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Locked Uncharted Isles (Long).

Iron Tyrone

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This suggestion is for the Uncharted Isles.

For those who don't know, Uncharted Isles are a part of the Player Owned Ports 'minigame' in RS3.
I am not going to suggest "full" Player Owned Ports, since that is overly complicated in my opinion with little to no return - as we have it, is perfectly fine.

Uncharted Isles are procedurally generated Islands with different content on them each time you decide to explore one.
If procedurally generated Islands are too far of a reach (due to mapping), then perhaps a base set of Islands - with the resources & inhabitants themselves being randomized.
Think something like Dungeoneering, but instead of rooms - an island, should be simple enough to understand it that way.

For this suggestion, I'd like to suggest that the Travelling Merchant stock Uncharted island map.png Uncharted Island Maps in every shop restocking, with no limit on daily purchases (for the Map specifically, exactly how there is currently the 25 Vis Wax stocked in every shop right now).
This can be shown to The Partner in the Player-Owned-Ports hub to embark to an Uncharted Island.

Depending on the players' total level - the voyage they go on will be of different "lengths".

  • Less than 1000: Short Junket: Leads to islands with 1-2 special resource.
  • 1000 to 1850: Median Expedition: Leads to islands with 3–4 special resources.
  • 1851 and above: Long Voyage: Leads to islands with 5 special resources.

"Voyages" are not a one-way trip, once you have started a Voyage, you are free to leave and do other things - you can then rejoin that Voyage at any time.
Island resources, though, are depletable. On an Island, if there are Bamboo for example - and you do cut that Bamboo, once it depletes then they will not respawn on that Island/Voyage, regardless of how long you wait.
A player can only embark on one Voyage at any given time, if you are already on one - you must cancel that Voyage to start a new one.

Islands will also have specific inhabitants (monsters) such as:

As a custom feature, players should be allowed to pay The Partner to hire mercenaries to get rid of combat-based inhabitants on their islands at a cost (for the Skillers out there).

The regular resources that Islands can spawn are also extremely nice, considering they provide some of the best EXP rates in the game.

Occasionally, Islands may also hold Special Resources - they are EXTREMELY rewarding, but much rarer.

ALL of the resources obtained from the above can be sold on Waiko for Chimes 1000.png Chimes, with the Special Resources being worth more.
It is also worth noting that activities on Uncharted Isles should yield the BEST experience methods of the skills featured (whether by a barely noticeable, or very noticeable difference).

For this iteration of Uncharted Isles, I will specifically leave out ContractingClaiming Islands, and Customising Islands.
Specifically because I want this to initially be some extra PVMing and Skilling content - with the possibility of claiming & customising an Island being implemented in the future, always up to Sand to decide.


Thanks for checking out my suggestion, I love compiling information together like this so I'm always happy to throw suggestions out there for content that I think can be enjoyable for all players.

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UIM Dung Storage 1 day pls



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