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Everything posted by Brotherloe

  1. Woww looks good! How is the "White Walker" whiskey? I've been thinking about getting it.
  2. Wow thanks, I've always wondered about the legality of private servers but never took the time to look into it. This is really interesting!
  3. I've had quite some whiskey's around the world but my favorite remains to be a Johnny Walker Black Label. Great taste for a good price!
  4. Ooh this is a hard one but this has to be my top three: 1. La Chouffe 2. IJwit 3. Straffe Hendrik
  5. What if we lived inside of the Earth and that the sky is actually the crust of the globe.
  6. My favorite is Suits! I just love the humor, office politics, and setting of the show. I've also been watching Designated Survivor recently which is pretty good! The Witcher series is really good as well if you love the books/games. I've also enjoyed Mindhunter a lot! I just love shows that are about backroom politics or psychology. And your occasional fantasy here and there .
  7. I got introduced around 2008-2009. A friend from my soccer team had a pretty good account and we started sharing it. He would train skills and do pvp while I would do quests and pvm. I remember this one time when we were pking and he killed a guy with over 200m worth in his inv and we just lost it! We felt so good! That feeling can never be topped in a video game
  8. I backpacked through South-East Asia when I was 18 about 5 years ago! Seriously one of the best experiences of my life. I worked for a few months in a factory, saved up some money, dropped out of college because I didn't like my major and just went out there. It was an awesome experience where I met many great people and rediscovered my love for history and culture which is what I study now in University! Go travel guys! It will be the best choice you will ever make!
  9. Japan, just getting lost in the history of the place!
  10. This thread has grown to become very close to my heart. I will keep this up until we have achieved our goal!
  11. I love the complete feeling of Velheim. Every skill, boss and minigame is fleshed out nicely so it comes very close to just playing RS with cheat codes That's what I love about the server!
  12. I usually love the lore of games! The Witcher games, Dragon Age and Bioware universes interest me the most! I know a few things about the Elder Scrolls lore but not a lot. I have about 800 hours poured into Oblivion and Skyrim but haven't played both in quite a while so I'm somewhat out of touch . I do hope that the next game will take us to High Rock or Hammerfell. Maybe even both! We haven't really seen those settings outside of TES: Online and they seem really interesting I'm not sure what it'll be about but I just keep my eyes and ears open and make myself ready to be surprised. I just hope that Bethesda make a decent game out of this one after Fallout 4 and Fallout 76.
  13. This dude's cover of Diamonds is insane! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kS2mXX_sOEc
  14. Diving into the lore of the world

    1. Kiwi


      more lore trivia's! yesssss...

  15. During the 1730s a group of apprentice printers in Paris decided to take action against their master who treated them like shit. He even treated his own cats better than his employees. The apprentices decided to stage a trial of the cats and condemned to death by hanging and actually hung the cats. This led to a lot of talk in the neighborhood, sparking a wave of cat killings throughout the whole street. The whole event is now known as the "Great Cat Massacre".
  16. Who needs Wikipedia or Google when you have Sandstorm!
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