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foxx last won the day on October 6 2022

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About foxx

  • Birthday 03/27/1998

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  1. For those who are interested in seeing my poopy logs cringe is free just don't bully IFB When
  2. Untradeable cosmetics! incentivize continued burn for dry streak of certain tokens that can’t be bought and forces you to keep trying and getting rid of items.
  3. Applying for veteran, possibly, perhaps, maybe? Who knows. /Approved by Nhs :3

  5. IGN Foxx Oops IS1: Guildmaster Tonys IS3: Mattock of Time & Space IS4: Guildmaster Qualification IS5: Skilling Pets IP1: Telos 4K IM14: Hidey-Holes IM20: Slaying IM21: Loyalty /Nhs
  6. Thank you to all that helped create this. I know it took everyone, even some staff members that aren’t with us anymore. I was here at the tail-end of the BH1 and it’s impossible to have a winner without a close second or some kind of banter (good or bad). Did you participate in Boardhunter II? Why or why not? I did. My time logged in lately has solely been for grinding pets. Figured a competition with my friends / team would take my mind off of the burnout. Would you participate again in the future? Of course! Who doesn’t love a good event amidst the madness?! What did you like about the event? Truthfully, I like that it gave an objective. Playing aimlessly on your own can get stale, but given a goal to reach and direction that are commonplace amongst your piers creates a new spark. What did you dislike about the event? Misleading title, the gimmick. It was a longer event than many would have liked. “Competition.” The title threw, at least, my team off since when it’s boardhunter, you hunt the board. You don’t get a few items a day and still have the opportunity to win if you start skilling in the middle of it. This ties into the gimmick. The gimmick was a phenomenal and amazing idea… if it wasn’t for this event. (Sorry Tyrone ily). To quote 10hp, “you don’t play bingo and have your board filled just to wait the rest of the time to see if anyone else gets it.” The clue gimmick was horrifying to see when I opened the doc, thank god it got removed. The bonus point gimmick was awesome but it really defeated the point of this particular event in my opinion. Was the event period too long or too short? As Twenty said, either which way it would have gone, time would have benefitted certain people. Too long for us, too short for others which is understandable. Were the rewards worth participating? Not going to beat a dead horse, just happy there were rewards at all (: What event(s) would you like to see next? I believe for any other event, having different categories for prizes would be nice. Solo, duo, team (4), clan (8) type beat. Each having their own prize pool. Even possibly a section for sweats/non-sweats. Limiting playtime or play hours per day for that section where they can only get drops from within certain time parameters of server hours (which may be team oriented and not event wide, but this would be harder to track and keep up with). While the sweats just go all out until death or victory. Overall, my first event and I super enjoyed it. Im sorry to people who got upset, BH1 was my staple example to follow as I thought that was how it would be and I admired those that won. I did not realize how much hate they actually got for it. Thanks again to everyone who created it, and to Team BR for lighting that fire under our ass. It could have gone either way at the end, well played. *Edit*: Maybe set up a group chat of trusted players in the community to give feedback/discuss possible pros and cons within an already given event template. Sort of how the BH2 channel was created ( although we weren't added >.> ) but just to shoot the shit about every possibility. I'm sure the concern of "what if this or that" would have came up very early if it wasn't on a forum platform and was in a more casual environment.
  7. On saturdays we don’t wear pants. Be sure to abide by the dress code
  8. i think actually it’s faster to use the robust machine stall to “last preset” bank until it’s all converted into glass. Then sit with a crafter at the bank and do that step. This will also prevent time waste with the portable.. i have well over 200k flasks from using this method (:
  9. time to reopen this beautiful topic. thank you @10hp Skills let’s get these gains!
  10. I have been waiting for someone to say this because I don’t want to always just ask for things. I +1 this because it makes some walks not work (even some that DO in RS3), AND getting caught with hands in our pants because we are “prevented from attacking.” is a pain. Cosmetics were one of the biggest things to me starting out here a while back, when I had no things. It’s just one of those aspects of the game that makes it fun. Bux promised not to balance his ECB on his head anymore if that helps. <3 Will have to disagree with no overrides in combat, though. Think they could be more fine tuned to not be wonky, but things like superhero lightning not working with repriser (which I understand is a shield), where is the harm.
  11. you said you posted an intro in discord so i figured i’d say hi! welcome in, hope you enjoy your stay. not that any part of your intro asked or that you care, but i personally suggest doing at least novice (: it’s a fun server with tons of stuff to do and learn and you can get the most out of it and feel more accomplished if you don’t max all your skills before you even get rune armor! whatever you choose, don’t be scared to try new things you never did on maingame as this is the perfect place to learn EVERYTHING and not feel dumb asking for help.
  12. Comment on this, I believe less people are prestige chasing than normally would/should be. The prestige shop since the release of AoD has been lackluster and lacking attention. As far as plans for it, could possibly be in the works. Nonetheless - nobody pushes people to prestige at the moment so they don't really buy skilling supplies on a bigger scale, if that makes sense.
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