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Everything posted by Yggdrasil

  1. Grave digging:Grave digging is not allowed and consists of reviving a previously resolved, settled, or "dead" thread after a prolonged period of time.Threads with an activity gap of 2 months or greater (Length may vary in different sections) is considered "grave digging". Nice
  2. Hi all, I figured that it's about time I explain my absence to more than just the Staff Team, and what's been going on in my life this month. Recently, I've started a new job that's taking up a lot of my time; as my first "official" full-time job, I've been struggling to balance everything together. However, I've recently gotten into it and I'm starting to find myself with more and more free time that I don't have to spend cooking, cleaning or walking my dog, so you're going to be seeing more of me again! Furthermore, I'm currently in the process of finding somewhere new to live, likely after I save up a bit from my pay. Excited to get back into the groove with you all!
  3. Welcome to the forums, Cenk! If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask
  4. welcome new player nub if you need to know anything about the game lmk
  5. People shouldn't be able to gain as much money skilling as people do PvMing. PvMing requires infinitely more amounts of concentration and skill, skilling requires you to click once and wait a little bit.
  6. It's as basic as it seems; you won't need to vote to acquire well/weekend buffs anymore; currently the changes are being discussed as we see what route Sand thinks is best for the Well.
  7. what is you have a massive gigantic cock in latvian
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