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Rank of Bronzie

Rank of Bronzie (1/22)

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  1. Definitely the acidic spider, 9/10 times I'm so focused on the other mechanics that I don't notice the acidic spider until it's too late...
  2. I get that it’s a fully-afk setup, but asides from the armor it’s pretty high tier and not really attainable for newer or players with a smaller cash stack. Using T80 gear, 90+ magic and 99 prayer, a full BOB + inventory i personally only last 5 ish kills at Krill, granted that i’m not as experienced with Krill as with the other GWD1 bosses. Thanks for sharing your gear though, i’ll definetly use this setup later on! To add on to my last post, i think giving certain equipment / rare drops like Barrows a base price in general store (for example) will inspire people to do more bosses for the drops and will prevent people from selling Barrows pieces for a ridiculous price (I’ve seen listings for Karil’s Top for like 20M+)
  3. I’ve noticed a shortage in certain items, like lower-level gear or food in the G.E. I do understand that a player-driven economy is the focus and very important, however in certain cases the supply does definitely not meet the demand. Also there seems to be a difference in the value of GP per item. 15M for a bandos chestplate is in my opinion a very fair price, but i personally cba to spend 500K on a single Saradomin Brew Flask, paying approx. 83K per portion. IMO the price of certain supplies necessary for skilling or PVMing could be more regulated, giving starting or ‘poorer’ players the chance to dive into certain content without having to spend days grinding money-making methods. I also agree with @Iron Tyrone that low-level bosses seem to be quite hard in comparison. Using T90/80 gear i’m personally not able to proficiently do GWD1, due to the high hits, resulting in the use of more (expensive) consumables and reducing the chance of making a profit, relying purely on rare drops for profit. Keep in mind i’ve only been playing for 2-3 weeks, so i might not have a complete picture of the economy or the game.
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