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Posts posted by foxx

  1. Thank you to all that helped create this. I know it took everyone, even some staff members that aren’t with us anymore. I was here at the tail-end of the BH1 and it’s impossible to have a winner without a close second or some kind of banter (good or bad). 

    • Did you participate in Boardhunter II? Why or why not?

    I did. My time logged in lately has solely been for grinding pets. Figured a competition with my friends / team would take my mind off of the burnout. 

    • Would you participate again in the future?

    Of course! Who doesn’t love a good event amidst the madness?!

    • What did you like about the event?

    Truthfully, I like that it gave an objective. Playing aimlessly on your own can get stale, but given a goal to reach and direction that are commonplace amongst your piers creates a new spark.

    • What did you dislike about the event?

    Misleading title, the gimmick. It was a longer event than many would have liked.  “Competition.” The title threw, at least, my team off since when it’s boardhunter, you hunt the board. You don’t get a few items a day and still have the opportunity to win if you start skilling in the middle of it. This ties into the gimmick. The gimmick was a phenomenal and amazing idea… if it wasn’t for this event. (Sorry Tyrone ily). To quote 10hp, “you don’t play bingo and have your board filled just to wait the rest of the time to see if anyone else gets it.” The clue gimmick was horrifying to see when I opened the doc, thank god it got removed. The bonus point gimmick was awesome but it really defeated the point of this particular event in my opinion.

    • Was the event period too long or too short?

    As Twenty said, either which way it would have gone, time would have benefitted certain people. Too long for us, too short for others which is understandable.

    • Were the rewards worth participating?

    Not going to beat a dead horse, just happy there were rewards at all (:

    • What event(s) would you like to see next?

    I believe for any other event, having different categories for prizes would be nice. Solo, duo, team (4), clan (8) type beat. Each having their own prize pool. Even possibly a section for sweats/non-sweats. Limiting playtime or play hours per day for that section where they can only get drops from within certain time parameters of server hours (which may be team oriented and not event wide, but this would be harder to track and keep up with). While the sweats just go all out until death or victory.

    Overall, my first event and I super enjoyed it. Im sorry to people who got upset, BH1 was my staple example to follow as I thought that was how it would be and I admired those that won. I did not realize how much hate they actually got for it. Thanks again to everyone who created it, and to Team BR for lighting that fire under our ass. It could have gone either way at the end, well played.


    *Edit*: Maybe set up a group chat of trusted players in the community to give feedback/discuss possible pros and cons within an already given event template. Sort of how the BH2 channel was created ( although we weren't added >.> ) but just to shoot the shit about every possibility. I'm sure the concern of "what if this or that" would have came up very early if it wasn't on a forum platform and was in a more casual environment. 

    • Like 4
  2. i think actually it’s faster to use the robust machine stall to “last preset” bank until it’s all converted into glass. Then sit with a crafter at the bank and do that step. This will also prevent time waste with the portable.. i have well over 200k flasks from using this method (:

  3. I have been waiting for someone to say this because I don’t want to always just ask for things. I +1 this because it makes some walks not work (even some that DO in RS3), AND getting caught with hands in our pants because we are “prevented from attacking.” is a pain. :(

    Cosmetics were one of the biggest things to me starting out here a while back, when I had no things. It’s just one of those aspects of the game that makes it funBux promised not to balance his ECB on his head anymore if that helps. <3

    Will have to disagree with no overrides in combat, though. Think they could be more fine tuned to not be wonky, but things like superhero lightning not working with repriser (which I understand is a shield), where is the harm.

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  4. you said you posted an intro in discord so i figured i’d say hi! welcome in, hope you enjoy your stay. not that any part of your intro asked or that you care, but i personally suggest doing at least novice (: it’s a fun server with tons of stuff to do and learn and you can get the most out of it and feel more accomplished if you don’t max all your skills before you even get rune armor! whatever you choose, don’t be scared to try new things you never did on maingame as this is the perfect place to learn EVERYTHING and not feel dumb asking for help.

