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Locked My (Re)-Introduction

Happy L

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Hello!  My name is Happy L, I joined in 2020.  I've taken a few pretty long breaks between playing and I'm (yet again) back.   My previous name (playing before 2023) was Iron Agnes.  

Here are some fun facts about me

  • I love cats, have a picture of my cat.  (Check my signature, her name is Gaia)
  • I'm recent married this year, my wife and I wed in April on the 15th.  I took her name. 
  • I work at a retail convenience store in a district position, which if you knew me when I played before that is a MASSIVE step up.  At the moment I have 3 stores, but we're opening up another this month and by 2025 my district will have 11 stores.   Anyway, you can say I'm very passionate about my job.
  • My favorite RS boss is Croesus, if I'm online there's a good possibility I'm doing Croesus.  #guidedropwhen
  • My pronouns are they/them but I don't bite. 
  • I'm very satisfied with my position in the company that I'm at, however my REAL passion is music.  I'm a big metal head, my library includes over 2,200 metal or metal related CD's valued at over $20,000.  I also have (most) of that put into Spotify playlists sorted by year of album release.  (Dating back to 1990, spotify didn't have a lot of the ones I've got before 90', they may now though.  I should look and update my playlists.)  
  • Every year my buddy and I do a top 30 albums of the year.  (Usually we both buy about 30 CD's by the end of the year but every few years we have upwards of 40-50!)
  • I couldn't possibly name my "favorite band", but I would say that some of my top favorites are probably...
    • Borknagar
    • Allegaeon
    • Mors Principium Est
    • Soilwork
    • Dio
    • King Diamond
    • Rivers of Nihil
    • That's just to name a few!
  • The account that I play on is a Group Ironman. 


  • Love 1
  • Meow 1
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12 hours ago, Sandstorm said:

Welcome (back) to Velheim! Glad to have you with us.

Cute cat 🥰

I’ve bribed you with pictures of my cat for multiple years now.  

I've received not one but TWO separate H’weens from you in exchange for illicit cat pics.  


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