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Everything you need to know about your friendly Lub <3


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Hi, my name is Mark, I'm 24 years old. I'm the youngest of my 3 older brothers and I live alone in a small town in Quebec, Canada, cold winter, hot summer, I love it.

I've been doing sports basically my whole life, mostly winter sports such as hockey and skiing,  but also tennis/soccer and I'd absolutely love to try surfing one day. For now I'm definitely lacking sports and unfortunately gained some weight.. I don't know if there's any hockey fan in here but if you are, you can definitely talk to me about it, especially during the playoff and I'd love to share my thoughts with you.

As of right now, I'm an aviation student, and I'm almost done with it, only a couple more months to go before I can finally try and get a job that I will love, instead of working like a slave on the weekends (I work for an aviation company as a lineman, which is basically to tow planes into position for when they depart, fuel them, clean them on the outside and the inside) to pay off my student debts, which is unfortunately an astronomical amount. 

Besides all I said higher, my only real enjoyable and relaxing time is playing RuneScape which I played since I was 6 years old. I quitted Rs3 pretty much after I achieved my Completionist cape after archeology, I now have approximately 5,3b xp in there with more than 2 whole years online (which would be more than enough for the no-lifer title) I got bored of it and went to Velheim as a regular account at first, then switched to classic for the grind love.

I've always enjoyed helping out other players by answering questions and giving out/lending stuff to get them to enjoy the game, I love a happy clan where everyone gets along, I am a big social guy.

Beside Runescape, I play once in a while some Warzone on Xbox with an old friend, but I'm definitely not very good at it. Oh and I definitely like to watch some anime also. Anime fans, please, tell me some good anime to watch, I feel like I watched them all

Cheers ❤️

Your good friend Lub

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