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  1. The method to obtain sirenic scales is already in game. New players coming in 200x xp don't farm it. People with augmented armor don't require more. Therefore the scales are never being camped by higher level players that need to repair their own sets. But new players don't camp and make their own sets usually, the spots are generally bare. Why? Ask this and you may see why 51 players voted no to making it repairable with scales/energy. That being said, I had no problem with making money off of scale/energy farming just recently even with the current system. We have a constant influx of new players everyday that need to gear up so they can "enjoy the game" which is to most people end game bossing and getting sweet drops. Forcing the current players with the sets to require the energy/scales will just take the availability of scales/energy away from the newer players because the players that have been here longer will overpay for their scales/energy so they don't have to farm it and can go back to telos or nex or any other higher boss. Leaving the new players that want to buy the scales helpless because they cannot compete with players that have way more gold than them. You are severely underestimating the fact that people play a private server and most pick the high 200x rate because they do not want to grind consistently unless it's end game bossing. Adding onto this, this server is not RS3 with multiple worlds to switch between if all current spots of farming scales are occupied which could again cause a lack of ability for new players to grind the scales themselves with the older players camping the scales. In short, this wouldn't actually effect the longer players since they could afford to overpay/constantly camp the spots; but it could harm new players chances of getting their own sets at all and as you said "that is the point where they decide if they want to stay or quit."
  2. The biggest thing is the amount of content there is in game does not match the amount of players, which can lead to easy merches due to everybody focusing on one thing (I.E. sirenic scales) which crashes the price. Once the sirenic scales become more than needed by players (see malovelent energy), the price crashes and people move on to the next peice of content they want to focus on until the price becomes enough to farm again. This happens with almost every item. (See: Nex farming during event causing way lower prices). Repairing with cash allows you to have your gear, farm scales for others and keep price stabilized for new players to also gear up and be on an even playing field rather than the alternative repairing with scales, to which everyone will hoard their scales instead and the economy is in ironman mode again. (Example: Armadyl armor pieces) --------------------------------- My vote for shops explained: I voted for increasing stock shops at home due to the fact 100 cannonballs is laughable. That's about two minutes of a cannon going (if that?). Ideally, the better vote would be Hefin restocking as it should, but due to very minimal stock of some crucial items (pots for overloads, cannonballs, etc) I voted the other since I'd rather just buy dragon bones that are available on G.E. or farm Vindicta then worry about afk Crystals @ Priffidnas and I didn't see an option for both to be increased/fixed.
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