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Locked Why I'm leaving.


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First and foremost, the wilderness. Other servers recognize that because you cant hop worlds, rules need to be put in place to stop toxic players from locking new players out of wilderness content. Because of your lax rules in that area, I guarantee you have lost players. It's a fundamental flaw that needs to be addressed when there aren't multiple worlds. Without addressing that issue, you will continue to see people flame the friends chat and then leave. You need to implement a system that rewards unique kills, discourages repeated kills, and introduce rules that prevent players from locking people out of content. Failing businesses can have loyal customers too. And those loyal customers can be part of the problem if they're chasing off new clientele. 

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Sounds like lush has been hunting :P.


In all seriousness, sorry to hear you go. The wilderness is not super active so if one of the few pkers finds someone doing wilderness content they will continue to hunt you, best to do other content, wait a while then go back. I understand its frustrating to get pked over and over but at the end of the day you are choosing to go into the wild where you can be attacked.


Hope to see you back some day!

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4 hours ago, renji said:

First and foremost, the wilderness. Other servers recognize that because you cant hop worlds, rules need to be put in place to stop toxic players from locking new players out of wilderness content. Because of your lax rules in that area, I guarantee you have lost players. It's a fundamental flaw that needs to be addressed when there aren't multiple worlds. Without addressing that issue, you will continue to see people flame the friends chat and then leave. You need to implement a system that rewards unique kills, discourages repeated kills, and introduce rules that prevent players from locking people out of content. Failing businesses can have loyal customers too. And those loyal customers can be part of the problem if they're chasing off new clientele. 

You kinda missed the purpose of the Wilderness?

It's the same on osrs and rs3. Making it safe is just idiotic, we have already seen what happened when Jagex have tried it.

You gotta take the same precautions as you have done on rs3/osrs. Go when it's little people online, avoid certain areas and events(wbs). Join a clan to get help. 

Would be contradictory to remove the pvp aspect and danger of Wilderness, that's what it is ment for. Thus why skilling in the wilderness may be rewarding since there is a risk involved.

Talking about rules, like what? Give an example. They're not luring, they're not bug abusing.

Reward unique kills? Sounds like an abuse waiting to happen. The reward is the same, you get the loot that they the other guy dropped. 

If you expect as a new player with bad armor to survive wildy then you have the wrong view from the start, wildy as it was back in the day a place you avoided as a new player until you had better gear, food and supplies to survive and defend yourself.

I died many times in wildy on runescape when i was too eager to do something which i wasn't fit for.

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24 minutes ago, Arcadiez said:

You kinda missed the purpose of the Wilderness?

It's the same on osrs and rs3. Making it safe is just idiotic, we have already seen what happened when Jagex have tried it.

You get gotta take the same precautions as you have done on rs3/osrs. Go when it's little people online, avoid certain areas and events(wbs). Join a clan to get help. 

Would be contradictory to remove the pvp aspect and danger of Wilderness, that's what it is ment for. Thus why skilling in the wilderness may be rewarding since there is a risk involved.

Talking about rules, like what? Give an example. They're not luring, they're not bug abusing.

Reward unique kills? Sounds like an abuse waiting to happen. The reward is the same, you get the loot that they the other guy dropped. 

If you expect as a new player with bad armor to survive wildy then you have the wrong view from the start, wildy as it was back in the day a place you avoided as a new player until you had better gear, food and supplies to survive and defend yourself.

I died many times in wildy on runescape when i was too eager to do something which i wasn't fit for.

On osrs and rs3 you're able to change worlds to avoid content being completely blocked off. Again, every major server recognizes this important detail and creates rules accordingly so new players don't join, get locked out of content by a toxic player, and leave. You're free to believe this is better. But the shrinking player base may disagree. I don't say this to be disrespectful, I say it to give honest feedback. An actual example of a rule would be that on multiple servers, it's considered ragging to kill someone with the express purpose of blocking content from them. If you're killing someone with no risk, and no reward repeatedly, it's rightfully considered ragging. That's a start. 

Rewarding unique kills is something nearly every server does. A small reward for killing someone you haven't killed within a certain period of time. Obviously there are IP restrictions on those killing rewards, and rules around abuse. 

