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Posts posted by Lokai

  1. While mostly absent in body lately, I have been present in spirit, watching updates, and enjoying seeing the progress over the years I have been a part of this community. Congratulations to Sandstorm and the entire Velheim community on the tremendous work and fun that you have brought to a little slice of the gaming world!

    • Love 2
  2. I think you will find Velheim to be a friendly and fun place to spend your time. There are always people willing to help in many different ways. Those that show respect in the Friends chat are treated the same for the most part. Ignore the oddballs, and have a blast!

  3. READ CAREFULLY! These are the rules:


    2. FORUM PM me your answers. Must have all 4 movie titles. DO NOT PM ME IN GAME.

    3. Reply to this post with your IGN ONLY.

    4. First 5 players to message me the correct answers and post their IGN here will win a Grand Prize (see below).

    5. ALL other players to message me the correct answers and post their IGN here will win a First Prize (see below).

    6. EVERY other player to message me any 4 movie titles before I close the Contest will WIN a Consolation Prize (see below).

    7. I will announce winners and close the Contest at my discretion.

    8. Obviously only 1 entry will be accepted per person.


    FIVE GRAND PRIZES: Your choice of 4 Bonds or 50 Vote Books or 100 Mil Gold.

    FIRST PRIZES: Your choice of 1 Bond or 12 Vote Books or 24 Mil Gold.





    MOVIE 1:




    MOVIE 2:




    MOVIE 3:




    MOVIE 4:




  4. Well, I finally tried out Tutorial Island. Overall not a bad implementation. Here is my feedback on the content:


    What I liked most:

    • Path is laid out well with prompts, hints, arrows, and everything to ensure the player progresses without feeling lost
    • Content is limited to a few activities and up to 200 xp in any skill
    • Dialogues and content is familiar to one who has done RS Tutorial Island


    Areas that might need tweaked:

    • I indicated that I was "just creating another character" at creation, so it would be nice to have the option to "skip" the tutorial at that point
    • The Quest guide talked about the RS quest interface, rather than the Velheim custom one. It would be nice if it touched on some of those buttons during the conversation
    • I had banked a few items during the Tutorial. Not sure if you meant for those items to stay banked afterward, but they were still in my bank


    • Like 4
  5. You probably didn't seen Maxamillion online much lately. I took about 24 hours off of most gaming activities while mourning the loss of our special cat, Chester. Or as we sometimes called him, our Orange Boy.

    He was adopted along with another cat when he was very small. The other cat, Chloe, took him under her wing like a mother, and the two had been practically like mother and son ever since. Even though he was our youngest cat in the household, he was the largest cat, and he was a very special part of our family.


    • Love 3
    • Sad 2
  6. Just browsing the Discord, and did a search for my name and discovered that I had a really busy October of 2021:


    [10/31/2021 02:55 PM]->Maxamillion has received Wallace, the Defence pet drop (level: 99)!

    [10/30/2021 09:32 PM]->Maxamillion has received Sparky, the Ranged pet drop (level: 81)!

    [10/28/2021 09:47 PM]->Maxamillion has received Ace, the Hunter pet drop (level: 100)!

    [10/25/2021 01:49 PM]->Maxamillion has received Sifu, the Attack pet drop (level: 91)!

    [10/22/2021 04:29 PM]->Maxamillion has received Ramsay, the Cooking pet drop (level: 110)!

    [10/22/2021 04:26 PM]->Maxamillion has received Herbert, the Herblore pet drop (level: 113)!

    [10/20/2021 06:18 PM]->Maxamillion has received Rocky, the Mining pet drop (level: 99)!

    [10/19/2021 04:14 PM]->Maxamillion has received Rue, the Runecrafting pet drop (level: 99)!

    [10/18/2021 10:03 PM]->Maxamillion has received Malcolm, the Invention pet drop (level: 122)!

    [10/14/2021 09:37 PM]->Maxamillion has received Bubbles, the Fishing pet drop (level: 113)!

