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Maybe last won the day on December 12 2024

Maybe had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About Maybe

Group Ironman

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Rank of the White Knight

Rank of the White Knight (4/22)

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  1. Finally gotten some answers to my 7 year health journey from being diagnosed Type-1 Diabetic at 22 years old. I have a zinc deficiency and a Bone marrow deficiency that prevents my body from holding nutrients. My bone marrow acts like that of a chemotherapy patient and in combination with the zinc deficiency my body lacks the ability to absorb and store nutrients normally. Adding Type-1 Diabetes to the mix causes my body to be in constant malnourishment. I eat 6-8 double portioned(150g carb) meals per day but they just don't hold. No idea why my body decided to change all of the sudden at age 22, but hopefully we can figure out some work arounds.
  2. Looking forward to this! This is beautiful! Ty for adding the banking sections!
  3. Mad ninja log, love the focus on the little things especially the Editor's
  4. IGN:Maybe F1 : Monthly top IS2 : Earth and Song IS7 : Elite Skiller IS10 : Its very pointy IP7 : Bounty
  5. So, I was that guy in the nursing home at 26 years old when I started playing Velheim officially. I originally found velheim 4 1/2-5 years ago and made a few accounts and failed to play. Eventually landed back on it when I was sick. Picked Ironman and started the journey! I already have an introduction up so I'll make this a little short sweet and to the point. I am 29, I am a type-1 Diabetic, I am Disabled, I am 6'2 and weigh 100lbs struggling with weight. I am pretty much always online and always willing to help! Feel free to ask me anything about my health, gaming, or whatever I'm open as my situation is sort of unique.
  6. Locked In We are currently the only active clan on the server. We are recruiting everyone so don't miss out on Events and Giveaways! Join up! We currently actively run AoD teams, 4-man and 5-7-man teaching runs. There's a few members that run Solak Solo and Duos, Raids. There's daily pvm groups for various content such as Barrows Rise of the Six, Vorago, AoD. Announcements for most D&D's along with Discord announcements for Portables/Deposit Boxes. The Goal Our main goal is to try and build more of a community on Velheim, even if it is being the 'Only' active clan holding the majority of the players. We are going to try and host events and giveaways such as PvM Bingos, Hide and Seeks, Trivias, and Giveaways. Planning to setup other types of events such as mass skilling or minigames. We have people willing to teach and host more high-tier/end-game bosses. How To Join There are no requirements to joining! Just be active and play the server we all love and enjoy! The main idea behind this is to stay active! If anything happens to Leadership, IT WILL BE PASSED!!!! Locked In is here to stay! DM Maybe, Jahx, Lub, Lube, Jeremy, Jeremytzk, Captn Levi, Grim Bees, Classy Bees in-game for an invite! We are looking forward to the adventures that await! We cannot wait to hear from you!
  7. Amazing guide! I would suggest adding Titan to the budget setup to help with the reavers, otherwise theres a chance they make it. https://prnt.sc/TNPIYDSp9qIR
  8. Appreciate you all showing your support <3
  9. Hey I'm Jahx, and its time to get a lil' personal. I'm a longtime player of rs3 and some osrs. Most of my osrs experience is from private servers. I main Ironman accounts and have a fish/mining alt to payback friends that have helped me. I am 28 years old as of May 9th, 2023. As a Type-1 Diabetic my body decided to eat itself with my insulin and I got eaten down to 67lbs at 6ft'3inches. I honestly was on my deathbed when I woke up that morning. I was unable to move, Unable to speak, and felt the most helpless I have ever felt in my life. Its a scary feeling when you can't even turn or lift your head to call for help. I was lucky that my family members were constantly checking in on me. I had been laying for about 25 minutes unable to help myself do anything at all. My brother had to fireman's carry me to the car to rush me to the ER. We honestly should have called an ambulance but luckily I was instantly triaged and checked into the hospital. I am currently in a nursing home after being hospitalized for 87 days out of this year so far. I am bouncing between 80-90lbs eating as much as I can when I can and doing physical therapy and occupational therapy to build muscle back. From not being able to move I can currently now function almost as a normal human being. I'm passing the time with Velheim and am enjoying everything and everyone the server and community has to offer and it has helped me keep my mind off the reality that I've gotten stuck in. The community is amazing and super helpful and understanding of my situation, trolls welcome, they don't affect me as I didn't do this to myself. I'm mostly online on Jahx, and Jahz. Jahx being my main ironman and Jahz being my bond alt to get all perked out and ranked up. I'm on most of the day because the only things I need to do daily are Physical and Occupational Therapy. I'm always open to conversation and answering questions be it about the game, the server, or even my current situation. I didn't want to shit post for a suggestion so I took the time to actually write something out and chose to put my story out on here as a warning or notice to other who may know or be in a similar situation. You can call me my Family Name, 'Bubba', or my ingame name, 'Jahx'. I don't mind putting this out there.
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