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Locked Suggestion for Ascension Keys


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Hi there!

I have a feeling alot of people struggle with 1 type of key every time because the market is kinda dry and people which actually do ascensions be it as for collection log or even only for there own set or profit will face a dead end at one point because there is no supply. How about make it possible to swap the Key type since they all should be the same rarity so it shouldn't really matter. Sure  some keys will dip in price while the others go up. This could potentially benefit new players aswell since any Key will be in demand which could be a good money makers for beginners (atm there is only a few types in demand). The only bad thing I could see in this is that ascension crossbows might be too easy to get after such change. Alternative there could be a swap rate like 2-3 Keys to change into 1 of which you need. A swap rate would change it from being too easy to regular again since 1-2 Keys will be removed.

Feel free to let me know if this is a good or bad idea or if you have a different point of view on how to change the lack of keys.



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