  5. 6 minutes ago, Jealous said:

    I think I have pretty valuable input on this as I started less than a month ago and have made most of my money through skilling. The money IS out there, but you can't spam 10,000 luminite ore and expect there to be a market for all of it immediately. You need to utilize the Player Listings function in the Grand Exchange and search! Search for potions, ores, bolts, fish, archaeology materials, anything! If you are still having trouble finding anything you could post on the Marketplace forums letting people know you will skill for them, I'm sure with all the people prestiging and pushing 200m's on here someones bound to want archaeology materials or stuff like rune dart tips. As of the time of writing this, someone is buying over 2,000 red chinchompa's for 35k-37k ea. You can pickpocket Ardougne Knights for 13K each pickpocket and with Sticky Fingers Archaeology relic it can be a pretty afk process. So there is money to be made, you just gotta know how to find it.

    Comment on this, I believe less people are prestige chasing than normally would/should be. The prestige shop since the release of AoD has been lackluster and lacking attention. As far as plans for it, could possibly be in the works. Nonetheless - nobody pushes people to prestige at the moment so they don't really buy skilling supplies on a bigger scale, if that makes sense.

    • Like 1
  6. To be honest in that picture, it seems like a 'less-than-educated' individual who is new to the scene and hasn't been guided. The friends chat normally points all new people to >skilling< as an income (i.e. divine charges/mining/thieving/slayer etc.) If you really want to make the money, you have to pvm since this is the case and like you said skilling is over farmed. I would love an alternative that hasn't been suggested since those aren't the way to go. I've said it, undercutting is an issue. Aside from that nothing will fix people not buying your loads of items since there's simply not even enough people on the server to go through 20k divine charges... ever. If you only like skilling, then what is it that you're after, if not pvm gear, that costs so much? If you want rares and such, then earn them like most people - vote. Sell vote books, buy more rares, flip as you do.

    My suggestion - gen store/g.e auto buy but non-monetary value? We get general store credit essentially and can buy stuff w that credit from the reworked store? Not sure what to add into it or anything, but just a thought.

    I think blaming "the 1%" is kind of silly, that's like saying richer people in RS Maingame are turds because they were there before you and already have good gear. It's all a process to get to where they are I think. They hoard the items because they get lowballed pms for a measly 20m short of an already 50m discounted offer (no offense). Some people work for the items and want what they want for it. If you don't want to pay, find elsewhere or earn it yourself, simple as that. They don't want your extra items they don't need just because you can't sell them, nor are they obligated to and shouldn't be shamed for denying the offer. :/

    edit: Also, 30 hours to make money is nothing starting off. We don't join the server to be end game instantly. There SHOULD be that progression to make lower tier gear have value. If I joined and already made a decent range setup in the first day, I'd say that's pretty good to start and make more money with? That's the whole purpose of adding the dexes to the loyalty shop. If you want to have good gear, it takes a little bit more than a couple hours to get it. There is no "get rich quick schemes" like gambling because you lose a sense of accomplishment/interest once you get what you want, or become toxic and never stop taking until you're a different person behind the monitor.

    tldr oversaturated, need bigger item sink still  Well Idea Pt.2?

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  7. Would like something added to info panel stating whether or not you're getting the buff. Sure we can see xp and check vote page but sometimes (when hardcore pvming for instance) we don't pay too much attention to those things. 'Well Active (Buffs on/off)' idk. simple QOL is all

    • Like 3
  8. 1 hour ago, Sprout said:

    The twinkling little star - Loyalty points 1m per 1k?

