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Locked David's Introduction


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Why Hello There?


What's up boys, the name's David. I'm just a 20-year-old college student living in the suburbs of Detroit enjoying my life while I'm still young. 


I have a few personal hobbies aside from gaming, school, and working. I ski a lot, and by that, I mean A LOT. I usually spend my weekends on the mountain showing off my 6 years of obtained skill and breaking my ribs over and over again. During the summer and fall time, I usually will hunt or fish depending on the time I have to allocate to either "sport". Other than that, I'm just a normal guy outside of my hobbies.


A few might be wondering what I'm going to school for. I'm currently on a business program which I'm 2 years away from completing and will obtain my Bachelors in Business Administration focusing mainly on Supply Chain Management. After this semester, I will have obtained my Associates in Business Administration which will be quite the accomplishment and a step closer to my goal. After my Bachelors, I will most likely return to school and get my Masters degree in Business and maybe a Bachelors in a different field (Accounting, Economics, Finance, etc). 


Well, that pretty much sums up my life as of now. If there's anything anyone wants to know about me, or if there are any questions you'd like to ask me (not too personal), then feel free to comment about it and I'll be sure to respond. I look forward to meeting many of you in-game, or on forums. 


P.S. As of my busy, busy schedule, I'll be online mostly during the weekends... 


*not me*



if I have the chance ;) 

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