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Happy L

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Everything posted by Happy L

  1. I’ve bribed you with pictures of my cat for multiple years now. I've received not one but TWO separate H’weens from you in exchange for illicit cat pics.
  2. Hello! My name is Happy L, I joined in 2020. I've taken a few pretty long breaks between playing and I'm (yet again) back. My previous name (playing before 2023) was Iron Agnes. Here are some fun facts about me I love cats, have a picture of my cat. (Check my signature, her name is Gaia) I'm recent married this year, my wife and I wed in April on the 15th. I took her name. I work at a retail convenience store in a district position, which if you knew me when I played before that is a MASSIVE step up. At the moment I have 3 stores, but we're opening up another this month and by 2025 my district will have 11 stores. Anyway, you can say I'm very passionate about my job. My favorite RS boss is Croesus, if I'm online there's a good possibility I'm doing Croesus. #guidedropwhen My pronouns are they/them but I don't bite. I'm very satisfied with my position in the company that I'm at, however my REAL passion is music. I'm a big metal head, my library includes over 2,200 metal or metal related CD's valued at over $20,000. I also have (most) of that put into Spotify playlists sorted by year of album release. (Dating back to 1990, spotify didn't have a lot of the ones I've got before 90', they may now though. I should look and update my playlists.) Every year my buddy and I do a top 30 albums of the year. (Usually we both buy about 30 CD's by the end of the year but every few years we have upwards of 40-50!) I couldn't possibly name my "favorite band", but I would say that some of my top favorites are probably... Borknagar Allegaeon Mors Principium Est Soilwork Dio King Diamond Rivers of Nihil That's just to name a few! The account that I play on is a Group Ironman.
  3. So, unless @Sandstorm specifically custom designed the Salve amulet to work against them it does not. The reason for this is because technically speaking the brothers aren't undead, they are reanimated by a curse placed upon them by Sliske. Here's the full list of enemies affected by Both the Salve amulet and the Salve amulet (e) The set up wasn't meant to be the absolute best possible set up, it was meant to be "High Level". If you would like to take a picture with the items you've listen above I'd be happy to add a "Best in Slot" section for it, however, this is what I run personally. I do not have any better rings, nor do I plan to change how I go about doing ROTS. That being said, no offense here, just a friendly reply. Thank you for your feedback.
  4. I'd like to start off by saying, I apologize some of these photos are low resolution. Gear recommendations The fight The rewards Your escape
  5. There's a few things I have to say about this and I'm going to try my best to be constructive without being insulting. Firstly, lots of people had plenty good to say, you just didn't like or agree with them. Secondly, undercutting has been an issue on here for a very very long time and while it is an issue, it's not the death of an entire economy. Third, most of the people replying to this aren't the ones undercutting. A perfect example to that is @foxx who can't stand undercutting and the way the GE works. Fourth, skilling profits are not something you can ever expect to be as stable as PvM profits. You barely work at all while making cannonballs and the demand for them come and go. Whereas the demand for decent weapons/armor are ALWAYS constant. Fifth, You absolutely can make plenty of cash through skilling, but you cannot expect that cash to be made instantly. As I said above, the demand for skilling products are ever shifting and that's not a Velheim issue, that's a reality that has existed in RuneScape ever since it began. Sixth, people do in fact have egos, that's a reality of humanism. Some people absolutely will go as far as they can to defend their actions or the things they love/enjoy, which includes you. There are plenty of people who have had valid arguments to what you're saying but you only agree with a few. Sometimes it could seem like it's you against the world but just because those people are being a bit over the top doesn't mean what they are saying isn't true. Yesterday you went off in the friends chat and I read many valid arguments to what you're saying by multiple people. @NubonmyPC, @shiny shinx, @foxx All these people had great arguments to what you are saying but you chose to take them as ego driven insults. Which Is on you, not them. Finally, this is a small, but decent community, and you will learn that people are allowed an opportunity to voice their opinion. But if you happen to voice that opinion in a channel that 100 people are able to see at one moment in time, there is going to be some arguments. There are going to be people who disagree with you. That's not Velheim, that's every rsps to ever exist. Ever. @ryandunn learned this the hard way and that's why he made the post he did. He realized complaining in an nonconstructive manner in the friends chat wasn't going to change anything, it was just going to annoy people. (No offense Ryan I still love ya) You've been here for barely a month and a half and are arguing with people who have been here from 1-3 years. Of course they are going to have strong opinions about it. That's a reality of life. No game is 100% absolutely amazingly perfect and no game ever will be. You take the good with the bad and you roll with it. You do your best to make that game better without shooting yourself in the foot. Which from what I've seen, is just what you've done.
