Captn Levi last won the day on April 18
Captn Levi had the most liked content!
July 31
April 5
March 27
February 24
February 23
You're awarded with a Nitro Boost Icon!
Thank you for boosting the Discord Server.
You're awarded with the Hero Icon!
Congratulations on obtaining all Heroes items!
You're awarded with the Hidey-Holes Icon!
Congratulations and completing all Hidey-Holes!
You're awarded with the Godlike Player Icon!
Congratulations on obtaining 2 000 hours plus on your account.
You're awarded with the Beta Teseter Icon!
Thank you for assisting Sandstorm in the Beta Server.
You're awarded with the Guildmaster Qualification Icon!
Congratulations on obtaining the all 28 Skilling Pets.
You're awarded with the Guildmaster Tony's mattock Icon!
Congratulations on obtaining the Guildmaster Tony's mattock.