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Posts posted by Leedly

  1. Table of Contents
    Note: this guide is summarized and includes VH server specifics.  The wiki is more in-depth and also recommended.  


    1. Introduction to PoF & benefits
    2. Kickstarting your farm
    3. Best Foods to use
    4. Automation
    5. Choosing your goals
    6. Traits & Breeding



    Introduction to PoF & benefits
    Welcome! Player owned Farms are a recent addition to RS3, and as such many players like myself had no experience with it prior to the server, and it seems overwhelming.   For ironmen, PoF is necessary for endgame PvM and I recommend reading the wiki, or at very least this guide. I am still learning intricacies myself, so this guide will be updated with new info! The following are the main benefits of PoF:

    • Massive farming experience over time for a small initial time investment
    • Allows full automation of entire farm, providing passive xp & resources
    • Endgame (120 herb) potion ingredients for personal use or sale.  Powerbursts, combination potions, extreme prayers / super brews, it all comes only from PoF
    • Completionist Cape requirement (I'll list fastest bean methods for pof non-enjoyers)
    • PoF and breeding is honestly loads of fun, I cbf'ed hard at first but now I am more excited to check on my farms than oyster every day!







    Kickstarting your farm
    And so, our guide begins!  You might be wondering why this is before the section about personal goals, that's because kickstarting your farm is best regardless of your goals!  Having a high farming level allows for a better jump, but even classics at the 20 farming minimum will benefit from starting early.
    Note: m/f breeding pairs are ideal but NOT required to start!! m/m and f/f couples will adopt at an extremely higher rate than rs3

    For whales: Buy adolescent dinos from other players and sell for beans directly, allowing you to mega quickstart farm.  You should then ideally also purchase breeding pairs.

    Important: Bean prices for sale are WORST at egg/fresh stage. BEST at adolscence & then declines into adult and further for elder.  Note that elder selling prices are still good, just not as good. See goals section for more.

    Bis farmable locations:
    Regular farm is dragons, farmable at tav dungeon, qbd, or kbd.  If farming level is low, yaks ideally aggro potted.
    For dinosaurs, barehanding black warlocks WNW of the Anachronia lode will give random unchecked.

    The rabbits from the tutorial provide a small start, but their numerical values are all very low and they should be tossed/banked for later. Spending the other 300 beans on 3 salamanders for Dino farm is a great way to get passive income flowing! Can sell & repeat.

    Your first goal is getting 2-4 of the highest farming level animal you can, and then 2000 beans for the collector (bottom of store) 
    This allows you to use the breeding pen at 3x normal max efficiency, as you can have 2 breeding pairs whose eggs are stored instead of one pair and room for their young. This will also be the first automation step!







    Best Foods to Use

    Flowers -     Woad Leaves from Wyson @ Giant Mole teleport
    Mushroom -     Mort Myre fungus is infinite in GE. For ironmen, Morcella or Bittercap shrooms self grown. With mory legs you'll get massive morcella amounts while going for zygos.
    Seeds -     only use seeds for chicken. any trash/unused farming seed.
    Meat -     Raw Beast Meat on GE infinite.  For ironmen, ooglog meat boxes DAILY!! Stock up. Dinos eat a lot.
    Insects -     Flies from pet shop @ Taverly East teleport 10k stack






    Breeding pen automation covered in kickstart.
    Each pen size (s/m/l) requires a separate upgrade to breed outside of the breeding pen, these are how you expand automation further.  
    Keep a high quality m/f breeding couple in each pen, removing their young after harvest for selling to pof vendors, trade to other players, or banking. Replace when a born m/f is superior to the current breeding one. 
    Reroll perks for these pairs when possible, but only on 2-3 slotted animals.

    Daily minimum run includes: 
    - Harvest all 100/100 animals for xp/resources
    - Ensure food in every pen to last until next run
    - Create room in s/m/l pens for new breeding by ridding all non-breedpair elders.