    [10/14/2021 08:07 PM]->Maxamillion has received Crabbe, the Slayer pet drop (level: 106)!

    [10/06/2021 05:49 PM]->Maxamillion has received Morty, the Constitution pet drop (level: 97)!

    [10/05/2021 05:09 PM]->Maxamillion has received Kangali, the Strength pet drop (level: 91)!

    [10/03/2021 09:34 PM]->Maxamillion has received Archie, the Archaeology pet drop (level: 118)!

    • Like 3
    • Happy Bunny 1
  7. EDIT:  --> New links to files:

    Clues.zip on MEGA

    Bookmarks.html on MEGA

    This resource is to assist you with ANAGRAM and COORDINATE clues. I have many clue locations memorized by now, but I know that if you are just starting out, or if you don't have a perfect memory, or you are like me and forget what you just looked at 10 seconds ago, then this is for you.


    This is a set of bookmarks in folder form, set up so that you can quickly get clue information without starting up your browser and looking up the clues on the huge internet pages of the wiki.


    In addition to giving similar information to that found in the wiki, in the case of clues where I have personally visited the locations, I give my recommendation for the fastest or easiest teleport and directions to the location, in terms of Velheim available teleports and such.


    How to use this:

    1. Unzip the Clues.zip anywhere. After you extract it you should have a folder called "Clues".


    2. Right click on your Windows taskbar, point to Toolbars, and select "New toolbar".


    3. Browse to the folder you just unzipped, and click "Select Folder"


    4. Now you should see an icon on your taskbar that looks like this:


    5. Click on the ">>" symbol to open the folder and look up the Anagram or Coordinate clue.

    6. Here is what it might look like:



    I am also including the information in the form of a bookmarks.html file, in case you would prefer to use the shortcuts on a browser window that you already have open. Simply use the Import/Export feature in your browser, and you will have access to the bookmarks in that browser. It will look very similar:






    bookmark.html Clues.zip

    • Like 2
    • +1 2
    • Upvote 1
  8. In-Game name(s)


    Maxamillion (regular)
    Ashen Ninja (classic)
    Tonys Dark  (hardcore ironman)

    Date of Birth:


    25th August, 1967

    Country & Time Zone:

    USA, GMT-5

    About me:


    I love Velheim, but when I am not online in the game (and sometimes when I am) I work in the IT world as an Applications and Database Analyst. If you see me reclining in my hammock, I am most likely AFK due to work.

    In my spare time, I have been a C# programmer hobbyist for about 20+ years. My main source of learning C# was the Ultima Online emulation scene. In RunUO and ServUO I am also known as Lokai, so if you are familiar with those sites, you probably will have seen me around. I have been creating worlds and designing fancy systems for use in UO for a long time.

    I am a husband to my beautiful wife of 30+ years, and a father to 6 children (who are all adults by the way.)

    Other hobbies of mine include music (singing, songwriting, piano, guitar, and theater), boardgames, and collecting vintage video games.

    How active are you?:


    I'm addicted. When I am not active online, I am usually AFK online. One of my characters can almost always be seen in the game. I have maxxed Maxamillion many times. I recently reached over 1000 vote points, meaning I am active on the Vote site too. I am active in the forums and on Discord also.

    Why should we choose you to become part of the team?:


    You need to have your own reasons for choosing me. I am not able to tell you that. What I am able to tell you is my reason for choosing to become part of your team: I have seen many projects come and go, and have been a part of many projects in many different roles, but this one, Velheim, is special. There is a fundamentally sound foundation, a dedicated staff team, a solid core player base, and endless opportunities for growth of the product.

    Any past history of being staff:


    I have not staffed any RSPS server, but I have been a staff member of various MMORPG projects, mostly in the Ultima Online emulation world. In addition to participating as a staff member, I have created and run my own worlds, written hundreds of scripts for use by the community, and been a long-time member of the forums where I assisted other players, owners, staff and scripters with issues using the UO platform. Check RunUO and ServUO for the user Lokai to learn more about me.

