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Locked 20 questions with Sandstorm


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1. Could you explain to us who @Sandstorm is in 20 words?
I'm Sandstorm. Code Wizard. Monkey? Clown. I have many names given by the community.
An open minded hard worker.

2. Where do you see yourself in 1 year?
Uhh, probably still enjoying the fruits of coding. It's what I do, and will do until I can't do it.

3. If you could swap bodies with a person for 1 full day, who would it be and why?
Hmm, got stuck on this question for a bit. I don't think I have anyone I'd want to swap with.

I'm a pretty down to earth person so the saying 'don't judge before you walk in their shoes' doesn't really apply to me I guess.

4. Which person do you like the most from this community and why?
This is a tough one without hurting y'all feelings.. Probably either Ahoy or Chase.

5. What is your favourite thing to do on Velheim?
Aside from coding it would be the social aspect of it.

Even though there are days that some lash out and it becomes a sort of a clown fest, the days where we can have nice discussions still outweigh the bad ones.

Personally I love getting to know my community on a pier-to-pier level if you know what I mean.

6. Which missing feature would you like to see on Velheim?
Anything content wise will be done within time, however.. the one thing I would like to see is a slightly higher player base.

Around 50 concurrent players online would be the sweetspot.

7. What is the one thing you cannot live without?
Java. It's a love and hate relationship, what can I say.

8. You just won 1 million in cash, what is the first thing you would do?
Boy oh boy. I'd probably start my own 'gaming' company.

tart small and expand with time. I'd also purchase myself a year supply of soup, because soup is good.

9. If you had to choose between giving up the ability to hear and to see, which one would you give up first?
If I were in that situation, I'd give up hearing 100%, no second thoughts.

10. What is the one thing you have tried but would never try again?
This will sound cheesy, but.. coding.

I've tried moving on, trying to find a different path for my life.

But after a year I came back, because I wasn't really happy doing anything else even though I told myself I was..

11. What attracts you the most of the opposite sex? Brunette, blonde, black or ginger hair and why?
Most likely brunettes, they seem to 'feel' more mature.

12. If you could travel back in time, which year would you choose and why?
2012, the year I ruined something precious to me.

13. What are you interested in that most people haven’t heard of or wouldn't think you would be interested in?
Reading. I used to be a heavy reader, not so much anymore since Velheim.

14. What is something you like to do the old-fashioned way?
Cooking would probably fit in here, I like to cook everything myself, no ordering.

Cooking was my first 99, after all.

15. If you had to move to another country, which country would you pick and why?
Not sure why, but the United States have always seemed appealing to me.

No particular reason.

16. Tits or ass?

17. Currently, what is your favourite song?

18. If there's one skill you wish you had what would it be and why?
I'd love to be an auto mechanic in all honesty.

CBC spending hundreds of dollars to get something fixed for mine.

19. If you were sent to an island to survive with a team of 2 Velheimers (including yourself) for a whole year to win a big money prize. Which players would you pick to fill the other spot in order to survive?
Nobody. Man needs that prize money for himself, and I've always been the 'loner' type, so being alone for big amounts of time doesn't affect my sanity.

20. What is your life quote/motto?
"Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence." - Helen Keller


Disclaimer: 20QW is a new mini interviews series by @Ahoy for the community to get to know each other a little bit better on a different level.

18.png12.png Cap'n Ahoy (1) #6
22.png10.png Ultimate Ironman Stephanoski (2) #7
17.png8.png Silver (0) #24
Ah0y (0) #4 kots '24

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