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Vinaldo last won the day on May 6 2021

Vinaldo had the most liked content!

About Vinaldo


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  1. Thank you for making this!! I'm sure this will help a lot of players out who aren't sure how to get there finally
  2. Thank you everyone for the support!! We appreciate it a ton!
  3. WAYNE ENTERPRISE Welcome to Wayne Enterprise Clan Chat. We’re not just a clan, we are one family dedicated to ensure maximum experience for new users and to enhance your gameplay to the maximum! We don’t only just sit around and gossip, We are like-minded Go Getters! We are one another’s support pillar. Why work alone and accomplish minimum when you can combine and accomplish so much more? We host Live Events every Friday Night to get you up to speed and have fun during your playtime! Any questions that you may have, the clan is ready to help you with in an Instance! Start your Journey today by messaging any of the players listed below: Bruce Wayne Vinaldo Darkbishop Thespian ABOUT We're a new clan that is dedicated to helping new players and creating a friendly environment for all of those involved with the clan! We don't judge anybody and are always looking for new or experienced players to join the clan and make the most out of our time on Velheim! We wanted to create ano ther clan in the server to create some more diversity and some more interesting experiences! HOW TO JOIN! You can join the Wayne Enterprise by messaging any of the ranks listed above! There are no requirements for joining the clan, except for following the server rules. Just message one of the players listed above and we will be able to help you out! We are always looking for players whether you are new or experienced! CLAN BENEFITS As a member of Wayne Enterprise, you will be able to join our upcoming giveaways, and events, that will be hosted to the clan only. As a clan we enjoy massing and making money together to get our new players off of their feet and into the game! We will be hosting giveaways in the future as the clan develops that are open to the server as well as closed to the clan to reward those involved! EXTRA Thank you for reading into our introduction for one of the newer clans on Velheim, Wayne Enterprise! We hope to catch you in-game. We have a discord community for those who are in the clan and is growing actively! This clan forum thread will also be updated as the clan develops with photos from events or updated information about the clan, we just wanted to make a quick introduction for ourselves!
  4. Wow, I actually can't wait for this. Thank you guys so much for putting this together!!
  5. smoke grass eat ass

  6. Saw this ingame, congratulations!!
  7. i wish it was friday

  8. Vinaldo


    Welcome to the server!! Hope to see you around!!
  9. Thank you everyone for the kind replies! <3
  10. Hey everyone! I hope all is going well! I Thought I would post an intro here since I finally made an account on the forums lol. A little about me, my name is Vincent and I'm 20 years old, and I'm from Canada. I'm currently studying Computer Science and am going into my third year of study I like to spend my time sim racing when I'm not playing Velheim or studying (semester is over now though!) I've been around the RSPS scene for awhile but mostly on PK servers but Velheim really grabbed my interest, and I hope to stay alive long enough to max on my hardcore (kappa) Been playing the server for about a week now, and loving it so far, the community seems to be quite great! I look forward to the grind with you all! Vinaldo / Vincent
  11. Good work Squeal promo is sucking me dry :-(
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