  6. Man because of the amount of replies this post takes longer to load for me lmaoooo
  7. Good morning fellars how's the spamming going today? XDD
  8. Absolutely can't wait for next month! So many good things coming our way!!!
  9. Agreed. I'd like so see some of, if not all of this^
  10. Goodluck with your progress, god everytime i see non golden warpriest all I can think is....
  11. Sorry I'm a bit late to the party! Glad to have you! Goodluck on your journey! Tent or camper?
  12. As always, wonderful fixes! Can't wait to do some aod and see what else is coming next! Thanks Sandstorm!
  13. That's fair, I don't think the point of the ladder of replies was to insult you for doing so, just pointing out more or less that some people could look at it and mistake it as avoiding the locked subforum. Honestly its not bad feedback. No ill intention was directed toward you I promise.
  14. Gotdamn, Arcadiez and Sprout are the kings of guides man. As the others have said, I don't believe calling the post a suggestion is necessarily appropriate at this point, considering the state of the suggestions forum, however I do feel this should be posted, if not pinned somewhere easily accessible to see or get to on the forums/discord.
  15. Updated the post. Thank you to all who applied hahaha
  16. I really honestly don't know a whole lot about Archeology to begin with in order to make a meaningful response, mostly all I can say is that I do think it's a subject that does need to be looked at. Big thanks to Sprout for the detailed response. You can always count on him
  17. Wonderful guide!! I can't wait to see more people doing this boss! It's honestly super fun!
  18. As a non regular account, (Ironman) I will be speaking purely within the context of what I've seen, as I don't have much if at all any experience actually participating in the eco but i do have a few points. -I think that gambling is a bad idea, for multiple reasons. I understand entirely how it could affect the economy and how it could really help things, but it could also encourage addictions from people, make people rage quit, and divide certain communities of players. - That being said, to expand on your idea for the ge thing. What if we set fixed GE prices for *most* items in the GE, then when people sold those items, it gets added to a pool, which players could enter everyday/week/month? Something like use raffle tickets? Or maybe repurpose another item that isn't currently used for other things? Such as Castle Wars (Bronze) and (Silver) tickets. That way, it's a controlled gamble, that can't be abused or turned into an addiction. As a person who has worked in places that sell gambling tickets/etc I can't stand to see people gamble away their banks, money, or time. I know a lot of people that would donate lots of money and gamble it all away then quit. And don't get me wrong, donations help the server. They help Sandstorm. But I feel the mental state and stability of the players is just so much more important. That's just my opinion, and if anyone disagrees, absolutely feel free to say so. I feel at this point within the game, making armor degrade to dust automatically would be extreme, HOWEVER, perhaps we could introduce a faster degradation process. I do think that would be a much better money sink than straight up having them destroyed all together. (If i misunderstood what you were saying I apologize, bare with me.) Another option would be on death, you lose 5-10% (or less) degradation on your armor as well? I know there are certain items on RS3 that already do that. I think that removing death safety (Keeping your items) wouldn't be a bad idea at all to be entirely honest. It would make it so that you must carry cash with you at all times when PvMing, which at this point, cash really isn't much worth keeping around. (Due to the state of the economy) And while I do actually LOVE not dropping my items on death, I do also feel it could help with stuff there too. At the end of the day, in order to fix this economy it's going to take work from more than one party. One person absolutely cannot fix everything, no matter how much they end up selling. I see players complaining (and I'm absolutely not naming names) that nobody will buy their items, but they have spent almost their whole gameplay also not buying items as well. The highest tier players have to realize that the hard truth is that they also are a part of this issue, and they also have to contribute to the growth of the economy. Start buying low level gears for invention materials, encourage others to do the same. Start feeding your wealth back into the economy and the economy will feed it back. Another thing everyone needs to keep in mind, is that this is a large community, and it's going to take more than just 1 minute, 1 hour, 1 day for this to change, it's a very slow process. Something I tell people all the time when it comes to buying bonds, is that if you want those prices to go down, you MUST stop buying them. The demand for those things is too high with the supply being so low. Everybody needs to be apart of both buying and selling items for it to work, you can't own 1/15th of the economy and not sell any of your items and expect those same items to be low in price. I also feel some generosity might do a little good too, every few weeks xxrandom does drop parties and absolutely unloads so much into the economy, which allows other (newer) players to experience those items and sell them for what they feel is fair. Finally, I think it's time to take a step back from the RSPS ideology that everything will/must be faster/easier. The cash flow is balanced much better than before (I feel at least) and it's easy to say you don't make a crap load of money anymore, but at a certain point you have to just accept that for what it is and build the economy over that. Sell your items for what you feel is a realistic price for the time/effort you put into them. (In my opinion) An SGB is not worth 1b. It just isn't. And if everyone else adopted that same opinion, and refused to buy them for that much, the price for it would go down, making it more accessible. All of what I'm saying could be entirely wrong, or exactly what we need to fix the eco, I don't know. I'm not an expert, as i said in the beginning, this is coming entirely from the context of what i see. You're absolutely allowed to disagree with me.
