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Everything posted by snekkis

  1. like xdd boost wilderness creatures drops/exp or something, to make people wanna go there instead of stay outside wilderness, i mean, a normal kalgerion base xp say 1k exp for killing in daemonheim resource dungeon, then the wildy equiv could be 3k alongside double drops or double drop chance for rare loot. its small easy things that could make wilderness be so attractive for people.
  2. While i know of this and appreciate the reminder, that is also why i recommended it maybe coming alongside a UIM restriction, I.e only UIM can access the bloodwood on manor assuming reqs are met. considering UIMs don't join the pk fiesta anyways that would ensure it being able to be added alognside keeping the pk scene intact. hence current playerbase would stay happy, and the ones uim would be more happy granted we get a massive boost to our combat. And on that note, not many pk at the moment, it's brazil and the occasional other player. so think most player can agree on introducing manor tree would not hurt it that much esp if also adding daily cap on respective bloodwood tree. which would make players still need to go wildy for that extra amount per day. And to boost wildy even more if thats an issue, introduce dailies or something that is Wildy specific for cosmetic or something so it becomes active, i really dont believe the manor bloodwood is affecting the current wilderness situation at all. And yeah having farm rep as comp req i am all for!
  3. I as wrong as i was, somewhere read that all it took was farming deed + titles to unlock this tree. meanwhile it was master farmer rank on reputation... Reputation is disabled in POF for some reason, while places like menaphos retains their reputation. My suggestion would be to either implement the reputation system and allow us to unlock rewards at pof with it per normal way. or simply change it so that the rewards will be unlocked with instead of checking eligible reputation rank, it checks for - has farming deed + titles unlocked. So that we can get the nice benefits that comes with those rewards such as this bloodwood tree in a safe location at our cozy beautiful farm. While i do realise the beauty of wilderness is mostly herb and bloodweed tree atm alongside decimation farming and searing ashes.... Having a bloodwood tree in manor farm i think we all would agree is a good idea if it comes alongside restrictions such as daily cap based on donor rank, or possibly make it UIM restricted content. "with the help of mami rimba and the rank of 'master farmer' a bloodwood tree can be grown there,,,,,,,,,,,, title since our rep is off, should honestly have according to this given me the bloodwood tree, but it did not, so hoping this post can get some momentum for a manor farm bloodwood tree for those bakri bolts
  4. Totally agreeing on this! make the contrast of unlocked/locked more clear with opacity change. An idea that also should work is since there is a numeric feature there already, it should be possible to make a change to numbers on it, so either all items start with a 0 on them and if you get it it will turn to a 1, ( currently if you get an items it turns slightly more visible, and a dupe will grant you the first numeric of 2) or keep it as is that no item means no numeric value, 1st drop starts counting as a visual 1.
  5. Personally i'd ike it if the boss just started dropping the respective pages since after all, it's supposed to be on their loottable, HOWEVER, the conversion rate on jas pages should be boosted considering it gives such insane low amount of charge per page. Treasure trail addon would be nice so we could get pages through it, but since it's a higher tiered godbook it should in that case be added onto hard trail tables. if that were to be the case in my opinion. The idea of having Pages be universally covertable seems nice, but at the same time not, since logically how tf can i read a bandos page and understand how to use an armadyllian book But overall yeah, i agree something should be done to this and i would have no issues if it were implemented such as your suggestion
  6. make it a true money sink, ;;Well 5m minimum. id donate every time
  7. Awesome!!1 lovin it ooo and the SoF is amazing, everyone is gonna be hyped
  8. I must say i enjoy the path we on currently, seeing battle pass come into action and new stuff being added that affects longterm variety! looking nice sand!
  9. Update happening and completely stoked!!!
  10. Nice update looking forward to it good work!
  11. This might just go in the trash, but i'd like to give it a go. Woodcutting as we all know it is wonderful considering if you already have a higher tiered WC hatchet in your toolbelt, then it will automatically use whatever tier your wc level accepts. So if one owns a crystal hatchet, then after prestige it will use bronze, and if you got 6 wc then it will use black hatchet and so on without the need to make a new one up until you reach level req for the toolbelted one. Mining and archaeology however, requires you to actually have the lower tier one even tho you own for example earth and song or time and space. alternatively elder rune. If possible i think it would be a very nice QoL update to implements the WC tool code onto mining and archaology. Thoughts on this?
  12. Hey there, I'm R4ng3d ftw4, just a 24-year-old living life in Sweden with my lovely wife and our adorable 2-year-old baby boy. Main hobbies would likely be gaming, bowling or shooting pool with my wife, she's pretty much my best friend and we do literally everything with eachother, which now when i think about it feels like a lie. Because she obviously doesn't play Velheim with me sadly... She's on the playstation 5 smashing people on battlefront <,< Regarding work, im currently unemployed due to some unjust events recently that led to my imprisonment. Recently just got released and could come home to my family and resume life, which is my wife, our baby boy and of course the precious Velheim. Just filing it in here, if anybody is curious about the jail thing, we had waterproof alibi with GPS, video and everything, but they somehow sentenced me anyways even in high court. So my family and all that is still all good and no worries considering they know how dumb the whole thing was. So currently i got tons of spare time which i load between gaming and family, family would be baking and making food and going on picknicks. Gaming would be Velheim on nr1, then there would be Minecraft modded with enigmatica, Starfield, fallensword and heroes of might and magic 3. Just send me a pm on discord or reply here in the thread if you're interested in anything or want to play something, as said, im free alot
  13. Epic work done! Amazed at how much effort you put in and fix for the lot of us the stardust feature is perfect for us UIM
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