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Everything posted by ryandunn

  1. Yes 100% to it only being certain items to avoid any abuse. Also having a reward possible from the well would be a cool idea to work with. Great idea
  2. I think if we allowed items to be donated to the well (if we had an adjusted GE price to properly evaluate item value) this could help massively. I know I’d be a lot more likely to donate my items than raw GP personally. It taking so long to sell certain items makes the gp feel so much more valuable than the well to a player that is on a high xp rate. If I could instantly get rid of an item into the well I’d be much more likely to donate to it whenever it is down. It’s a good thought to consider if it is doable. Thanks again for the input
  3. You make very good points all around. I’m very thankful for this contribution to the discussion. Very well thought out and very good input. Thank you!
  4. i agree whatever does change should be done slowly, i dont want this to have a negative impact on the game overall. thank you for the input!
  5. totally agree, the HSR should be expensive, and i think that the faster degradation and death cost could be the best solution. thanks for the input arcadiez, means a lot <3
  6. a daily lottery i could see helping a bit, its a good shout! honestly a lot of prices should be higher on end game content items, aside from a few items that are so incredibly rare (i.e. eldritch limbs + hsr) i think the best course of action might be the degradation, and punished degradation on death. dyed items could revert back to just the dye after reaching 0% so people who dyed items previously arent screwed out of the item + the dye. i also have no idea how hard any of this would be to code aside from a daily lottery i know would be pretty simple. really hope to get more reactions and discussion on here before sand weighs in. thank you for the input
  7. all valid points! thats why i tried to add as many solutions as i could think of, i know sand has the same view and ultimately it is his server. thanks once again for your feedback nub <3
  8. all very good points, and im very thankful you took the time to write this all out. as for gambling, i completely see where youre coming from, i just know it makes an economy instantly more active. there is many drawbacks all to which you stated. the only real positives i see from it are an increase in donations for bonds to fuel gambling and the more active economy. also as far as setting the ge prices differently it would just be really hard in deciding what an item is worth as a bottom dollar offer for one. its all so subjective and im not sure how it would be done, i just see it as a solution that could be easiest. dont let the ge auto sell price affect alch prices because it could shift the landscape of ironman accounts such as yourself. im not sure where to go from here, i just hope seeing more and more suggestions like this and discussions about the genuine problem that exists will help us all find a way to move the server in a better direction!
  9. well taking items would be great if it went off of GE auto sell value and we adjusted auto sell values accordingly to how I stated above! thank you for the feedback, I appreciate it a lot.
  10. thank you as well nub for all you do for our community.
  11. and buy them! thanks for the reply Ygg, much appreciation for all that you do for the community.
  12. I've been probably too vocal of my opinions on the current state of the Velheim economy in game; I've had warnings, arguments, and conversations with a lot of members of the server. In doing so, I have made a lot of people angry with myself personally; and I can understand where that comes from. I want to state off the top that I love playing this game, I love what our staff does for the server, and I love sands passion in doing his updates so frequently, and by himself. This server is truly something special, and I will always stand by that. However, I think many of the non-ironman players and even the staff can agree that the state of the games economy is at the very least annoying, if not slightly concerning. I've been in trouble for saying all these different things that others have also said on the forums that they can blame the state of the economy on, but instead lets look for a solution. The real problem with the economy in my eyes, is that it is stagnant. People have money, they are getting drops, people are PVMing, but there is a lack of trading fundamentally for almost all items. This leads to very sought after items (i.e. HSR) skyrocketing in price, while a majority of items have crashed dramatically. How can we fix stagnancy? One option which will get shot down, and I can understand sand doesn't want it on his server and that is his decision; is gambling and or staking. If coded to do so, this can all be automated to assure no scamming between players. Another option to consider is adjusting the auto-sell prices for a lot of items in the grand exchange. This doesn't need to be dramatic, but should have a much more solid idea of what items are worth, and if set correctly can assure that someone doing high tier, or even mid tier PVM makes a reasonable amount of GP from their hard work and if set correctly should also leave enough room for the average price to be more dictated than supply and demand to avoid adding too much GP into the game. Another option would be to make all high tier gear degradable, with no option or work around to make all gear repairable. If the items are out of the game people will have to spend the money they make to buy more gear once again. I personally am not a fan of this option but just throwing it out there. Another thing that can help with stagnancy in theory is adding death cost. Make this scale with gear cost, and make it punishing, as there is no real loss when dying currently. If you cant afford in cash to retrieve your items, you lose the ones you chose to. Another option could be a for-profit lending system. if you cant sell the higher end gear, loan it to poorer players for a fee so that the item isn't sitting in the grand exchange for weeks, or in your bank never to be used again. As for my ideas, this is what I have come up with thus far, and would like if anyone else with ideas contributed to this post. The last thing I want is for this game to "die" (with the massive iron man community the game has this wont ever truly happen, but you get the idea) because I love to play it. I always encourage new players to buy bonds with their money in real life for a nice jump start on the game. I want this game to grow to even larger heights, and I want to be here when it reaches those heights. Open a discussion thoughts, opinions, ideas of your own, want to tell me im a butthead for making this post? talk about it in the comments. start a conversation. keep it civil, please.
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