    May not be 100% accurate

    claimed. It's not a bad deal XD... but anyways. With this update, a lot has changed. Much of it is kind of like, why? Some of it I can understand whether it have been gone about the wrong way is irrelevant (as that will be fixed hopefully) Quest locked isn't a bad idea. Maybe introduce people how to USE THE WIKI FOR SIMPLE THINGS? Maybe show how to use teleports/search etc. I also believe having things upped to value rs3 goal isn't fair. There we already few people with original Final Boss title, but now we have to do another 90  Kilns/Fight Caves? Why. Maybe 20, but 100 total? Come on now. There's tons of other content to do/needing attention to give feedback on. This being an ultimate grind is upsetting, letalone the possibility of anyone ever getting Golden Final Boss... (with the exclusions of the people who abused the old Pet DR back in the day)

    • Thanks 1
  9. 57 minutes ago, Sprout said:

    Minimum Prices

    Raising minimum prices, a tricky one but also might be worthwhile looking into. Raising prices would generate cash flow as well as getting rid of overstock and stop items from becoming junk. While there are things that would need to be considered, such as nerfing of drop rates to avoid over farming and generating too much raw gp into the game it's still something worth looking into and getting opinions on. 

    I'd also like to take a moment to add that the rarity of peoples and the determination of people farming them is a contribution to such item influxes so if you haven't already (anyone else reading not fox) check out foxes thread regarding pet drop rates 


    Farming pets is a very real issue here. Not only does it cause burn out (don't say it doesn't), but exactly as you're saying people just get loads of these items from the bosses and still not the pet they truly want. Although very biased, I think pets should not be considered something that is uber rare and that is definitely a starting point. People should be farming for something they want and not for a damn cosmetic that you can only wear one at a time considering they don't just sit in your storage like the other 100 do. Thank you for the shout on that also. Very pressing topic to me.

    57 minutes ago, Sprout said:


    Never had a problem with the well was here when the well was 20m to fill and gave no drop rate, if people legitimately think the well if 'op' just take the drop rate bonus away from it again and be done with it, no point in punishing people who want the bonus xp by upping the price because of the drop rate. Alternatively add a 2nd thresh hold, 100m/300m activates the xp boost and 300/300m activates the drop rate boost (just using 300m as an example), with any left over rolling over if the top amount is not met, there are other creative ways to adjust the well rather than upping the price and someone has to set Sand some challenges. 

    I, too, remember the 20m well days (or may have been 10m at some point idr) and man were they much simpler. My main goal in mentioning it was to make it MORE worth it. Saying that the DR is "op" doesn't reconcile to me because I believe it to be very underwhelming, actually, if at all. More over, make donating to it give exclusive rewards to people similar to vote parties. You donated in the threshold of x amount of gp - you obtained this badass loot box/title/outfit/whatever. If we just say "nobody cares about an outfit" that fixes nothing. If the loot is worth it to whomever, the gp will get dumped. Just make it sick either unobtainables, give vcoins, etc and not just a loss of money for skillers to get a hard on. Adding an extra threshold to it is an amazing idea in that sense. Could go as far making different wells for different game modes, and if that game mode group doesn't want to donate for it - they do not reap the benefits(?)

    57 minutes ago, Sprout said:


    I too don't see anything wrong with people having wealth. There will always be casual players that have what they need and billionaires that seek more, it's the same in life. Making more sinks in an attempt to forcing people to use some of there gp in my opinion will ultimately backfire, they'd proberbly do less because of having the goal of being the richest may outweigh there desire to pvm. I myself and a hoarder, I wont let my cash pile ever go below 25b and treat that as zero, if I need 100m to repair my armour but I only have 25b and 72m in the money pouch, I wont be repairing it until I get the 100m xD no amount of costs will change my mindset I just switch to something none degradable or cheap until I get the cash or item needed to repair it.  I'm sure there are others around that do this, if not.. *awkward*


    Agreed with every sentence. My money stack gets sharded, and I pretend like I reset. Although not everyone is like this, it's a very sad thing to try to ruin some peoples game style choice. The main thing we have seen with 'forcing' people to do things they do not want is they can just leave, that simple. A lot people I know have left for one of many reasons, not saying they were bad 'updates/changes' but like Sprout is saying - people have their own goals and things they actually enjoy logging in for. If we can find a different way to do the same thing, but cheaper - you already know it's going to happen which will just go back to the same issue and for what? A slight/major inconvenience just to get backdoored by big brains.