  19. Hello everyone. @Medley, and myself are opening up a few spots in our GIM. As of right now, we have only one open spot, but another may be available soon. We will see in the future. We are taking our GIM VERY seriously, and we would like our new members to be active, friendly and fun. Contribution to the GIM itself is not necessarily required, we are looking for teamwork. We would like to boss together every week, at least one day a week. (Not all day, but for a few hours at least.) Our vetting process is going to be very very strict, I'm not going to lie. In the past I personally have had very bad experience with the wrong GIM, so in order to be considered, the criteria below must apply to you and your account, and you must also fill out the application in your reply to this post. Current members: GIM Medley; Leader Iron Agnes Eila Markiplier Bux The application. Our requirements to join. Medley and I want to have a very VERY close friendship, and we want to extend that friendship to other people, but trust is something that comes by slowly for both of us. If these requirements seem extreme to you, it's probably because they are. We meant for them to be extreme so that the best of the best and the nicest of the nicest will apply to join. Teamwork is our #1 priority, and while we don't expect you to do this, both Medley and myself share EVERYTHING. If i get a drop, then a second of the same drop, it instantly going into the GIM for my fellow members to use, the same goes with Medley. At the end of the day, we want active, loving, friendly, fun and exciting members who will contribute to the community and help make Lucky Charms the #1 GIM in-game! EDIT: I wanted to add something real quick, if for any reason we decide to deny you, it does not reflect our opinion on you personally, or your personality. We DO NOT discriminate, and we want to be inclusive, while also doing the best thing for our GIM. Maybe in the future we will start up a second GIM available to other players to join as well. EDIT: After some careful consideration we've decided to let Bux into our group, since @Yggdrasil is the only one to apply, I'd like to clarify that our decision not to move forward with you was NOT personal in any way, shape or form. Most people in the Gim are very familiar with Bux and we simply felt he would be the best fit for the spot. In the future, if another spot opened up, we absolutely encourage you to reapply. Thank you for your application. <3
  20. OH MY GOSH! I totally forgot about those! Thank you! tomorrow Ill update the thread and credit you Thanks again Also going to add a few shops in priff, i found a place that sells 5 white berries.
  21. I've got a lot to cover so lets just step right into it! This guide is going to be more about the activities available to you, not in which order to do them. Trivia: Voting: Raffle: Ports: Crystal Flasks: Cleansing Crystals: Bork: Zenesha & Horvik: Wicked Hood: Death & Reaper Tasks: Daily Shops: Whiteberry Runs: Traveling Merchant: Motherlode Maw: I wanted to say, this ended up being a LOT smaller, and less detailed than I was hoping it would be, originally I had taken 94 photos, but I had problem uploading them, and having them embed onto this post as well. In the near future, I'll try to go in and clean up this post. Some more. I'd also like to add, if anyone has any other recommendations to add to this post, I will do so, and credit you in the post as well. That's all for now. Thank you for taking the time to read this. <3
  22. Dropping a new guide tomorrow, (today) spent quite a bit of time researching and typing stuff out, I gotta hit the hay now though haha, 3:35 AM right now lmao

    I'll see yall after I awaken <3

  23. Thank you for the guide! Looks great! I'd also like to add that the sophanem slayer dungeon is a great source of GP as well, and you dont even have to actually pick up the gold off the ground as you can attune your chest to auto collect all loot. You can get corrupted gems for slayer helms, khopesh of kharidian and off hand khopesh as well. I usually on average receive up to 1m-2m per task here, and most tasks take about 10 minutes. Corrupted gems are used for the corrupted slayer helm, so they might tank, or they might sell for quite a bit, you never know! Also, vote books usually sell for about 2m a piece, so that's at least 10-12m a day out of just voting! And finally.. the top voters every month receive a nice lil special prize so remember to vote! EDIT: Make sure to do all your ;;etts every single day. I average about 7m per tree so it's always worth doing!
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