    Choosing your Goals
    Sections:  120 Farm/PvM , Profit , Completionist Req, Farming Log

    120 Farm/PvM
    These goals are combined as both are the same methodology!   For farming xp and harvest, you'll be wanting to breed specific animals.  Farming experience seekers, this is simply the highest level requirement animal in each category (Small,Med,Large) of animal!  For PvM'ers you'll want:

    Small - 2x chin pens, pick the type you want chins of. Red/crystal best. GET RID OF GOLD CHINS!
    Medium - 1x Spider pen , 1x Zygomite pen
    Large - None (Dragons are fun & good xp though)

    Small Dino - Frogs, leave a breeding couple and they'll fill daily
    Med Dino - None (Venemous for fun/xp)
    Large - 1x pen Rex family , 1x pen Tops family (BiS Pavo Rex & Malletops)

    Your breeding pen should contain whatever you'd like the most of, generally Large as they breed much, much slower in their pens even with all upgrades.  Remember, fill with elders and they'll breed to the collector.
    NORMAL PoF ONLY! Dinosaurs don't have a collector, so only ONE breeding pair will fit alongside the third open slot for their young.
    If you do not care about xp at all, animals %'s on harvest don't matter (but keep them fed for growth) and they can/should be harvested and sold as soon as they elder, regardless if they are 100/100 yet.

    Note: Each section Small/Medium/Large is automated by their respective store upgrades, and until you have them ONLY animals in the breeding pen will breed.  It's still good to know what to farm for, and even start growing them before the unlocks.

    You will be looking to farm:
    Unchecked eggs - via the PoF collector for GE sales
    Breeding pairs - m/f couples with 2-3 perk slots ideally natural or rolled into breeding with no negatives. bis breeding pair value can exceed 200m
    Adolescent Larges - Force paused adolescent large animals (store in bank/storm barn) that sell for extremely high beans, used by rich players to kickstart PoF/completionist req.  Dragons > Yaks (2k>750) for normal farm. Dinos don't have a collector but manually paused adolescents are very valuable.
    Rare Breeds - Breeding for sale rare animals for collections, Rare only produce, breeding, shinys, etc!
    Private Deals - Any/all of the above plus more, PoF gurus can be hired out for any specific task/comp req supplying etc.

    I will not be going into detail of this section, as the wiki explains it well.  If you're looking to profit, you'll need to dive deeper into PoF than the average player (obviously.)

    Completionist Requirement
    "Purchase all upgrades from the famers market" is required for REGULAR comp cape.  Many assume it's for trim and don't plan ahead properly.  

    Note - this is 100% buyable, just not in one day.  You may only sell a capped amount of each animal daily, which are all tradeable. Note, only unchecked are GE'able which are 0% grown.
    Selling cap of adolescent dragons and med/large dinosaurs daily you'd be done in 2-3 days.

    Your goal is maximum bean income.  Unlike other players, you should assign helpers to each medium and large pen in normal PoF to keep animals adolescent.  
    Check the farm often, selling off adolescents.  Replace them with eggs from your collector and repeat!

    As you progress your farm and unlock better perk combinations, breeding will be quicker & you will not have room for lesser breeding pairs in non-breeding pens.  This is ideal.


    Farming Log
    You want to complete one or more sections of the farming collection log! That's awesome, and a lot of fun.  
    Your advice is pretty open, as it really depends if you'd like any XP/produce alongside log hunting.  Breeding and Gene traits are very important!!
     I will note, Adam the trapper is on a 6 hour cooldown or so, and will be invaluable in this goal! He is cheap and runs for almost nothing, so if you do this at least daily it'll really add up!
    Note that unchecked animals stack in the bank!







    Traits & Breeding
    Breeding can happen when any 2 animals are fed, in a pen together, above 0% happiness meter, and of the adult or elder age.
    VH's checks work differently than rs, but not in a way that seems to be identifiable or important
    If animals can be penned together, they can breed.  All yaks all chins e.g. can breed in their families freely.

    M/m and f/f pairs will breed (adopt) slower than m/f pairs. 
    Sand has substantially increased the adoption rate from RS, so while you don't have to start with a m/f pair it is absolutely still the ideal.

    Note: Velheim does not have disease, these perks are all useless.
    BAD perks are even worse than useless! Sullen being the worst perk, as 0% happiness means worst harvest and will never breed. Reroll or trash immediately!

    Trait Re-rollers are the bread & butter of selective breeding.  This is why slots are the only thing that truly matter, as you can keep rolling until god perks.


    The above image from the wiki covers all vital traits, though I'll say happiness only generally matters during growth and should be replaced.
    Shiny traits increase shiny chances a LOT, and shinies are generally the best version of their family. The goal is to obtain shinies of 3 good breeding traits. Some, like chinchompa, are bad for some goals. 

    Genetic instability is the best perk in the game!! NEVER roll off of it, and go for it on all breeders. Mutation is good but lesser.
    Breeding traits are incredible and important, go for them after trait bonuses.

