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Posts posted by Torkoal

  1. Hey. I've only been on here for about a month, but I've been playing runescape a very long time and seen my fair share of bad updates. I'm looking at you free trade limit. Anyway, I've been having a blast on here and have little complaints, but i do have a few suggestions.

    • Add some form of polling, whether it be on the discord, forums or in game poll booths. People love to have a say with what gets added, but you choose what goes on the polling lists as to what you are willing to work on.
    • New game mode for non ironmen players. Cant say this for everyone, but maybe there's too many ironmen around is because 2x seems to slow and 50x is too fast.
    • Adding in 120 content. whether that only be farming and herblore or custom content for skills that have yet to receive any 99-120 content.
    • Ways to train skills at higher levels that isn't solely afk. Xp rates go up the more you interact with the skill you are doing.
    • Store rotation. Once a week, 2 weeks or a month, the loyalty, trivia, vote and oddment stores could get rotated with new stuff in them, instead of it being the same stuff all the time.
    • Gote/Lotd. Not sure if this would be possible, but maybe having a separate loot table for the Gote but still needing the Lotd to access super rare drops. Seems a bit lacklustre that when you finally get a seren spirit to appear, all it seems to give is an uncut gem or 5 rune javelins. Could maybe add a way to upgrade the higher tier tools, or add new ones that have special effects like for woodcutting which doesnt go higher than dragon/crystal.
    • Not really a game improvement, but more a social one. Not sure if you have them as I've not seen any, but maybe some chat moderators for when things get out of hand. I very rarely pay attention to the chat because of some of the topics that get spoken about sometimes and that could be off putting for some new people.

    All in all this is a great server and you've done well. I hope things continue for the better.

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