Also, dying isn't the problem. It's locking people out from content. Dying is a part of the wilderness. It always has been, always will be. But by having one world, you prevent the only form of escape that allows you to engage in content if the person killing you decides they don't want you to do it. That's makes players leave. That's what makes it toxic. Even RS has rules against this, it's lumped under the player harassment rule and they changed major in game content on OSRS because of people locking down content. 

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16 minutes ago, renji said:

Also, dying isn't the problem. It's locking people out from content.

I mean, you're not required to do anything in the Wilderness, though. Going there is completely optional.

I completely understand that having someone camp you in the Wilderness and preventing you from doing anything there is frustrating, but if that happens, there's a plethora of other content in the game that doesn't involve any PvP.

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1 hour ago, renji said:

On osrs and rs3 you're able to change worlds to avoid content being completely blocked off. Again, every major server recognizes this important detail and creates rules accordingly so new players don't join, get locked out of content by a toxic player, and leave. You're free to believe this is better. But the shrinking player base may disagree. I don't say this to be disrespectful, I say it to give honest feedback. An actual example of a rule would be that on multiple servers, it's considered ragging to kill someone with the express purpose of blocking content from them. If you're killing someone with no risk, and no reward repeatedly, it's rightfully considered ragging. That's a start. 

Rewarding unique kills is something nearly every server does. A small reward for killing someone you haven't killed within a certain period of time. Obviously there are IP restrictions on those killing rewards, and rules around abuse. 

Also, dying isn't the problem. It's locking people out from content. Dying is a part of the wilderness. It always has been, always will be. But by having one world, you prevent the only form of escape that allows you to engage in content if the person killing you decides they don't want you to do it. That's makes players leave. That's what makes it toxic. Even RS has rules against this, it's lumped under the player harassment rule and they changed major in game content on OSRS because of people locking down content. 

You're making up irrational stuff. Player base isn't decreasing because of wildy. Too bad that Every rsps server has a decreased player base during the summer months(especially after a pandemic) They also must have had the same wildy issue then?

(Many which i can't name here have less than 30 active players on during high pb time. Plus they have NO Restriction on how many accounts you can play on at the same time, as we do. Nor do they have any afk prevention. Meaning that the number isn't a true number)

I don't think you understand the complexity on what you're asking for and the negative impact it will create. You're just seeing a personal issue and not thinking ahead on what would happen if restrictions were implemented (consequence). Imagine Warbands on rs3 and clans aren't allowed to kill eachother during world hops. "Sorry dude i was here first, jagex says you cant kill me and my guys again."

Who is gonna constantly keep an eye on whom kills whom in the wildy then punish them accordingly?

Never ever heard anyone getting banned/locked out because they kill the same people over and over in the wildy on RS.

(In the Warbands clan i was in we had people whose job was to scout and kill certain clan members over and over again to prevent them from getting the loot)

I hate the word EVERY. I doubt you've played every rsps out there and done pvping on them. Spend at least 300 hours game play on all of them to actually experience the servers.

If it is IP restricted, it is very very easy to work around it. Even if it MAC restricted it is still easy to work around.


I'm truly sorry that you're getting attacked and feel that you're missing out on content, but it is part of the game and part of the wilderness. I rather wanna see an increased in pvp/wilderness activity.





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Sad to see you go, not nice seeing any player leave. I hope you take care!



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Lush don't care if you don't reward him for kills or if you do, he just kills naked or not to boost his kill count. 


Sprouts top tips for Wilderness.

Other than blood wood trees (never use the chaos altar one t.t) there is not much you are missing out on. 

Gilded altar in your house with the burners lit provides the same xp as the chaos altar (just have an alt stand in there so they don't go out), you can also plop a deposit box in there to un-note your bones on. 

If you want to use portables for bonus xp > teleport to ed2 > stand in level 47 wildy 1 square from safety that a tele block can't stop you from getting to.

Clue scrolls, I do my easy scrolls and save the caskets before doing elites/hards, why? Because I have the globe trotter backpack and I just switch the clue when a wilderness one comes up and if I need to recharge the backpack I can open a couple of easy caskets. 

If everyone just worked smarter rather than risking it, those types of people would have nothing to do. 


Anyhow, always saddening to see fellow players go. I wish you the best of luck on your future endeavours. 


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