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Everything posted by Bernie

  1. Happy holidays, safe travels!
  2. I support this message, get flares in with us!
  3. Thank you sir! thank you as well!
  4. are you trying to use the same login as your forums for ingame? If so your ingame account and forums account cant have the same password. Also don't use a email to login to the game, use your username with a different password.
  5. welcome to Velheim, If you're looking for more friends ingame to pvm with feel free to add me. IGN: binnacled
  6. I tried reaching out to get an invite with no luck, if you guys are still recruiting and looking for new members feel free to shoot me a invite. IGN: Binnacled
  7. i got newb gear but im down to join the fun lol
  8. All the fun a man can have, I’m a osrs player so this rs3 content is all new to me. Grinding godwars dungeon to try and get some gear for the bigger bosses.
  9. im a bit of a forum whore, so as long as people are posting and making it active ill be on lurking
  10. Hello everyone, To start this off a here's a little bit of info about me. My real name is Levi, IGN is Binnacled, I'm 24 and have been playing rs/rsps since 2009. I really enjoying PvM so if anyone wants to team up and go fight some big bosses like Nex etc. Let me know I'm always game for it. When I'm not being lazy playing video games on the weekend's I'm usually out enjoying life going on some crazy adventures with my friends. What is it a do for work? Well, boys i lay pipe but not the kind we all like to lay. I'm a heavy equipment operator on a deep underground pipe laying crew. Currently working a job where we are 25 ft deep putting in sewer. If you would like to know more about my interesting life or lifestyle feel free to ask away. On another note, Thanks for having me here at Velheim. I haven't been here long, but the community seems great, and the server is def one of the best 718's I've ever stepped foot on since matrix crumbled. Give yourself a pat on the back @Sandstorm you truly are one of the owners looking to better his server instead of looking for a quick cash grab. Cheers ladies and gentlemen.
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