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Xero Rng

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Posts posted by Xero Rng

  1. +1 to this. would be nice to see this added to the dono rank list. even if it starts off as 10 logs for sapphire rank and +10 per dono rank per day. would give people another reason to rank up, as well as unlock some content for those that dont want to risk thousands of hours of progress in the wilderness. 

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  2. "Master Breeder" 

    Increases chance to breed by 25%

    Always 100% happiness
    Decreases food consumption by 25%

    Increase Shiny odds by 10% 

    Increase Harvest amount by 20%

    so many different directions this could go :o+1 for player owned farm perks!!!

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  3. 1 hour ago, Phippzy said:

    Will iron/hardcore/ultimate/group ironmans be able to take part in these events?

    if i can give you a bond at least, then yes :D

    only things that may be tough are organizeed boss masses. since irons cant group with regulars. 

    EDIT: (im not sure what bosses irons can and cant join in on. ive seen irons and regs group at raids for instnace, but i couldnt at araxxor)


  4. For now, prizes would most likely be in bonds, but please post in the comments what kind of prizes you'd like to see! 


    also accepting donations for prizes i guess if thats what people wanna do xD

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  5. In-Game name(s)
    Xero RNG

    Xero Mines

    Iron X

    Date of Birth:

    February 1, 1990

    Country & Time Zone:

    US East, EST

    About me:

    I will link my Introduction page here, as well as add a little bit to the mix. 

    I have been playing RuneScape since early 2002 when I went to the public library and saw other kids smashing goblins in the head with what looked like a stick (come to find out it was just a bronze sword). I was captivated. Other than the n64 I had at home, the only video games I was playing at the time were flash games on random websites. I didn't think pc gaming could get any better than that. Needless to say, I started my journey and was hooked immediately. I've played after school nearly every day, trying to get better, trying to finish all the quests, learning everything about the game that I could. in the past 21 years, I've lost accounts, been scammed, made new ones with twists I set on myself, quit, returned, quit again, and eventually started playing rsps to meet new people, and enjoy the game in an entirely different way. 


    14 years ago I became a father for the first time. my gaming had come to an end. 2 years after that, I became a father yet again. I was a bit more ready that time, but not quite still. stayed away from gaming and learning lore of the game I had played at that point for 8 years, to learn the lore and embark on the quests of parenthood. eventually I was able to figure out how to work 2 jobs, be a father and get some quality me time in. fast forward to 2023 and in march my wife and I brought baby #3 into the mix. Now, I'm a pro! Maybe not quite when it comes to RuneScape, but in learning how to manage my time so I can do my own thing, and provide in the way I need to, leaving me plenty of time to play, raise and not neglect anything I love.


    Some of the skills I can bring to the table. I am quite patient as any parent knows you kind of have to be. I can take a step back and hear both sides of stories before coming to an informed conclusion, a skill I picked up working as a union shop steward. I'm a very vocal person. I'm sure sandstorm saw this when I stood by my, and others opinion that Nex was just too beefy in p5. (please don't hold that against me haha). As many players know, I'm approachable. I can join in conversation and don't mind putting myself out there. But also, I tend to w/c a lot... too many conversations going on at once :D 


    How active are you?:

    So this is where my chances may be hindered a bit. Currently I am on paternity leave, with a newborn that sleeps, and eats most of the day away. I have been online roughly 16 hours a day since I joined. the second week of June I will be returning to work, so I will most likely be able to play 2 hours before and 1-2 hours after Monday - Thursday, and normal full days on Friday through Sunday. 

    Why should we choose you to became part of the team?:

    I personally believe that my positive outlook, matched with my game knowledge would make me a great help chat support staff. I would also be willing to host events on the weekend. It's something I've seen on other servers quite frequently, that this one seems to be missing. Examples including Hide and Seek for money/bonds/votebooks/goodiebags, random boss massing(i know people normally solo most bosses on here but quite a bit of players don't know how to do many bosses and are afraid to ask) and even pvp tournaments! 

    Any past history of being staff:

    I have never been staff or applied on this server, but I was a Lead support role in another server, and Moderator in one of my first rsps servers I was a part of, so I do understand the responsibility and commitment it takes to hold these titles. 

    How long have you been in the RS(PS) scene:

    I have been in the rsps scene since the release of EOC. I was not a fan of the change that came with the game. it went from relaxed to button mashing craziness. 

    If accepted, what would you do to help the server:

    Anything required to help retain players, and get the community together for events, 

    Total Time Played (approximately):

    40 days 5 hours, or 965 hours spread across 3 accounts. 


    In Conclusion:

    I would like to personally thank everyone who took the time to read this, and possibly leave a comment below for their feedback. I will always be open to positive or negative feedback as it will help me grow as a person. I would love to be given this opportunity to show what I am capable of, and we will see what happens!



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  6. I agree with this suggestion, but can we take it 1 step further and just lump it with other protean items? like the ability to convert from protein protein and protean essence doesn't exist yet, and we are still missing protean shakes for herblore training. 


    Edit: yeah, i guess ahoy already asked for the convert option on the other proteans, but somehow i just completely skipped that comment the first time around, so i guess on top of that im only asking for shakes xD

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  7. Hello to you officially on the forums friend! 

    I am a rs3 vet, but only a mid tier pvm'r so maybe once you get that sushi rollin, we could try to face tank and learn some new bosses together :D

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  8. Hiya everyone! I'm Xero RNG. 


    I've been on this server a few weeks at this point and have most likely met with you, if you've been active in the last few weeks. you can usually find me trying to buy and sell wares, or making myself look like a jackass by repeatedly dying at bosses :D 


    I'm, what i like to refer to as, a mid tier PVM'r. i can do GWD 1+2, ED 1,2,3 and other bosses like rax, rago, and Telos (up to 100%). I am always trying to push myself to do better, and get better at PVM, though i mainly like to skill and quest in Runescape. I'm a Lore whore at heart. I've gotten quest cape 3 times in rs3, and twice in osrs. Also, ive been playing since late 2001, back in the rs classic days, though I have taken MANY breaks from the game spanning months. Usually due to my personal lack of RNG with grinding out a piece of content and not getting the drop im after (hence the name...). I was highly against EOC and the removal of free trade/wilderness so i took a nice extended break then. Around 2015 i found out about RSPS's and loved the fast pace progression, and meeting the new communities. 


    On a more personal note, I've been married to a wonderful woman now for 2+ years, and we just recently had the newest addition to our family join us a few months ago, bringing the total Xero-clan head count to 5. I'm 33 years old, and live in East Coast, USA. 


    I am always willing to group up whether it be for skilling, bossing, or just general dicking around. If you see me around, please say hi. I don't turn engagement away, unless i'm doing afk things and taking care of the baby :D 


    Hope to grow more with this new group of gamers, and maybe ill get some loot along the way :D 

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