    How long have you been in the RS(PS) scene:


    As far as Runescape goes, I am a 20 year veteran, having played when it was first released. I was one of the first players to try out new skills, like Herblaw (later renamed Herblore), Fletching, and I earned my first Quest Cape before the legends guild  was there, and again after Legend's Quest was released. Velheim is my first true RSPS experience. I researched them a long time ago when they were first getting created, and tried some out, but back then they were based on the RS Classic model, and were extremely limited in content. Over the years, I took many breaks from RS, tried out OSRS, Classic, RS3, and the Old School hardcore (risky?) modes. so I have pretty much tried it all.

    If accepted, what would you do to help the server:


    I have the eye of a programmer, and the work history of a software support engineer. I can see code in things before I ever look at the scripts that make it work. As a player/staff member I would continue to be as helpful as always, but with an emphasis on multiple areas, namely: fun, order, and troubleshooting.

    Fun: I would encourage positive interactions between players. I would host or participate in events and games to engage with and help the players enjoy their time here.

    Order: I would discourage negative interactions. I would use appropriate disciplines at my disposal only when appropriate, and based on the guidelines set forth by the rules and higher-level staff directions.

    Troubleshooting: I would try to assist in the identification and isolation of problem areas affecting game-play, atmosphere or social interactions. If given the opportunity, I would also assist in the coding of game elements or systems as needed by Sandstorm, to help remove some of that burden.

    Total Time Played (approximately):


    Maxamillion        1600+ hours
    Ashen Ninja        ~500 hours
    Tonys Dark        400+ hours

    Closing notes:


    Whether or not I am accepted as a member of the staff team, I am enjoying my time at Velheim and will likely continue to enjoy my time here for a long time to come. If I can also be of some help at the same time, great! If not, that's fine too. I understand that being a staff member is a responsibility not to be taken lightly, and that the position should come with a degree of humility. I also understand that, fair or not, a person in authority is held to a higher standard, so the ability to engender trust is needed, but to earn that trust is paramount.



    • Meow 1
    • Happy Bunny 1
  9. Sand,


    I am continually amazed at the dedication to improvement here. It is to your credit, and the small details show that it is more about creating a beautiful and detailed product than about just padding stats. As a game designer and coder, I applaud the work you do.



  10. On 2/3/2021 at 2:44 PM, Ahoy said:

    And thus I went on a walk towards the good ol' city of Avarrocka (Varrock), passing by a hoard of stinky filthy goblins.
    Out of a sudden I got a deep thirst when my eye fell on this beauty of a phat thick diary cow.

    Grabbing a nearby bucket, I sat upon the milking stool, and prepared to express fair Daisy of the product of her bounty. As I sat, a butterfly cavorted around merrily, and a lumbering oaf in bronze armor began mercilessly slaughtering Daisy's kin in the neighboring pasture. The din of blows was drowned out by the cries of anguish all around. The oaf, named Iron Lazyboi, was cackling with glee as he waded in the blood of the bovine. Of course I had to do something! But what could I do? ...

  11. PRESTIGE SUCCESS GUIDE (or "How to Prepare your Prestige Powerfully")

    This is a guide to help you set yourself up for success when Prestiging. This is especially useful during a 3xp event.

    This is what works for me. I am sure there are lots of other ways to set yourself up, but maybe this will give you some ideas.


    1. Do clues. Yes, clues.

    • When you do your clues, DON'T open your caskets right away. Bank them.
    • When you are ready to open them, set up your inventory with any non-stackable item as shown: GlB6mgV.jpg
    • Make sure you have plenty of bank space for the loot
    • All items you get will be banked INCLUDING BONUS XP STARS:  
    • OOYqmoM.jpg
    •  TXBIz7g.jpg
    • When you have maxxed, you can use these stars to greatly increase your stored bonus xp. PB9wDTV.jpg

    2. Arch supplies: 

    • There is no requirement for assembling a tetra-compass so you can gain fast levels by having a couple banked. MfJlUrS.jpg
    • The Tomes you get when digging up the reward will boost you very fast also.

