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Locked Update Log #149 - Christmas Event & Fixes


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Just as an FYI, moving forward I will no longer call smaller updates Ninja Logs and just post an update log of whatever I have at the time of restarting. This will cause less confusion amongst players not tuning in for ninjas, and it'll make it easier for me to track what's what!



  • Items are once again interactable in the banking menus (both regular and group ironman);
  • Bank Boosters can once again be used to increase your maximum bank capacity;


  • Purchasing Cosmetic Overrides will now instantly refresh the Velheim Coin counter in the Squeal of Fortune game-tab;
  • Token-based and Circus-specific Cosmetic Overrides are no longer purchasable;
  • Made all the Jester Scarves and Hats Cosmetic Overrides instead of physical items;

Christmas Event

  • As per every year, gather Wrapping Paper from gaining EXP and help Santa wrap his Giant Christmas Cracker at the home area;
  • Wrapping it up fully will yield rewards based on the amount of paper you've contributed, accompanied with neat little World messages;
  • The very rare rewards table contains: Santa hat, Black Santa hat, Purple Santa hat (a newly added addition!), Christmas Scythe, and a Gift Wrap Scythe;
  • The rare rewards table contains all items from Santa's Reward Shop;
  • The other rewards tables are just fillers (ie. stars, lamps, some random junk), Christmas related food and drinks and some others;
  • You'll also have to have completed the 2009 Christmas Quest to be able to participate (as well as collecting wrapping paper). You can start the quest by entering the Christmas Cupboard located near Santa at home;
  • The Advent Calendar is also now available! Open a 'window' on it each day for a reward! Consecutive opens will yield a bonus reward: the full 'Snowman' Cosmetic Override;


  • Added 'Expiration dates' for codes, this will allow me to better control which codes I want running. If players try to enter expired codes they'll get notified with a neat time-stamped message saying so;
  • Changed the redeem-code options initial 'cool-down' from 10 hours to 1 hour;


  • Attempting to loot Warbands Camps in the Wilderness will now prompt a warning message stating that it will opt you into PvP;
  • The Demonic Skull will now apply half of its EXP multiplier if opted out of PvP;
  • NPC's in the Wilderness will have a slight drop-rate bonus towards you if you've opted into PvP;


  • A lot of work went towards further improving multi-world support and cross-world communications. Worlds are super tricky to do right, but we'll get there!
  • Reduced the coin amounts you receive from Supply Caches by /2;
  • Added a 'You only need to click once' message when in any of the AFK Zone's skilling actions;
  • Added a 'Toggle as Note' button to the regular Shops menu. When toggled on, any item you buy will get automatically noted;
  • Friends Chat messages sent from the Lobby screen will now appear as 'Lobby' instead of 'World: X';


  • MTX transfers are now possible on all worlds, and cosmetic overrides will now transfer alongside other MTX-related things as well;
  • There are no longer 2 Magic Secateurs in May's Caravan, she really only has a single pair for You;
  • Special Item cooldowns (ie. Scripture of Bik, Zaros Godsword, etc.) will now persist throughout logouts (and reset them all daily);
  • Exiting out of Death's Soul Reaper assignment dialogue when more than 1 option is provided will now automatically assign you the first task on the list;
  • Players no longer be able to use Oil's of Enchantment on items you do not have in your inventory;
  • Protean Planks will no longer substitute other planks when Constructing things;
  • The Shards of Zaros and Mah can now be stored with Diango;
  • Warriors Guild Defenders should now drop much more frequently;
  • Since Cursed Wisps are now removed, the Wilderness Achievement Diary entry 'Repressed' will now be auto-completed on the next login;
  • Fixed a few inconsistencies with the Lumbridge Sage's dialogue;
  • Fixed an issue with adding 'X-amount' of Vis Wax to your Quick Teleport charges;
  • Some fixes towards the Vote Boss and its instance, including the use of the 'VMB' command for everyone to teleport to it;
  • Repacked the Orange Halloween Mask, it will no longer appear as a 'null' item;
  • The Discord BOT should now properly set players usernames and roles (I verified that it now actually gets to that code part, previously it was not. However, I'm not 100% sure if it will update, I'll edit this if it works as expected);
  • Having the Search box open while in the Teleportation Menu will no longer teleport you when hitting the spacebar key.


Things in the works:

  • I'm aware of the client crashing more frequently issues, and I will be working on fixing them in the upcoming week(s). Need to setup a new launcher as well to include some of the newer JDK libraries;
  • Some NPC animations don't have correct 'sequences', I'm aware of this, and you'll have to bear through while I work on adding support for higher revisions (yes, it's possible, but requires A LOT of work (basically rewriting all drawing mechanics of everything).
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