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  10. 22 hours ago, Sprout said:

    This thread has now descended from it's  purpose of getting people to trade more to getting people to 'use the items they are hoarding in there banks' and gp sinks. It'll just add to the cause of hoarding and I personally believe it'll further impact the lack of trading due to the fact I would personally stop selling anything because of having to worry about repair costs then or just stop doing pvm in general tbh so that's already 1 less person trading items. 


    • If you want items to be repaired more, then add them rs3 style - Patches for the armour, masterwork for trimmed.. Sure.
      • 'Custom' repairing, no. Why? Demoralization, if you think that upping the costs for using higher end gear will help get player to player trading a kick start again you need to have a long hard think about it.


    • Eco resets are also just a big fat no, same type of people have been suggestion eco resets since the beginning of rsps', I can't recall any server doing better or recovering (player wise) from a eco reset (not to be confused with servers that were taken down and relaunched x year(s)/months later) along with this not addressing the root of the problem, it'll just happen all over again. Please, stop suggesting this. People are not fans of being told that the hours of there life they spent achieving stuff is to be taken away in seconds, not everyone has the same dedication as others and would stick around.  P.s. Not a personal attack on wife, just a rant on the topic going off the rails t.t


    Now to the topic at hand, my main questions is below as I'd like to dig deeper into the causes for lack of trading before coming up with any suggestions. 


    Is the current lack of trading effected by;

    A. Not enough gp in the Eco.

    B. Too much gp in the Eco.

    C. Too many Items.

    D. Not enough Items. 


    For those people that have multiple items of any type;


    What is stopping you from selling your spare items?

    A. Price is to Cheap, I don't want to sell.

    B. Price is too expensive, most people can't afford.

    C. No buyers/Takes to long to find a buyer.

    D. I wont sell regardless I just like hoarding. 

    E. - Insert your own answer here- 


    unlimited g/e. very useful, very bad. Also lack of -steady prices/undercutters- remove access to see other prices on g/e even if trying to buy (shows lowest price) or trying to sell (shows highest buyer)? 

    I like the g/e the way it is but it's also a very toxic system when someone selling something and they can just check g/e to see who to undercut.

    prime example (just happened) below



    Going off Sprout, some people just like to hoard and such which leads back to drop rates of things/the time they put in they feel is not worth the amount people offer. Low gp incoming being a big factor. Call me crazy but what is the issue with a person having a lot of wealth? Not like it isn't a common thing but what else to spend it on (other than death costs, instances, supplies) once you've reached a certain point. Maybe give us something else to spend it on that benefits instead of solely having upkeep costs. I feel like a broken record but the well is awesome, if only everyone felt that way. Why can we not make it a more worthwhile thing to do instead of keeping it game mode based. Paying attention to vote parties ~50 give or take, daily, individuals that are not iron or alts. Not a huge market to go with as is especially if they have the item. Maybe adjust alch prices so it's also viable instead of smashing drygores, which are considered almost end game, down to be (10?)m each for example. Sure, it may get rid of the "free economy" system, but in my eyes will remove a lot of toxicity behind arguing over made up prices and such. If the person doesn't want to sell for a price they don't have to and the same reversed. It's like expecting something with no structure to stand, while all it does is lay there and look pretty.

    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, Sandstorm said:

    Death Penalty

    Dying is completely safe to do on Velheim (unless in PvP (apart from Aura's and temp. effects)), which I think removes all the risk factor players have when bossing. Like "it's fine I'll reset and come back" shouldn't be a thing in my opinion.

