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Everything posted by Kiwi

  1. This thread needs way more replies rsps 2020 good server legacy chill community
  2. Kiwi

    Anime backgrounds

    Thank you! I was wondering how to do this for my profile, I will try to find my own one and follow your example c;
  3. It was supposed to be a joke c; but thank you for upgrading my rank. twice <3 Also, seeing as you are apparentally awaiting a bby (grats!) What are you two going to name it? Do you know if its a boy or a girl? ...Have you considered naming it Darude?(even if its a girl)
  4. Woop woop! Now to just get more forum activity, help me yell at people so they join the forums ;-;
  5. Which of the staff members is gonna host a skilling area event :o?
  6. What other games does everyone here play? This is more a topic to express yourself about which games you play, and why, and maybe game suggestions I love playing open world games like Skyrim, but I also love playing stuff like Dark souls and Runescape. I on/off play other games like Project Winter, Project Zomboid, etc. What about you guys? Do you have any suggestions for games I should try?
  7. Hey guys! I'm Kiwi! Maybe you've seen me in-game already, or maybe its your first time visiting the forums. I know I am a bit late to introduce myself with 500 game hours.. But I really enjoy it here, so I decided to stay (Also I am very generous to new people, I have gotten atleast 3 people to Sapphire donator rank for no reason at all, just because I enjoy this server <3) I'm 22 years old(forever a child at heart), born and raised in the land of the Nethers! I am a very playful person, who loves to mess around, not taking things too seriously, unless I have to. I try to be very friendly and helpful, I love helping people either way, so its a win-win for me If you're new to the forums, welcome! Join us! Talk in the friendschat, ask questions! we won't bite! (not all of us atleast ) Sometimes, I show affection to people by teasing them a bit, so please do not be discouraged by this! I'm the person to slap you on the shoulder and put on a tough act, (which I suck at) even though I am a big, lazy softie who loves to play games, and I am always available to chat, even if people want to rant and/or vent Feel free to talk to me in-game via the friendschat when I am online! Do not feel bad if I do not reply instantly or at all, however, because I do tempt to go AFK from time to time and do not see the chat. When this happens, feel free to ping me on the discord server and I will get back to your questions C; (If you really feel the need to, you can also DM me on discord!) And well, that is that, I suppose. I suck at introductions, if you want to know more, just ask ^^ if I am uncomfortable answering something, I would let you know (also I suck at making things look appealing, like this topic ahhhhh, just be glad I didn't use comic sans for all of this <3)
  8. Fellow dutch person I see c; Welcome!
  9. Oh dang you're gonna be an actual daddy? Congrats! A lil sand-kicker!
  10. Best question for you here, Sand Why am I still Emerald on the forum even though i'm Ruby ingame? ;-; big ree
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