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Locked xTherion Gim's goals and progress log of accountability. - Updated 24/10/2021

xTherion gim

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After recently finding out I've had undiagnosed ADHD, I was recommended that everywhere I can I should make lists and diaries, so welcome to my public Velheim diary! I'll be keeping track of any progress I make on my account, including my grind for 200m all, comp cape, and generally attempting to not be a liability in PVM as I do my best to interact more with other people for group stuff. (Like Arc having to deal with terrible DPS in Vorago, I'm sorry my dude.)

I've done my best to put everything neatly into spoilers, but this is my first 'real' forum post pretty much anywhere. So any tips on how to make it better for people to read would be welcome!





My general aim for skilling was always to get 200m before I prestige. Both for those sweet, sweet points and because it gave me more than enough time to gain all the skill outfits, along with comp and supplies to make the grind back to max post prestige much more comfortable. Edit; I noticed I didn't think to add pets, so I'm adding them here as a little asterix!

Table: 200m 120 99 

*Attack - Pet received 18/03/2021 at lvl 98

*Strength - Pet received 17/03/2021 at lvl 89

*Defence - Pet received 28/04/2021 at lvl 98




*Runecrafting - Pet received 14/09/2021 at lvl 109



*Archaeology - Pet Received 24/02/2021 at lvl 107

*Constitution - Pet received 18/03/2021 at lvl 99

*Agility - Pet Received 18/03/2021 at lvl 103

*Herblore - Pet received 05/08/2021 at lvl 99


*Crafting - Pet received 26/01/2021 at lvl 90

*Fletching - Pet received 21/03/2021 at lvl 99



*Divination - Pet received 23/09/2021 at lvl 105

*Mining - Pet received 11/01/2021 at lvl 96

*Smithing - Pet received 31/07/2021 at lvl 106

*Fishing - Pet received 23/03/2021 at lvl 113

*Cooking - Pet received 24/10/2021 at lvl 108


*Woodcutting - Pet received 18/02/2021 at lvl 88

*Farming - Pet received 04/06/2021 at lvl 100


*Invention - Pet received 20/02/2021 at lvl 37





Right now my Melee gear is the highest tier I've got, although I can't see myself upgrading for a while. My long term goal is to get both my spear of Annihilation and MW Armour both trimmed, but that's going to take a long while since I've yet to learn Nex, or ROTS!



Ranged is arguably my weakest point right now. My best range armour is black d'hide with a few pieces of Arma from slayer, with an attuned crystal bow. I'm slowly but surely collecting pieces of Sirenic, and I do plan on getting a Nox bow at some point should the RNG gods bestow the parts.



Magic isn't in too awful of a spot. Right now I'm working on Helwyr to get myself some GWD2 mage armour and I've recently started doing Rago with groups when they form (Even if my DPS isn't great, I've not killed anyone yet with reflect, woo!) But I did get myself an Inquisitors staff during my 200m arch grind. (That was actually an accident, I was grinding for Inquis and I found out on 3x exp I had enough for 200m)



Master Camouflage set

Magic Golem set

Fury Shark set

Volcanic trapper set

Elder Divination set




Having played RS3 pretty much from inception, I was fairly comfortable with GWD2 and under bosses, however my fear of losing my bank to deaths meant I just refused to learn the more difficult but more profitable bosses. (I hated practice mode, because I felt if I got the kill it was wasted effort.) But here on Velheim I've so far got my very first Rax kill, which is now a somewhat consistently done boss for me. I got my first few telos kills here, along with my first Rago kill. 

I do eventually plan to learn the rest of the bosses, along with the elite dungeons. But that'll all come as my gear improves, since I can only do so much with MW armour and a spear.

Drop log screenshots










General Items

So far I've got myself a LotD, GotE, and AoS crafted. I've got another Hydrix waiting, I'm just not too sure what I'm going to make next, since I don't know if I'll be rushing an EoF or if I'll be getting a ring of death to up my DPS a little and just ring swap when I remember to.





Given I've started this so late into the account, I don't really know what dates I got what, but from now on I'll do my best to note down dates of drops to update here, along with whatever dates I complete 200ms, 120s, and what have you. Let me know if there's any other information you'd be interested in keeping track of, since I'm not really sure if there's anything else to be noted down yet but multiple brains are better than non and all that!

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Nice starting G&A, good luck on everything. Also I can't wait to see more progress!

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Update as of 24/10/2021; 

I took a Hiatus due to IRL issues, but I'm going to be slowly working my way back into the game now it's settled down. 

I was AFKing the new halloween event last night and eded up getting Willow and Ramsay entirely accidentally without even noticing, so sorry to anyone who say grats and I didn't notice I was watching netflix!


Nothing too interesting happened since my original post, I got 120 invention on 12/09/2021 along with my first Nex kills (Normal, not AOD.) but unfortunately I didn't get any drops. Although I figured earlier I'd try to get back into doing some PVM and went to Rax, my first kill back I tore her eye out and plan to stuff it onto her leg when I get the other two pieces. Until then, it'll sit happily in my bank.

I'll update the screenshots when I end up getting a few more drops, seems a little silly to spam my imgur account with a new screenshot with every drop. I have/will however update my Kril screenshot fairly soon since I've almost doubled my killcount and got a few new drops.

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