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hamderhans last won the day on May 24 2021

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  1. if people a testing try x capacitor aswel it seems to do nothing and swallows charges fast as f
  2. If you're bossing then you'll make a lot more than 20m/hr. Lets say that what Bruce said is true, 2b in 2 days. That would take him 40 hours of intense playing without messing up/taking a break, assuming it was 50m/h for thieving. 20 hours if he played on two accounts, which would require even more effort and attention, or 13,3 hours, if he played on 3 accounts at the same time, which I doubt. I dont believe he made 2B in two days. I atleast wouldnt bother to put that much effort into it, but lets say he did. Imo, making 30-40m/hr afking on one account with no input/effort is worse for the game than being able to make 50m/h if you're actively playing nonstop. PS: Sorry in advance for all the spelling/grammatical errors in this post. Learned from the past that putting more than the minimal effort needed into responding to certain people just isnt worth it. like f f s said the numbers ur hanging on to was allrdy nerfed before this post and the numbers ur naming aint the profit its the drops so i will help you we compare 80-100m theiving pr hour on 2 accounts or 4m profit afking a boss for a hour on 2 coounts
  3. fun numbers for those who care. zilyana gave me 18m coin drops ea hour coin drops were halved zilyana gave me 9m coin drops ea hour i was using mage which have a upkeep at around 7m pr hour so after the first coin nerf i made 2m coins pr hour (not counting repair costs and divine charges if me making 2m pr hour afking zilyana offended people fair enough stop naming me every where (sprout) having big kcs annoy some people? ok i cant rly say much to that lol.
  4. Coin drops wasnt a problem before, but removing it added a massive problem support
  5. good to hear and goodluck with the aids thing mate
  6. you brought up how farming a specifik mob would change prices, and how the econemy is my ironman comment didnt change any subject it was a reply to another subject you yourself brought up, so lets be civil and stand by what subject we ourself bring in to the conversation. and afk farming aint a problem and it never have bin
  7. ive had 4 blueberry drops in a month, so i feel the droprate followest the items value, and its not a item you can actually hunt for its a rare goodie u get doing the pvm you enjoy
  8. you need to realise ur playing on a private server with 200 people, ofcourse items will crash, then they go back up and it will happend every other week, if you cant afk on alts what would you need alts for?, some of us put work into our alts, only real problem to the eco is ironmen being able to dropping stuff to sell they never buy anything but keep throwing items in ge overflooding the supply and lessen the demand but hey its easy to point fingers right
  9. anyway like big log said, anyone that ever asked me if they could do their task etc i would never say no, but people cooming and saying fuck off as the first sentence, better belive they aint getting anything. common sense is used here we de dont need to make everything pvp, or prevent people from afking, if you dont like to afk dont, if others do how can it bother you.
  10. and he never got a pair of gloves as a drop before? or are we asuming this to make it a pretty story?
  11. he kinda did claiming people farming them is a problem when thats the exact thing he want to do himself
  12. funny that the guy who made this post farming them off task aswell but lets forfeit logic lol
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