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Everything posted by pumpkion

  1. pumpkion


    sir sir sir sir sir sir you know arch perk's are not thoses right? theyre perks you gain from doing arch not them >..>
  2. pumpkion


    i think we have waited a long time coming for the div arch 'relic' @Sandstorm baby please add it <3 i need too so muchhh
  3. so from what i have read until now , most ironman want pure ess in the miniggame shop (runespan) and wines of zammy and sara easier too get as theyre really not easy too get as sara drops 1 wine a go...
  4. i have been playing ironman mode for a good 7 months now and i have found a few things that are either way too hard or really out of the way too get, hardest things for an ironman too get due too daily shop limits or 'items that should be in a shop' that arnt in the server or just simple easy things ironman shouldnt have an issue getting but are. item list and how we get them vs food for thought of how we could get them (without making it easy so still grinding too get them) pure ess - clues (lucky to get 1-3k per 30-40 med clues) , mining lucky too get 1k an hour afking your life away , zammy gdw its quite a rare drop too see pure ess out of 300-400 kills i have gotten 4k pure ess way too try sort this issue , i think runespan should sell pure ess in noted form for the minigame points you are rewarded with or thlar shop (other ways from people would be nice too have too) summoning secondary's - the only item we can buy is 1k yak hides from jatizo each day but given that is 96 summoning ways too improve this , maybe a shop for iron man that has summoning secondary's that isnt a 'bulk' amount so it is still a grind too get but we have other pouchs too make and choose from , e.g level 1 - 99 summoning items i do know we can buy some items from around the game but in a '10' item sell limit every 24 hours that isnt a very good method too use items for skilling ect feathers or bait or useful items for item man too have too either start of or have a but limit thats good too have like saradomin wine or zammy wines as thoses two items are incredibly hard too get , example for saradomin wines i will maybe get 10-20 an hour from hardcore bossing , zammy wines are around 50-150 an hour hardcore bossing , we need an easier way or more of often drop rate for thoses items (sara wines being unnoted and zammy wines being noted from theses bosses that drop atmo) it isnt a great way too farm bosses for theses items or gather them from shops or anywhere else so as an iron man sara brews or ranging pots are not an option (we need overloads too ) any other items or suggestions from other ironman or regular players would be nice too have aswell either thinking this might be broken or useless i would like too hear your ideas or ways too change my ideas so its not going too be a game breaker thanks pumpkin
  5. key rates what keys we talking :o tetras or the mystery's?
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