    Gene Traits (yes "Good Breeding" is a gene and not breeding trait.  Ask Jagex >_>) give more or less chance for your animal to be a different breed within the same species.  This completely depends on your goals which you may want or not want.

    Additional trait/breeding science exists, but I'm not yet informed of it.  Will update this section!





    That's it!  Best of luck with your farms, and hopefully this helps to get a PoF community started with an active animal trade!
    I'm really not super happy with this guide right now, so I'll likely be touching it up in the near future.



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  2. 7 hours ago, Ahoy said:

    I think it is coded that you have a 50% chance of saving any material on any furniture, so 50% chance to get anything back, whether you used 1 or 3-4 planks.
    But perhaps I am wrong @Sandstorm ..?

    Yeah in that case I think it just should be reworded! If that's the intention. 
    List updated! Ty Ultimatez for some changes.

  3. 13 hours ago, Ahoy said:

    Litterly says 50% chance at saving any materials while building furniture inside your house.
    So if you get 1 plank back it does what it says.. it does not stay you get half the materials back for a build.
    You actually can save planks, protean for example when making flatpacks outside your house.

    But yes it is better for irons, it would be better if there were no inf. stocks for materials in G.E. :)

    - 50% chance at saving any material. Using 6 planks to build a table and having a maximum of 1 saved does not align with this description at all. This perk only functions as advertised when building chairs, or any other 2 plank furniture.

    I understand interpreting it as "any materials"  because english is a flawed language that often leads to issues, but from asking players I've not heard anyone who expected it to function other than I did. The perk should be reworded or fixed.  

  4. 27 minutes ago, Pvmlife said:

    Good list overall.

    Some things I'd change but this will definitely help out new players!

    I'm down to hear the changes!  I wanted a list when I first started too, so that's what gave me the idea.  I'm hoping people who are far more experienced on the server will see this & comment changes! I'll gladly change to what's agreed upon or make notes.

  5. Disclaimer: I am a loud noob, therefore building this list should hopefully bring some opinions and get a proper & more list born from my beginnings.
    On that note, this thread will be consistently updated as opinions & meta shift.  If I am inactive (just ask on discord,) feel free to delete & repost.
    Note that placement within a tier is currently meaningless, no matter where I've listed it.
    Ironmen - Ctrl + F this thread for "iron"

    See here for a thread listing all perks and their functions, or check ingame.
    This is the go-to thread for ancient invention, vital for high PvM.

    PvM Perks Tier List 
      Perks Underlined are recommended to be purchased first
    S  - Paramedic             - Buffs: Food, Brews, Vampyrism, Blood Barrage, Soul Split, Amulet of Souls, the list goes on? This perk is insane.
                     Overclocking          - Insane perk as auras cover everything in the game from XP gain to crop yield, life steal, dmg/accuracy, etcetc. Combat and every skill.  Not bold because loyalty is time gated, but get this perk.
                     Herbivore              - IMO this perk is the best value in VH. The boxes add up in value loads and the potion timers can't be beat.  Works on every potion that gives a buff!
                     Coin Collector        - Dg accumulator, but much better. The earlier you buy this, the better. Slayer tasks are a LOT more raw gp than most people realize. That being said, it can wait a little.
                     Lucky Seven           - It's more RNG.  'Nuff said! Also like CC above, the earlier you buy this the more value you'll receive from the extra coins.
                     Robin and Ava        - Unless you're already comped, nothing but ava's will carry this property & it's insanely strong for ranged players, which is most PvM.
                     Proficient Inventor  - This will save you many, many, many millions or your time which is worth millions. Slows charge use on augmented gear, which is used by every endgame and most lategame PvM'ers.
                     Galileo                    - High cost, but will absolutely be worth it in the long run.  All un augmented gear and jewelry (hydrix for eof etc) benefits from this perk.
    A  - Greater Gods        - I mean...it's not "vital" but this is one of the best QOL perks for PvM'ers.  Utilized through to endgame with reapers in consideration. Well priced.
                      Prayer Party           - S tier for ironmen, and used to be S tier overall.  Good, but prayer is free at every home teleport and potions are very cheap.
                      Pyromancy             - fm lvl scaling max 10% more health from ctrl + w bonfire. Good, and can be further extended with a reaper reward.
                      Charm Collector     - 1k VC, very costly.  No reason to get this early, but its value as a loot cleaner on all pvm/slayer is fantastic.
                      Preslaysion            - Some people don't know you can tele to task for 200k without thais perk.  You'll easily make 200k every task in gp drops alone... but that's money lost that'll add up.  If you plan to 120 slay and are any mode but 200x, get this. The skipping of tasks for free is incredible but slayer just isn't "required" like it used to be. 
    B  - Thaumaturgist        - Will save you money over time, and good for ironmen, but they just generally don't mage even with this & RC perk.  At 700 VC you'll have to mage a LOT to get your investment back, but if you will it's worthwhile.
                      Inoris Incentive       - Adds a little sustain when using demon horn for afk and helps for wyvern bones or any prayer xp farming. 
    C  - Engineer                 - Obvious. Use a cannon? Good perk! Otherwise skip.
                     Friendly Familiar    - A very strong and convenient perk, and A-B tier for irons. C overall because pouches are really cheap.
    D  - Ash Petchum         - S tier if you want boss pets, else useless. Skilling pets are easy.
                      Bad Breath             - Unless ironman, this perk is not great.
                      Charming Chance  - Better than collector slightly, but almost half the price. Still not great, summoning is ez. 