    3. Other supuplies:

    • Seeds. It's nice to have high level seeds ready: Hrcd4nV.jpg
    • But plant some and DON'T CHECK them before you prestige. There is NO LEVEL REQUIREMENT to check health. EtuASVv.jpg
    • Before you check Health on high level plants, you might consider using a Vote Book. It can give you an extra 50% xp boost for 15 minutes, which is plenty of time to check ALL of your trees. If you are a Regular account, you might only need to check a few trees using this method in order to get 200m xp.
    • Portable skilling, Proteans, Pulse Cores, Brawlers, Bones, Vote Books, etc. 2GI0Or2.jpg

    4. Finish your slayer tasks: kOcywj9.jpg You don't want to have a high level slayer task waiting for you when you prestige. Make sure you complete it first.


    Like I said, there are probably many more tips you can use to boost your effectiveness when you Prestige. Recently there was a promotion on Squeal of Fortune that gave Celebration Lamps. That promotion ended, but if you were like me, you may have taken advantage of that to stock up on lamps right before you Prestiged, then you raised one skill to 99, like Thieving, and used the Celebration Lamps on that skill, which in turn would raise all of your other skills by the most possible. I only mention this because you may find similar things that come up from time to time. Look for these opportunities and grab them when they come. And for goodness' sake, remember to VOTE!




    • Like 4
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    • Love 1
  12. Hello Velheim!

    I guess it's about time I introduce myself. You may have seen one of my avatars in the game.

    My "main" I guess is Maxamillion.


    I love Velheim, but when I am not online in the game (and sometimes when I am) I work in the IT world as an Applications and Database Analyst. If you see me reclining in my hammock, I am most likely AFK due to work. Velheim is my first true RSPS experience. I researched them a long time ago when they were first getting created, and tried some out, but back then they were based on the RS Classic model, and were extremely limited in content.

    In my spare time, I have been a C# programmer hobbyist for about 20+ years. My main source of learning C# was the Ultima Online emulation scene. In RunUO and ServUO I am also known as Lokai, so if you are familiar with those sites, you probably will have seen me around. I have been creating worlds and designing fancy systems for use in UO for a long time.

    As far as Runescape goes, I am a 20 year veteran, having played when it was first released. I was one of the first players to try out new skills, like Herblaw (later renamed Herblore), Fletching, and I earned my first Quest Cape before the legends guild  was there, and again after Legend's Quest was released.

    Over the years, I took many breaks from RS, tried out OSRS, Classic, RS3, and the Old School hardcore (risky?) modes. so I have pretty much tried it all.

    I am a husband to my beautiful wife of 30+ years, and a father to 6 children (who are all adults by the way.)

    Other hobbies of mine include music (singing, songwriting, piano, guitar, and theater), boardgames, and collecting vintage video games.


    Well, I guess that will just about wrap this up. Feel free to ask me for help. I don't always know all the answers, but I love to help people.



    AKA. Maxamillion

    Peace out



    • Like 2
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  13. First, let me say that I love this game. You guys did an incredible job with it!

    Next, although I am relatively new, I am an old-timer on RS for many years, and have prestiged here several times already.

    I just read the part of the rules where it forbids Safe-spotting, and I must disagree with this rule completely.

    If you remove safe-spotting, you might as well remove Mage, Range, and Halberds, and you might as well remove protection prayers. Oh, and while you are at it, get rid of Anti-fire potions and anti-dragonbreath shields. It makes NO sense. Safe-spotting has ALWAYS been a part of the strategy of the game, as much as any of these other elements.

    Please clarify if you mean only that safe-spotting bosses or certain creatures where safe-spotting could be considered a bug or exploit would be prohibited.

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