'Orthen Digsite' teleport option to the Velheim TP Menu under the Archaeology section; Archaeology - General You can now discover and decipher the theoretical blueprints in Howl's Workshop with level 118 Archaeology to learn how to make a few new nifty gadgets for Archaeology (described below); Added chat-box messages to let the player know what they're missing when trying to go up to Howl's Workshop; Added ALL journal page lore in read-able book forms (a total of 194 'books'). More about books down below; You can now access the Underwater Cave at the Everlight digsite. All mysteries, excavations, objects, etc. have been added to the area; You can now fully restore the Statue of Padosan in the Everlight digsite; Added a brand new custom interface to the Dig Sites Map table at the Archaeology Guild; Added a brand new custom interface to the Relic Power management system (Archaeology Monolith); 'Disabled' Mysteries that have not been coded, they will no longer appear when reading your Archaeology Journal; Added a custom sound effect when uncovering new mysteries; Fixed the broken relic sprites that appeared next to their item names; Archaeology - New Relics: Blessing of Het (level 74): hitpoints healed from consuming most food and potions increase by 10%. Item location: Icthlarin NPC at Eye of Het; Divine Conversion (level 98): Convert their entire inventory of divination memories when using a divination rift. Item location: Manufacture at an Inventor's workbench; Abyssal Link (level 111): teleport spells from all Magic spellbooks no longer require runes, but award no Magic experience. Item location: Manufacture at an Inventor's workbench; Conservation of Energy (level 118): regain 10% of your special attack percentage after using a special attack.Item location: Manufacture at an Inventor's workbench; Bait and Switch (level 99): fish that have a cooked variant caught via the Fishing skill will be automatically cooked upon being caught. Item location: Offer Bob the cat a Death Mask; Flow State (level 102): 20% increase to Archaeology excavation precision (at the expense of receiving no soil). Item location: start by picking up a tablet from the lectern in Observation Outpost Excavation site; Heightened Senses (level 105): maximum special attack is increased by 10%. Item location: complete 'The Everlight' mystery; Death Note (level 108): all guaranteed bone and ash drops are noted. Item location: complete Dragonkin III collection; Invention Added a brand new interface for Manufacturing Invention items; Manufacturing now correctly requires the Invention level needed as well as any extra skill levels (if any); Added the 3 new Archaeology associated items to the Manufacturing list; New device: Urn Enhancer (level 24); while the enhancer is in your inventory, each urn teleported will grant 25% extra experience at a cost of 20 charges; New device: Lightbulb hat (level 87); acts as a light source. The cave goblin wire needed for this device can be obtained by pick-pocketing Cave Goblins in Dorgeshuun. It can be stored in the Magic Wardrobe of a player-owned house; New device: Spirit tree re-rooter (level 92); a portable Spirit Tree with 10 charges. Can be equipped in the pocket slot; New device: Portable fairy ring (level 94); a portable Fairy Ring with 10 charges. Can be equipped in the pocket slot; New cosmetic: Energy barrel (level 98); a cosmetic item worn on the back; Miscellaneous Added a modular 'Book' system that'll automatically create book items and their information by simply supplying text and the 'book item ID'. Added animations and sound effects for each of the books steps and interactions; With the book system in place, I went ahead and added most non-quest books into the game for a total of 180 with tens of thousands of lines of text; Added a new, custom, interface for creating items. This is a dynamic system that'll replace the chat-box item selection interface. I'll slowly be moving over the old system across server to the new system. The interface also remembers your last selected item, and pressing the 'Spacebar' key on your keyboard will send you to the next step to start creating it (double-tapping Space essentially auto-starts the process); Moved glassblowing to the new creation interface, and added some missing items to it; Moved the pottery and urns to the new creation interface, and fixed a few issues with the old system such as missing the ring mould for clay ring and incorrect level requirements; Moved Construction flatpack making to the new creation interface. Protean planks will no longer be integrated into the regular creation action, instead, they'll use their own 60-cycle action with no items generated as it is on RuneScape; Moved Divination weaving and transmuting actions to the new creation interface. Improved on some of the action code to now correctly check for inventory space based on the ingredients and produced item definitions; Added Bob the cats and Unferth's dialogue located in Burthorpe. You can now purchase a Mouse Toy from Bob; Replaced Divine Spirit, Fire Spirit, Impling, Butterfly, Chronicle Fragment, etc. type NPC appearance sound to a more appropriate one; Updated the Spirit Tree teleport animations to the new RS3 ones; Added an animation and graphic when getting resurrected by the Daemonheim aura inside Dungeoneering; Fixes Weapon poison, combat aura and combat Invention perk effects will no longer trigger on hits other than base combat triangle types, meaning they'll no longer trigger with themselves (ie. a weapon poison hit can no longer trigger another weapon poison hit); Guthixian Butterflies now work as intended in the Spring Festival area; The 'Bonfire' warmth hitpoints boosting effect will no longer get removed on death; Barbarians in the Barbarian village now have their combat animations and sound effects; Amulet of the Forsaken will now correctly trigger the Collection log update; Farming spot Tree's may now once again be chopped down as intended; Falconry kebbits will now work for the Hunter daily challenge; Corrected a few staircases at the Gnome Stronghold, and added a few missing shortcuts; Ultimate Ironmen may no longer bank their Cow drops with Beefy Bill, though the Achievement Diary will still update when they try to do so. - Media
  12. Sushi's cute Welcome to the forum side of Velheim friend!
  13. Triple XP LIVE will return from February the 16th up until February the 26th (excluded)! For those of you who're new to Triple XP LIVE, it's very simple: across the 10 days of the event, you'll have 48 hours of Triple XP time to spend. To get stuck in, simply log in at any time during the event. As soon as you're in-game, your XP timer will start ticking, and will stop the moment you log out. By giving you the flexibility to use your XP time as you wish, there's no need to worry about pulling an all-nighter or compromising any of your plans. Take your time, relax and enjoy those lovely skill gains! You will also be able to toggle your Triple EXP buff with a ';;toggletriple' command! It has an hour cool-down between switches, so use it wisely. Squeal of Fortune promotions will also be happening throughout the 10 days!
  14. RSPS began some time between 2004-2005 with people creating very basic single player server just to learn about the protocol, in order to create bots for actual runescape, the idea of public commercial server for people to play did not come till later. The first server was released to the public in 2005/06 and was called WinterLove (wL on the picture) which let people get a taste of how the protocol worked, afterwards multi player support was added and servers started to branch out under different names with new features.
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