    Safe death's removing ~5%-10% charge of each degrade-able item you have currently equipped of the items maximum charges. An easy example would be if an item has 100,000 charges, on death it would remove 10,000 and leave you with 90,000. Items that are close to breaking/dissapating would instantly break/ash them. This effect being negated by half (so from 5-10 to 2.5-5) after unlocking a reward from the Death's Store (I'll talk about that down below).

    I still want auras to deplete on death, so that's still staying. However, aura refreshes WILL be a thing! (again, I'll talk about this down below)

    I agree with a death penalty, not sure it should be this big to account for game crashes due to memory leaks and timezone lag to account for everyone just to be fair. Especially if we are talking about changing the way we repair items if that becomes a thing. Nonetheless an amazing idea!

    2 hours ago, Sandstorm said:

    Curses, Ancient/Lunar spell-books

    There is no unlocking sequence for these additional books on Velheim, you get the level and start using them. Simple as that. However, these books are locked behind a time-gate of levels AND a series of quests on RuneScape which makes them fair to use to players who dedicate time and effort into the game.

    These additional books (curses, ancients and lunars) will now be locked behind an unlock that will be purchase-able from the Loyalty Point store. I think it's THE store to put them in, as a time-gate of sorts. I'll also be making them trade-able so there's a good market for those, not quite sure on that one but when the time comes I'll make the decision.

    Wonderful idea, would also remove spell books from people who have them until they buy it. Disagree with tradeable as this would reform loyalty farming to an extent (albeit not to the extent as bonds since it's a one time unlock), but would be better to force players to learn the game and not skip to "end game content." That's just my two cents on that for those who care.

    Everything looks good, can't wait for colored EOFs :^)

  12. 41 minutes ago, Arcadiez said:

    I'm still for the well thing, however i know many people couldn't care less if the well was active or not. Nor obtaining any titles/pets from it. Since they only gonna focus on pvm.

    It's a great idea for skillers and those who play on more difficult modes. But again, end game need a nerf. Early game need a buff. Just my personal opinion:)

    I do not disagree with end game nerf, although one of the BIGGEST lump money sinks is the well (considering for skillers w/e). What other benefits could come from having it on just to get people to dump regardless what they do in the game? I also disagree with the statement people don't care if well is on if they pvm. I can name countless instances when for example Sterling would leave an Elite Dungeon instance just to fill it *SOLO* for the MINIMAL if ANY drop rate boost. We still do not believe in it, that being another topic. Nonetheless he still fills it because any advertised drop rate boost should help you get drops, no? That's a good place to think about as well in my opinion but i'm a classic so maybe it's invalid to everyone else. :shrug: . Not saying any of your ideas are bad exluding what wife has covered, just inserting another idea to capitalize on for the benefit of everyone.

  13. 2 hours ago, Arcadiez said:

    But i personally dont think a reset is a good idéa. Sure it may please some og players, but for all whom just started will lose everything they grinded for. Imagine if you just spend 300h gaining gear and items then poof, it's all gone.




    I don't care for a reset either, none-the-less good idea for eco of course.

    What happened with the idea of throwing items into well at a set price instead? Mainly include hardcore farmed items such as drygores, nox items, ecb parts, even the dormants you want. This would take many out of the game whilst also benefitting everyone else in the server. Along with a global announcement (at a set dono amount of course maybe 25m+) of who is filling well + what they're putting. Would have to set the well price to adjust for that such as spirit shield being 10m each instead of retail since they're easier to get... where as ecb parts may fill it fully and count towards titles. More titles for getting rid of items would also promote people to do it more often. As it is sometimes people don't contribute because they don't have the gp or do not care for the xp/"dr boost?" (irons, novice+ etc). It seems to generally be classics and staff filling it just because we benefit the most, although that could be a false statement correct me if i'm wrong.

    p.s. sure it would be rough for a week or two since everyone would start dumping items for well, but long term probably benefit.

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