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Posts posted by Riley

  1. Congratulations Sand, and enjoy fatherhood. I am sorry to hear you are going through a rough time. As previously stated, self care comes before anything else in life.  Get things good for you, so you can be great for us. Looking forward to hearing about the little one in the future. 

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  2. I think that this is a very good idea to implement as it would give more incentive to bring in money for the server, which is more motivation to keep it running with consistent updates and new content. Obviously donating should never feel like a requirement though, so nothing should scream "p2w" even though its a significant achievement or amount donated. Basically improving the qol for high donators.  I would also be very please to see a custom title option brought back even if it comes with a restriction like that, I was upset to see it leave in the first place. As for the donation shop at the location, here are a few of my ideas:







    these are just examples and would just be ways to display your dedication/loyalty to the server. 

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  3. Wow, I feel like I know everybody on the server so well yet I've never introduced myself..its about that time! So, obviously my name is Riley, and I'm from Wisconsin.  In my free time during the Winter I enjoy snowboarding and sledding.  I like to joke around with people a lot, but wouldn't ever purposely hurt your feelings. I was halfway through my computer science major when I dropped out for personal reasons, and in the meantime I'm working to pay it off until I decide to return. In my spare time apart from working I like to spend my time avoiding the girlfriend by playing Velheim. (I joke, again. But she loves that.) I like having conversations about random things and say random shit all the time, without a filter some might say. Other than that I get along with people pretty well so don't be shy and come say hi! I promise I won't bite, that hard ;)

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  4. Name: Riley



    In-Game name(s): Riley



    Date of Birth: May 4, 1997



    Country & Time Zone: US Central Time



    About me: I'm a gamer who likes to spend most of his free time sitting in a chair with nothing better to do, I enjoy the satisfaction I get out of helping people, I went to school for 2 years to get my computer science degree but didn't finish it off, and ummm oh yeah, I like to talk a lot.



    How active are you?: Extremely active(logged in ~6hrs/day on average, available on pc for longer.)



    Why should we choose you to become part of the team?: I believe the server needs more people to interact and help the community and I feel like I fit the description with my knowledge in and outside of the game and can offer my assistance with anything possible(obviously not staff-hunting.)



    Any past history being staff (do not mention server names): Yes, around 6-7 years ago I ran my own smaller 508 server and have also helped others starting up servers becoming Co's and admins and mods.(servers stayed small in size) This was a long time ago however and would probably take me a minute to get the hang of things again if needed.



    How long have you been in the RS(PS) scene: Roughly 8 years on and off.



    If accepted, what would you do to help the server: I would continue to make guides to help others achieve their goals, remain active on the forums and in game making sure everybody is getting the most enjoyment out of the game as possible and do my best to achieve my own goals in regards to my position as staff.


    Total Time Played (approximately): ~500 hrs



    Closing: Not begging for a position, I'm just putting in my offer of assistance to help in any ways the staff team may seem fit. If denied I will still remain active and assist where needed. Any feedback on how I could improve will only be beneficial. Thanks :)

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