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Posts posted by Parlay

  1. I want to add onto what @Torkoal said about FC as I feel that myself aswell.

    The chat/Fc rules are so vague at the moment. 5-10 people sit and talk openly about using/buying/selling drugs, discussing what effects you get from which drugs and what drug they’re taking this weekend. And all of that is allowed, but as soon as someone says ”I’m retarded I forgot to bring excalibur” or ”I like trump” it seems like you get hit by the banhammer. I’m obviously exaggerating here but you get the point. 

    Little 16 year old Timmy joins the server and sees fat drug talk in Fc, not so good ey?

    There’s to much inconsistency with enforcing FC rules and they need to be looked over. To me drug talk is worse than a healthy political talk, so I don’t see the logic in allowing one and not the other. Do drugs if you want but I dont think anyone on an rsps cares about people boasting drug usage in FC. I’m not saying political talk should be allowed, I just don’t get the logic behind some of the FC rules. 

    If i joined a new server when i was like 15-17 I’d get discouraged by all the drugtalk if that’s all i see in FC. Obviously this doesn’t happen at all times I’m just using it to prove my point that rules need to be overlooked.



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  2. I appreciate you writing this not only for yourself but also for us. Transparency is a key towards success imo. 

    We’ve all been a bit iffy with the server lately and with past discord discussions it might’ve come across like we want bad stuff for the server, i.e most of misfits including hans etc. At the end of the day we just saw the potential and wanted it to keep going but might’ve come out in the wrong way due to large controversial changes.

    I respect this is your passionproject but for a lot of us it was a passionserver aswell. I think most of it boils down to when we peaked at like ~400 players, was a helluva great time at the server but after that everything in my eyes started to decline. I dont know what happened internally at that time but after that point in time we started receiving a ton lf hidden game nerfs that we had to figure out ourselves. People prepared endgame perks/setups to get rolled over by a hidden nerf that we had to figure out ourselves yet again. 

    So my personal opinion is we lack transparency, be transparent with us and your staffmembers. From what it seems half the time they don’t even know what’s going on. Be like ”Hey guys I have X issue with the server and I’d like to solve it by doing Y or Z, what do you guys think?”. I know you’ve been fucked over on previous servers but we’re all here because we enjoy/enjoyed what velheim is/was. A lot of people have been offering help but been rejected, you’re not in this alone mate. Every staffmember and every helpful player doesn’t do this for themselves, they do it for you and because we still somewhat believe in you.

    I joined this server back in early January which is when we started booming, everything back then was going great. Seemed like players were listened to and not just told by staff that ”If u dont like the server gtfo” which has been the case recently. It’s like if there has been criticism, albeit harsh at times, we’ve been told that ”we dont need u here gtfo if u dont like it”. 

    The base of the server isn’t bad by any means, its one of the best. And I don’t know exactly what to do to go back to where we were, all I know is the server needs to start being a lot more transparent than what it is.

    Take the ECB removal from ed2 as an example, that would have been a perfect time to have a discussion with the community.

    ”Hey do u guys rather want to keep ECB at ed2 and add some new reward to ed3?” Instead of during a random reboot buff ed2 hp 4x and remove ECB and then no update log.

    Hell, throw up a community feedback in discord VC once a month, sit down with players at a specific time and go through current balances, proposed future projects, discuss meta changes. Doesn’t have to be a whole day, just an hour or two. That way you won’t have to spend a lot of time doing stuff you know people wont appreciate. 

    I know this will never happen but I personally believe, seeing as u have a kid now and not as much energy/time, I think it’s time you hire a dev to do small qol/bug fixes for you so you can focus on the good stuff. Not for the server but for yourself, so you can feel a bit more relaxed. 

    Don’t take this text the wrong way I still love you and velheim but transparency is key. Rather over transparent than not at all. 

    I hope it one day turns around and sparks a large drawback of players including myself as I haven’t really been playing for some time now. 


    edit; I also believe all of PVM is to easy, people just skip most gear upgrades and go from mystic + cstaff to SOS + tectonic. 

    Much love, 



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  3. Playtime capped is 100% a solid idea. Don’t even know how people think its bad lmao.

    I would probably have played if it was timecapped to X hours playtime and not unlimited over the course of 2 weeks.

    - Efficiency becomes meta.

    People need to plan their skills and what/how they will train. Now u just hop on, nerd out and the guy who plays 20 hours a day wins. 

    Better to cap it and let the person with the most efficiency and best planning win. As it should be.

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