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Locked Ninja Log 04/10/2024


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Decided to push a little hot-fix for all the found issues post update #142 before I commit myself to completing Raksha (which I have started, and as of now you can enter the dungeon but not start the fight :( )

Misc. fixes

  • Fixed an issue with the Kiln mini-game not letting players properly finish the NPC's dialogue;
  • Bonfire's warmth effect will no longer stack time on itself, it'll now simply refresh the active timer if one exists;
  • Sorted an issue with not being able to do Cooking while in Dungeoneering;
  • Fixed an issue with the Teleportation Devices on Anachronia not being able to be unlocked on some ocasions;
  • Fixed an issue with the Inventors Workbench not allowing some items to be made due to a small oversight on my part;
  • A statue in Anachronia now has its correct dialogue message attached;
  • Animal Paddocks in your Player-owned Farm's will now once again function as intended;
  • Fixed an issue when claiming vote rewards and the player 'disappears';
  • You can now enter the Main Hall of Guthix's ruins to grab yourself the Shard of Blade for the Abyssal Relic unlock;
  • Fixed an issue where ammunition would not properly drop on the ground when one's not wearing an Ava's type device;
  • Added a fail-safe to the World Task system to cancel itself when there's an error. It'll log the error for me and stop the action properly for the player;
  • Added the missing Spring Cleaner to the Inventor's workbench device creation.
  • Love 3
  • Pog Dance 1
  • Happy Bunny 1


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