Founder Sandstorm Posted December 27, 2024 Founder Share Posted December 27, 2024 Marketplace (Player-owned Shops (FSW only)); Added a brand new custom interface for our new Marketplace system. The GUI can be opened from any Grand Exchange Clerk; Players can open up their own shop and list up to 90 items in it with custom price tags (excluding ironmen); Active shops may be featured in any of the 9 featured slots which display when opening the GUI, this will cost a small amount of Velheim coins (yes, it also increases your total contribution $); Whenever another player purchases an item from your shop the coins will go into your shop's 'Coffer', from which you can then withdraw whenever you open it up next; All sales have a 5% tax that gets deducted from the seller's coffer; Any transaction done in the Marketplace will get stored, and item prices from successful transactions will change depending on them (same as G.E. price fluctuation); Initial item prices for the Marketplace have been taken from our current World 2 G.E. prices; The GUI also features 'Recent Shops' which will display the last 10 recently updated shops and 'Recent Offers' which displays the last 10 item purchases; Your shop can also be renamed which will show up as 'Description' wherever your shop is mentioned; Whenever an item has finished selling fully the seller will get a notification similar of that of the Grand Exchange; The 'GE Guide Price' message has been changed to 'Marketprice Guide Value' whenever examining an item. This only applies to the Fresh Start World; Ironmen players can view other player shops, and purchase Bonds/Cosmetic Tokens (same as on the Grand Exchange); Game Perks (FSW Specific) 'Paramedic' heal amount multiplier has been reduced from 15% to 7.5%; 'Pyromancy' health boost from stoking bonfires fixed to be +50% as intended on World 2 (the 75HP cap is still there though), and reduced to 25% on the Fresh Start World; (FSW Specific) 'Prayer Party' prayer drain reduction reduced from 50% to 25%; (FSW Specific) 'Herbivore' potion timers will now increase by 50% instead of 100%; Miscellaneous The 'Grand Exchange Item Searcher' GUI input will no longer close when selecting an item in it; Added a chat-box message whenever an item that tries to go to your inventory is dropped on the floor due to insufficient inventory space; Elite Dungeon NPC's will now reset their current target if the target is further than 64 tiles away, if no target is found then they will reset their attributes and walk 'home'; Using your Ore Box on a Deposit Box will now only deposit all of the Ores into your bank, while using the Ore Box on an actual Bank will deposit everything; You will now always get 1 Resonant Anima of Bik when doing any of the skilling activities in the Croesus Front; Since the Christmas Event is going away on the 7th of January, I've slightly increased the rare item drop chance from the Christmas Cracker boxes; Added the full Gecko Companion pet dialogue; Fixes Added the few missing Boss NPC's to Inquisitor's Staff and Hexhunter's Bow weakness lists; The featured War's Retreat boss portal will now show as Raksha instead of Kerapac; To'Kash the Bloodchiller will no longer execute his delayed special attacks if he himself is dead; Creating a new Gatestone in Dungeoneering will now always delete the previous one; Arch-Glacor rewards will now correctly check your bank if it has an item of the same ID in it already instead of simply checking if it has space for a new one; The Howl's Floating Workshop Mystery will now get uncovered after you research the 'Back to the Drawing Board' Special Research, and complete itself when you interact with the Drafting Bench again. For players who've already completed the Special Research, this Mystery will auto start and complete when Investigating the Drafting Bench. Also transfered the Gizmo Blueprint creation interface to our new custom Skilling one; You can now catch all Implings outside of Impetious Impulses mini-game without a jar and a net; You will no longer get stuck when talking to John Strum at the Player-owned Ports for the very first time; The Well of Good Will global message will now correctly display the Fresh Start World time added; Removed the initial additional 3-tick delay when Mining a new rock. 1 1 4 1 Spoiler Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Minty Posted December 27, 2024 Share Posted December 27, 2024 No more huge aggro pot.... All nice updates n fixes tho, time for me to go back to skeletons 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ahoy Posted December 28, 2024 Share Posted December 28, 2024 Cannot escape the taxers! Curious how the shops will be compared to the Grand Exchange, I hope for the better. World 1 (FSW) Ahoy #33 Silver the Ultimate Ironman #1 (3rd maxed)World 2 Cap'n Ahoy (2) #6 Ultimate Ironman Stephanoski (3) #8 Silver the Hardcore Ironman (1) #7 Captn Ahoy (0) #361 Ah0y (0) #4 kots2024 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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