    F  - 

    Skilling Perks Tier List 
      Perks in BOLD are recommended to be purchased first
    S  - Blacksmith           - If you are most people & plan to make Masterwork, this is a great perk. If not, can skip.
                     Master Inventor   - Invention is used universally by late game players.  This is a grand perk.
                     Quarrymaster       - For miners, this is necessary.  I haven't tested, but as stamina increases mining damage this should directly increase damage a lot from that, then 10% crit and 5% base damage? Strong af. Avoid if you'll buy masterwork.  Note: more stamina = more dmg confirmed by Sandstorm, clicking every swing = ehp.
    A  - Bottle Brew         - Great perk, but doesns't work on some endgame potions & combos. S tier for irons.
                      Divinization          - This server runs on divine charge. This perk is amazing for both farming energy and succ-o-matic. Chronicles are whatever. A tier because if everyone got the perk and camped charges, they'd crash. 
                      Going Green        - S tier for irons. If you don't farm this is bad, but most players do, especially with 120 farming content.
    B  - none
    C  - Master Chef            - Makes cooking xp/hr increase by 33%, and gives 25% more cooked than raw food.  A good perk, but most people simply buy their food.  S-A tier for irons.
                     Master Fisher           - Good if you fish a lot.  S-A tier for irons.
    D  - The Paleontologist - Without details on this perk's exact bonuses, i cannot justify recommending it to anyone outside of anyone planning to put 50+hrs into arch.
                      Master Crafter         - If you're going for 200m's, get the perk that goes for that skill.  Otherwise perks like this one just fall short in usefulness for their cost.
                      Master Fletcher       - ^ see above
                      Master Hunter         - ^ see above
                      Master Lumberjack  - ^ see above
                      Niaochao                 - ^ see above
                      Sleight of Hand        - ^ see above

    F  - Dungeon Daemon - Depending on your game mode, this perk is amazing or useless coming in at a whopping 1.5k VC.  S tier for selling floors and classics. B tier for irons due to cost.
                    Fe Forge                 - Worth buying for irons saves on mw.  Other modes iron ore is infinite in GE cheap af.
                    Runic Ritual            - S tier for ironmen for souls.  Runes are infinite on GE.
                    The Enchanter        - saves seconds/day for most players so not really worth, but neat to have at all perks.
                    Ceramic Champion - S tier for efficient skilling players who will use urns. Most don't.
                    Builder Bob             - Perk is scammingly worded and only saves MAX of 1 plank per build action. To benefit fully from the perk building chairs you'd get such trash xp/hr it's only worth for ironmen/classic.. Also once you're to ddz you'll be using the portable, which this doesn't work on.

    Misc Perks
    Investigator            - Like clues? Insane perk.  Don't? ignore.  People buying this perk make billions selling forts to the lazies, up to you.
    Mellon                    - Almost completely useless, other than fresh account or prestige. Relevant priff teles are in teleports already. Would be better if on a hotkey imo.
    Stamina Stallion      - If you grind ;;bct, ;;spt, or similar you'll need this. If you do: elite dungeons, legios, nex, you'll want this!
    Voc Voyager            - If your gold include ports (hc,comp,whatever) this perk is worthwhile.  I highly recommend grinding some ed1 trash to kickstart ports!

    Thanks for reading, can't wait to see the discussions this sparks.  Hopefully my starter list isn't too bad. Ty for reading!

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  6. Thank you for the warm welcome everyone!
    Since you all use the forums I'll just have to deal with it lol, grew up using them so it's no problem.

    The server has been extremely impressive and I'm having so much fun!

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