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Everything posted by Ahoy

  1. I am talking about Classic, no one has the maximum prestige there yet. ^ 10 + 10 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1.5 = 26.5, tell me other wise.
  2. I actually factored this, mainly cause my mobile is not the newest but still decent for plenty of apps to run without any issues. Was just suggesting a more user friendly and simplefied voting page when using your mobile.
  3. So the maximum is 26,5% for Classic? Jesus.
  4. If possible to make a seperate vote page for mobile voting where the background is a static image to reduce the loading, my phone struggles big time loading the page. Maybe even just iframing a part of the page like the screenshot shown below with the normal website menu above it? I think all the extra things shown like the highscores and the moving background do not add up to any decent user experience for daily voters. Maybe a link like velheim.com/mobilevote or /votemobile would work well with it's own button or icon on the website.
  5. Best option is to replace regular with anything new.
  6. Since we can collect the seeds already it would be nice if they are coded in to be used; Butterfly Flowers Barberry Sunchoke Fly trap maybe a few more that I've missed/not tested
  7. Now I do not know why they brought back Cell but personally I am not a fan of Cell Max..
  8. STRIPESSSSSS KITTYYYYYYY! Aye Golden Eye is a real classic one. As for DB I kind of started to like Vegeta a lot more at the end of DBZ and DBS, as for the Daiama series it does not really appeal to me looking it too much like a childrens verion. Hope they would grow DBS more with random arcs that have deep background stories of various races, planets and characters.
  9. Lovely to read and I see some similairities, username typo's for a Runescape username for example. Bless you for finding a better job that suits you and is more rewarding! I got a few questions though! Got a picture of Mr & sister Kitty? (I like cats, we have two as well) Favourite game you used to play on N64? Ever tried F-Zero (nostalgia kicking in) What do you like the most about DragonBall, the games, the series or the story? Favourite character in DragonBall? And last for now.. what do you dislike about DragonBall?
  10. Would a monthly highscore for the battle pass be too much?
    Maybe with some prizes?

  11. Threads of Fate is a non working relic. https://runescape.wiki/w/Threads_of_Fate_(relic)
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ow_qI_F2ZJI
  13. If possible add the function to the aura, does not have to be tier 1, can be tier 4 (elite) if needed. Ability to choose which boss is faced in a dungeon, once per day (must be a boss that can be accessed on that floor)
  14. Yes, I found out on the wiki that is why I suggested it cause it looks like a big deal. Would be nice for Revenant Drop Enhancer as well but I do think not a lot of players use it here, besides the fact that I think it does not work (could be wrong).
  15. Able to combine Brawling Gloves of the same skill to a max charg count of 1 million.
  16. I rather see Sandstorm fixes and adding missing content (like some things in Archeology for example) before we would need a new skill. As for a new mode I would go for a classic iron man or a true hardcore mode with no extra lives (die and your account is done or reset).
  17. Another idea is to make the items black instead of giving them opacity and once unlocked the items show their true colours.
  18. Hey! Ho! Let's go!

  19. And should Vic be there 24/7 or should it be like the Fishing Trader? Appear for a short period x times a day? (with an announcement ofc)
  20. I like to see the kingdom as well, but instead of unlocking it with a quest we should unlock it through another way I suppose? (money?) Perhaps the basic levels to support your own kingdom (30 herblore, 10 farming, 30 mining, 40 woodcutting, 35 fishing). https://runescape.wiki/w/Throne_of_Miscellania
  21. Or add it to the ore box, make the stone spirits match the ore box tier to make it fair.
  22. 10x the price so 1.5mil, keep the maths simple. home well = 150k / command = x10 (1500k)
  23. Or a command that costs double the input ;;well (enter number). So 300k instead of 150k
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