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Everything posted by ryandunn

  1. ryandunn

    Rules Change

    for you tyrone, i would move mountains.
  2. ryandunn

    Rules Change

    this post is almost as perfect as the change to the rules that have changed this community at its core.
  3. ive got a few accounts ranging from bronze to master, high elo games are no fun though. its been a while since ive played. OW2 looks lackluster
  4. ryandunn


    Welcome to the game! Good luck
  5. It’s hard to find that balance man, glad you’re finding that free time again. Stay happy and healthy and the rest will work itself out
  6. how much to see you play the skin flute
  7. Welcome to the server! Have a blast
  8. i personally like having it locked to one account, and i often am on 2 or 3 accounts. you shouldnt get bonus xp on 3 accounts imo. pick strategically which of your accounts you want the buff on and when. i get that might be an unpopular opinion but i think it is good for the game over all
  9. if you type illuminati backwords and add .com to the end, it takes you to the NSA website
  10. No, I’m not saying this is the exact solution I’m just saying that there needs to be a way to make death very punishing for players that have reached end game. I personally think that making it GP to get any items back outside of a 3 (4 with protect item) that you automatically keep need to have a real penalty. Charge gp to get them back, and have them lose item charge of 10-15%. Constantly needing GP for repairs will have people selling more items to have that gp and losing the item charge creates more demand for whatever that charging item may be wether it’s sirenic scales, masterwork armor pieces, etc. arca put some really good suggestions that all obviously would need to be extensively thought over but the amount of thought he put into those suggestions deserve a better response than just shitting on all his ideas instead of offering any real constructive criticism other than calling for an eco reset.
  11. End game stuff should be expensive to use. You shouldn’t be using t92s and stuff to do bosses that aren’t end game content. Doing this will keep end game content drops valuable, give a reason for mid tier items to hold more value to players that have also reached end game, and give low tier players a good chance to make good money from a mid tier drop. I don’t get the point of this reply. Death should be very punishing, especially for players with some of the best items in game.
  12. Holy cow! The amount of work and thought put into this is amazing. Amazing ideas and I hope to see some of these implemented!!!
  13. thank you for the input and contribution to the conversation! good to see info from your point of view
  14. those crossbows are going for 1.5b + right now, not exactly newcomer friendly lol
  15. krill is pretty unbalanced for sure. i can afk it on rs3 with t80s without a problem, on here its a time waste for me personally
  16. amazing to see some of these points made, and thank you for taking the time for your thoughts and opinions on the issues at hand! thanks again for the contribution
  17. Amazing feedback. I agree with your point about the items available on the GE! As a non iron I didn’t even pick up most of those kinds of drops because they’re so cheap to just buy whenever you need them. Great idea
  18. Awesome guide. Maybe I’ll actually try to go sometime and get use out of my ascensions lol.
  19. I feel like my opinion on gambling is very skewed because of my history with it stemming back from the original gambling in the main RuneScape game going so well, along with my gambling in real life always going well. I understand how it going bad can lead to people quitting or worse taking that addiction to real life and causing more serious issues than a game. That being said a daily lottery with a max cap of gp allowed to be entered per day being set, with the more added equaling a higher chance to win capped at that amount seems like an okay idea. Also as far as an automated gambler with a 60% server win rate I’m all for, perhaps also adding restrictions about how much and how often you can use it. I think the best thing for the games economy though would be for whatever we do to allow the use of items to go towards those changes. A quick way to offload unneeded items that have a chance to benefit the player. If we don’t have stacks of items in our banks it could help non end game items have a good way to leave the game, perhaps driving those items price up, and making that lower tier content a viable option once again for someone looking to just “afk” a boss, or the newer players with lesser gear have an opportunity to make some Better money through the pvm that their gear allows them to do. Again, great to see this being talked about. Thank you for the input.
  20. i completely agree with that, but it needs to be made easier for those lower level players it is intended for. like stated above, its a joke that you can afk nearly all gwd2 but gwd1 is harder in most cases
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